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The emperors of Rome often went to extreme in their own birthday celebrations. So please, before approaching me with your ignorant response, get your facts straight. Yes that is in the history of Islam when the Prophet (saw) told the people of Madinah that Allah has bless us with two celebrations of our own. Did holy men of God in the Bible celebrate birthdays? Merely beginning life is nothing to boast about! Most of the customs God mentioned in Leviticus 18 were abominable sexual practices common among the heathen, and common in the world around us, today. I dont know but if there is name of God recited in a gathering and as u said its a day when we again say thank you Allah for ur blessing, I dont see any issue. I love all races and all religions. The mother spent years of sleepless nights caring for the child make her self exhausted purely for love of the child. Thus, if birthdays are celebrated by adopting the above-mentioned customs, it will not be permissible. They think its all innocent fun. Muslims are forbidden from adopting non-Muslim cultures, so let us examine the origins of birthday celebrations and why they are celebrated, as mentioned above. Ive celebrated birthdays as the fact that I was blessed by ALLAH to live this long. And what a wonderful dua May Allah bless you. In many parts of the world, it is a tradition to give the birthday child pinches, smacks, spanks, thumps, bumps, or punches. You know the extreme way of practicing a religion. That is why we need a keen knowledge of the word of God and for the Holy Spirit to be our best friend, teaching and guiding us. They are an ABOMINATION to Him! Al Hamdulilah! Mere mortals were not honored or even remembered on the day of their birth. Little do you remember! [al-Araaf 7:3]. Although the customs being discussed in this chapter of Leviticus dealt primarily with religious worship and pagan religious customs, by extension the same principle would apply to pagan derived birthday customs. Youre missing the main point. i like your opinion and I also do not know why many muslims prohibited it. For example, some might tell you that it is just a cake, what is so wrong about that? Celebrate what God has done in your life. Origen of Alexandria, in 245 A.D., wrote in a dissertation on Leviticus: Yanno what? But I am Christian. Quran, despite what people wrongly assume, is not the be all end all of Islam. This should be reason enough. I fear for our people. The answer isthat its from the acts of worship. Keep this in mind everything that Muslims do is revolve around salah, so are our celebrations (ID fitr and adha). It is also essential for a Muslim to remember that congratulation can be viewed as a type of joy. Some scholars believe that since there is no clear evidence, it is best to avoid celebrating birthdays. Talking to our children about their birthdays, we should remind them that on such days they should remember the blessings of Allah and praise Him for giving them life and guidance. If they tell their children that muslims dont celebrate birthdays and then the kids come to my daughters birthday, they will wonder why she gets to celebrate and they dont. Peace be upon you. We are not allowed to follow the disbelievers actions as well and this is heir tradition. We shouldactually ponder and reflect on our birthdays rather than jump around with birthday snow spray. Since celebrating birthdays doesnt meet condition (2), it becomes an innovation which will not be accepted by Allah. If our purpose is to build godly and holy offspring and loving, giving, godly children, then we should want to do NOTHING that would hinder this godly purpose put no temptations in their pathway do nothing to encourage them to think too highly of themselves in pride and arrogance. These are distorted values manipulated by man. Click here to watch a fantastic video that will tell you about the origin of birthdays. They are the most knowledgeable of the people concerning his Sunnah (Teachings of the Prophet) and they are the most beloved to the Prophet (peace be upon him). And look at the beauty of Islam!! and change it because this hadith said so without even looking at other hadiths and quranic sources. No, Muslims are not allowed to attend birthday celebrations because they are prohibited from celebrating them in the first place. Why do people say, Happy birthday! to each other? I will just mention two: For guidelines regarding imitating the non-believers, please visit the following link: When asked about the reason for birthday celebrations, most of the people come up with this, , , I want to thank Allah for the life He gave me, thats why I want to throw a party and thank Allah. H, old on, hold on! And beware of newly-invented matters [in religion], for every newly-invented matter is an innovation and every innovation is a going-astray. (Narrated by Abu Dawood, al-Sunnah, 3991; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood, no. Birthday is the day when I came to life to be tested. 2. LITTLE. This is because birthdays are a celebration of the individual, and many religions believe that the individual is not as important as the collective. Why Do Some Scholars Say It Is Halal To Celebrate Birthdays? Keith Pitt, t he Nationals . Its not about the origin or the custom, its an individual decision to decide how to thank God and Celebrate the gift of life on that day. In this case, of course, the unknown is the future, or the new year of life that lies ahead for the birthday child. Paul wrote, in the very next chapter of II Corinthians, For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal, in the heavens. Im so surprise on how many Muslims who are not educated on these PAGAN traditions such as Birthdays, Christmas, Easter, Halloween etc They are all Haram and interfere with Islamic principles. But I do SOMETIMES treat family and select friends to a special supper due to a birthday, even if the birthday was not mine. Case in point, no one has quoted the Quran. This is the height of conceit and fosters a spirit of get, selfishness, and self-worship. Why many antisemites don't celebrate Hitler's birthday Elhamdulillah, Your email address will not be published. The books of Tradition, called Hadith, provide endless details about the way he did everything imaginable, from performing the ritual prayer to brushing his teeth. Sunan Abi Dawud 4031;Book 34, Hadith 12. (She did so after generously offering to donate her brothers toys We have changed the chorus of the traditional birthday song so it now says May Allah Bless you, May Allah Bless you, May Allah bless you-oo, May Allah Bless you.. Should Gods people have anything to do with ceremonies that trace back ancient pagan societies and pagan times, involving pagan practices? Seeking Divorce from a Husband Who Wants a Second Wife. Think logically first. (Clear Now). The idea of putting candles on birthday cakes goes back to ancient Greece. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEwmfIgSQQU, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4yyx1qDWhQ, http://al-muallim.weebly.com/1/post/2013/11/birthdays-in-islam-are-birthdays-allowed-in-islam.html, http://immamalbani.blogspot.com/2011/05/al-tashabuh-imitating-kuffar-is.html?m=1, Think and Write: Critical Thinking Writing prompt for teens, Think and Write Writing Prompt for teens. Please find the answer to the question of celebrating birthdays below by a respected scholar which is very concise. Your right quran does not forbid birthdays. Artemis, being the moon goddess, logically had a birthday every month. There is nothing saying we cannot celebrate Allah presence of Allah in our childs life. Besides being bidah and having no basis in shareeah, these birthday celebrations also involve imitation of the Jews and Christians in their birthday celebrations. Shaikh AbdulAziz Bin Baaz, who is one of the most Eminent Islamic Scholars of the 20th century, was asked about celebrating birthdays in Islam, he replied (and I agree with him): Celebrating birthdays has no source whatsoever in the pure Shariah (Islamic Law). The way birthdays are celebrated today, it has become regardless of religious beliefs nor of any serious belief systems. Now as a christian, each and everyone of us has an individual relationship with God where he speaks to us and guide us. Jesus pbuh birthday is believed to be in the Springtime and Muslims in general don't celebrate the birthdays of any of the prophetsz donkindonets 4 yr. ago Asalamualaikum, , I am a married man with 3 kids. Hence when the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) came to Madeenah and found that the Ansaar had two festivals which they used to celebrate, he said, Allaah has given you something better than these: Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Fitr. (Narrated by al-Nasaai, 1556; Abu Dawood, 1134; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Silsilat al-Ahaadeeth al-Saheehah, no. The birthdays of the immortals were ritually acknowledged once a month, however, the third day of each month being sacred to Athena, Ares, and Saturn, for instance (ibid.). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Individual relationships allow us to speak to God and to hear from Him in reprimand when we go against His will. Although we dont want to compromise the word of God, or ever do anything He tells us to avoid, that does not mean we need to offend other people, or set a wrong example toward them. I think all the major religion in this world want people to use their head and think rationally, You should thank Allah every moment of your life not just birthday and yes if Prophet Muhammad PBUH never celebrated therefore we should not do as they are the best examples, we are from His Ummah and we follow what He says and do, My opinion I think birthday is never practice in Islam its just something that is followed by Kaffir, in Islam If The Prophet Muhammad PBUH Never celebrated therefore we must Not Do, He Prophet PBUH used to fast and be thankful to Allah for everything, but for those who think calling someone on your birthday or anyones birthday, it must be for religious gathering that involves in remembering Allah doing Dhizk, not eating cake lighting candles clapping hands gossiping, we must understand why are we here whats our purpose in this Dunya I had lot of ppl complaining whats wrong with doing birthdays, if nothing be practice by our beloved than we must not do, May Allah give understanding to those who dont understand the knowledge of Islam. The adults in my family dont really celebrate their b day. They are simply a family event. Verily, the wrongdoers are protectors to one another, but Allah is the Protector of the pious. [Al-Jathiyah 45:18-19], Follow what has been sent down unto you from your Lord, and follow not any awliya (protectors, helpers, etc.) But making another eid out of a day Allah or the messaging didnt do is just haram. The Roman calendar, with its emphasis on continual celebration, has had great influence on modern society. Lewis writes in Birthdays, When the Christian church sought to substitute the authority of a religious hierarchy for the hegemony of the individual ego, BIRTHDAYS BECOME UNWELCOME REMINDERS OF PAGAN EXCESS and the degradation assumed in Adams heritage. In a very real sense, it is a part of the Muslim's every-day life. Over three million Muslims in England gather to celebrate Eid-al-Fitr to mark the end of Ramadan, the holy month of . Some very traditional Muslims do not celebrate birthdays - neither their own nor other people's - based on the belief that it is forbidden by Sharia Law, according to The Times of India. What do you think? Please do find out more info from your local mosque. And she, being instructed of her mother, said, Give me here John the Baptists head in a charger. What about birthday thumps, bumps, pinches, and the like? b) If there is no intention of imitating the Kuffar (and also the above mentioned evils are avoided) then the ruling on celebrating birthdays will depend on whether it originated from the religious customs of the non-Muslims and it is part of their faith. Modern telephony. Thus paying homage to the birthday child. Fast Forward. http://www.quranandhadith.com/eid-milad-un-nabi-and-other-celebrations/. We all know that the Prophet and his companions never bothered to celebrate their birthdays since it never occurred to them that it was significant. Lol. But I expect that consideration in return. As a Muslim I do, however, have my own festive celebrations during the year. The money spent on birthdays could be spent on people starving. Muslims shouldn't celebrate birthdays because they violate Islamic beliefs as well as the Quran. Who wrote all this and why are you very sure its authentic? Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): And whatsoever the Messenger (Muhammad) gives you, take it; and whatsoever he forbids you, abstain (from it) [al-Hashr 59:7]. They dont realize that theyre getting closer to their deaths. And the king was sorry: nevertheless for the oaths sake, and them which sat with him at meat, he commanded it to be given her. Leicester , UK. (Clear Now)Continue, Is it haram to listen to music in the bathroom, Is It Haram To Celebrate Easter? I have never read a sunnah that describes whether he did or he did not. 2:55. The Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) is the guide for us. Egyptians, in their pre-Islamic conversion though, were a very innovative race of people. . (1), The summary of it is that birthday celebrations whether it be cutting cakes, lighting candles etc. Using bleaching of the skin tea tree oil from Kenya contain properties that help to reduce stress. The point that real Muslims reject in birthday celebration the sinful and shameless way that some others may commit during the birthday celebration. What is prohibited in this context is innovation in religion, as indicated in a well-known Prophetic hadith. I feel left out and saddened. Artemis was the goddess of the moon. A good portion of Muslims celebrate their birthdays, especially children, until and unless it is not accompanied by any behavior contrary to Islamic tradition. Do Muslims celebrate birthdays? The Prophet Sallalahu Alayhi wa Sallam said: Taking omens is polytheism; taking omens is polytheism. Yeah, itstough to stop. Some scholars go as far to that if your birthday is used as an act of worship than it should be celebrated. We dont celebrate another year of their life gone, its a day to honor them and show love. What is a birthday? What is important is what we DO with our lives, not how or where we begin. Yes my child does want to celebrate but even if we just make a favorite meal it cant be the focus. There is a specific way to do everything which Islam has defined. But now hearing that Muslims dont celebrate birthdays makes since why he wasnt too thrilled I went birthday shopping for him. Some Muslims celebrate birthdays as a habit rather than a form of gratitude because the Prophet or the Sahaba did not celebrate birthdays according to Islamic traditions. Required fields are marked *. Im going to invite my friend who has two daughters, we should get a cakeetc. I said, well mom, we have decided that we are not going to celebrate anything this year. Birthday celebrations are not among the Biblical customs of the Bible The prophet didnt do this or his companions so we dont need to do this either. The universal custom of observing Christmas as the birth of Christ, on December 25th, is acknowledged by all the historical authorities as having no basis in actual fact. In ancient Greece, wealthy males joined birthday clubs composed exclusively of men who shared their birth date. A large picture of a donkey without a tail is pinned to the wall. The principle of not following the Jews and Christians is really required in matters of their false claims and beliefs in relation to religion. This means that you can celebrate your birthday in Islam if you dont play music, blow candles, dance, dress inappropriately, or eat any food that Allah forbids. The book continues: The Romans also subscribed to this ideaThis notion was carried down in human belief and is reflected in the guardian angel, the fairy godmother and the patron saintThe custom of lighted candles on the cakes started with the Greekshoney cakes round as the moon and lit with tapers were placed on the temple altars of [the god Artemis]Birthday candles, in folk belief, are endowed with special magic for granting wishesLighted tapers and sacrificial fires have had a special mystic significance ever since man first set up altars to his gods. Party snappers, horns, bursting balloons, firecrackers, and other noisemakers are just one more way of trying to scare off any bad-luck spirits that may be hovering about. 1. May Allah protect us Ameen. Even as there is only one example of birthday celebrations in the Old Testament, so the New Testament also gives us only one such example that of the wicked, apostate king Herod, one of the worst butchers who ever lived. Fataawa Islamiyyah, 1/115, There is no such thing as bidah hasanah in I thought u have to be thankful to god (Allah, or any other religious figure) for everyday things? I am becoming too tired of seeing Muslims finding faults in the Christian and Jewish traditions just because the races that comprise such belief systems are flourishing whereas Buddhist, Hindu or Taoist almost remain unscathed from intelligent criticism even though those latter belief systems may also ascribe to the celebration of birthdays and are also flourishing in their own ways and means. Or dont they celebrate when they GRADUATE AND GET THEIR DIPLOMA? 3851). This is no time for anything else than being the best in this life as well as the afterlife. Blessed assurance. Clearly, Almighty God commands His people not to follow in the ways, customs, and practices of the heathen, pagan nations around them! Someone has commented that, for one . I totally agree with u. Read More:What is Prayer? Why the Six Days of Shawwal are Called White Days, Making Up for the Missed Fast Days Before the Next Ramadan, Making up for Missed Fasting Days in Shawwal, Masturbating in order to avoid zina (fornication), Death Penalty as a Punishment for Espionage. We should always be gracious, and kind, and loving of others, and patient with them, avoiding unnecessary controversy and arguments. Grade: Hasan Saheeh (Al-Albani) On halalorharamguide.com, we share helpful and informative things about halal or haram based on the Quran and Hadith. Meaning, dont fall into the same trap. For we find in the Old Testament that Pharaoh, king of Egypt, celebrated his birthday with a feast, and that Herod, in the New Testament did the same. Most Muslims celebrate the birth of the Prophet Muhammad on the 12th day of the third month of the Islamic calendar, Rabi' al-awaal - which starts on the evening of Oct. 7 in 2022. When i hear people talk about how they dont do this or partake in this and all and then try to use the scripture to defend their decisions, i always wonder why they never say God spoke to me, the Holy Spirit told me. What if I die now? A birthday is a way of renewing a childs spirit from his day of birth. But the saints not only neglect to mark the day of their birth with festivity, but also, filled with the Holy Spirit, they curse this day, after the example of Job and Jeremiah and David. Your husband loves and cares for you and your children and only wants you to have the best in this life and in the akhira. Kinda like saying that Goodbye is haram cuz it comes from medeival roots meaning God be with ye. 124), even though this was one of their customs.. It should now be clear that birthdays are not only unbiblical, they are pagan! Everything which is taken as an eid (something which is celebrated regularly) and is repeated each week or each year and is not prescribed in shareeah, is a kind of bidah (reprehensible innovation). Can it not that the innovations he wanted you to avoid be based on innovations that are harmful to the basic sacred tenets of the Muslim belief system? Whoever wants to venerate the day on which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was born should follow the alternative that is based on Islamic evidence, which is that one should fast on Mondays, not just the day that he was born but every Monday. have pagan origins and it is linked with false divinely beliefs that people held. They were also the most keen upon following whatever the Prophet (peace be upon him) brought. It is haram to raise any persons birthday to the status of holiday because holidays in Islam are reserved for Allah(SWT) alone. What does the Bible say about birthdays? Lewis continues, In Egypt households of the same period birthdays were celebrated similarly. Muslims should not observe birthdays since they contradict Islamic teachings and the Quran. The extent to which a person loves the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is to be seen in how he follows him with regard to all that he commanded or forbade. Sinner. He has blessed me with a child with a disability. Therefore the only two feasts which Muslims celebrate are the day of Adha (sacrifice) and the day of Fitr (breaking the fast) but that does not mean at all that one should not celebrate birthdays and other special occasions in one's life such as wedding anniversary, birthdays etc.. as long as we don't name these occasions as celebrations or .

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