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have empathy for the Was the war in Vietnam a civil war or a global Cold War confrontation? Two decades of military intervention and bankrolling friendly regimes cost the United States almost $US170 billion (close to $1 trillion in todays terms). Sign up to receive The Evening, a daily brief on the news, events, and people shaping the world of international affairs. He was in Vietnam when he was 20 years old. Any full costing of America's wars needs to include these costs. Jack Smith, a psychologist who had served as a Marine in Vietnam, said that everyone blamed everyone else for what had gone wrong: Military men blame policymakers, right-wingers blame the pinkos and the media and protestors, the left blame the right. If the vietnam war was about the north spreading communism articles say that vietnam battled america instead of saying that the south battled the north alongside america , so is it saying that america fought the whole vietnam gov. Total personnel are another key measure of the cost of war, particularly when high-cost all-volunteer forces are involved, and casualties are a key political consideration. Direct link to Angela Hilario's post Clarification: Sal said i, Posted 4 years ago. Vietnam is a country in south-east Asia. The human, environmental and economic costs of the Vietnam War were devastating. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. The ensuing political instability in South Vietnam persuaded Kennedys successor, Lyndon B. Johnson, and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara to further increase U.S. military and economic support. The question of who won the Vietnam War has been a subject of debate, and the answer depends on the definition of victory. The Vietnam War was a long, costly and divisive conflict that pitted the communist government of North Vietnam against South Vietnam and its principal ally, the United States. More than 2 million civilians (people not fighting the war) also died. The civil war in Vietnam lasted from 1955 to 1975, with direct U.S. military involvement from 1964 to 1973. . These defoliants denuded large areas of Vietnam, leaving farmland barren and untouchable for several years. This not only claimed lives but also devastated cities, buildings, infrastructure, farmland and vegetation. My brother eventually died from the effects of his own agent orange exposure. The war had cost 58,000 American and 2 million Vietnamese lives. The Vietnam War and active U.S. involvement in the war began in 1954, though ongoing conflict in the region had stretched back several decades. Summary This CRS report provides estimates of the costs of major U.S. wars from the American Revolution through current conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere. Which is correct? How come there was a "Vietnam Syndrome", but it would appear as if there hasn't been any sort of "Middle East" Syndrome" (large scale mass resistance to government foreign interventions) related to all of the United States' involvement in conflicts in Iraq/Afghanistan etc.? To fight off both Japanese occupiers and the French colonial administration, political leader Ho Chi Minhinspired by Chinese and Soviet communismformed the Viet Minh, or the League for the Independence of Vietnam. He authorized a series of bombing campaigns, most notably Operation Rolling Thunder, and also committed hundreds of thousands of US ground troops to the fight. The United States entered Vietnam with the principal purpose of preventing a communist takeover of the region. Long term budget projections by the CBO and others invariably assume the end to war with one or two years in the future and no major contingency thereafter. Meanwhile, the United States, its military demoralized and its civilian electorate deeply divided, began a process of coming to terms with defeat in what had been its longest and most controversial war. They reflect the acute pressure that the rising cost of the Iraq War put on funding for the Afghan conflict during FY2005 through FY2008; They also show that reduction in troop levels did not bring proportionate cuts in total war costs. These latter estimates update a series of earlier CRS analyses, one of which noted that, "Other observers and analysts define war costs more broadly than congressional appropriations and include estimates of the life-time costs of caring for OEF/OIF/OND veterans, imputed interest costs on the deficit, or increases in DODs base budget deemed to be a consequence of support for the warSuch costs are difficult to compute, subject to extensive caveats, and often based on methodologies that may not be appropriate". Clarification: Sal said in the previous video that the Tet Offensive was executed by the Viet Cong, but in this article it states that it was done by the North Vietnamese. Westmoreland pursued a policy of attrition, aiming to kill as many enemy troops as possible rather than trying to secure territory. More than 3 million people (including over 58,000 Americans) were killed in the Vietnam War, and more than half of the dead were Vietnamese civilians. The Korean peninsula off the east cost of Asia has had a long history of foreign invaders. As Mr. Dagget notes, there are serious uncertainties in the cost estimates of past wars, but it is striking that if the cost to date of the Afghan and Iraq/Syria wars are shown in constant dollars, even the comparatively low end estimate of $2 trillion through FY2018 would makes these wars more expensive than every other period of conflict in American history except the American revolution, the Civil War, and World War II. The final tables reflect the acute dependence on contractors, and show that the ratio of this dependence has increased over time. Johnson was motivated by both domestic political and international balance of power considerations. The origins of American involvement in Vietnam date back to the end of the Second World War, when the Vietnamese were struggling against the continued French colonial presence in their country. Current official U.S. data only include U.S. military and DoD civilians, and the DoD website does not provide a trend analysis. It also led to political reluctance to deploy the needed numbers of personnel except on a "creeping incremental" basis and after serious problems emerged in host country capabilitiesextending the length as well as the cost of the war. The Afghan and Iraq/Syria wars are more than five times more expensive than World War I. About us; Stories and Resources . Those who argue that the United States opponents won the war cite the United States overall objectives and outcomes. The two countries finally resumed formal diplomatic relations in 1995. The U.S. Constitution grants Congress sole authority to issue declarations of war. The Korean War (article) | 1950s America | Khan Academy Further, without such an estimate, there is no credible basis for either Executive Branch or Congressional review of the budgets and plans for such wars, much less of the ability to effectively execute given strategies, and provide credible indicators of the cost effectiveness and progress of key elements of military and civil activity. Such profiles are a key warning of basic problems in planning, programming, and budgeting. The Vietnam War (also known by other names) was a conflict in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia from 1 November 1955 . Among other countries that fought for South Vietnam on a smaller scale, South Korea suffered more than 4,000 dead, Thailand about 350, Australia more than 500, and New Zealand some three dozen. U.S. Military Spending: The Cost of Wars - Center for Strategic and The human cost of war is perhaps the most critical single metric of warfighting. The Vietnam War was fought for civilians, by civilians and among civilians and the majority of casualties were civilians. The United States lost almost 60,000 personnel and civilians in Vietnam: 58,269 servicemen were killed and another 1,672 recorded as missing. or is it saying that the south fought the north with america or did america never ally with the south of vietnam? Germany, and the U.K. A government survey in 1988 concluded that 479,000 people just over 15 per cent of US service personnel posted to Vietnam had been diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). On January 31, 1968, some 70,000 DRV forces under General Vo Nguyen Giap launched the Tet Offensive (named for the lunar new year), a coordinated series of fierce attacks on more than 100 cities and towns in South Vietnam. Media Relations Manager, External Relations. It is particularly unrealistic because this assumption is critical to estimating steady reduction in military spending, sizing the impact of rising entitlement and mandatory budget costs, and the size of the deficit. In 1968 and 1969, there were hundreds of protest marches and gatherings throughout the country. by Anthony H. Cordesman. They do not include the build-up the Trump Administration has said will begin in FY2019. See the Vietnam War unfold through the gripping firsthand accounts of 13 brave men and women forever changed by their experiences. Authors: Jennifer Llewellyn, Jim Southey, Steve Thompson Between three million and five million people were also disabled, disfigured or seriously wounded. The main reason the war escalated so badly and quickly was because LBJ and Nixon right? Even if one uses the higher estimate of military spending used by Todd Harrison, the total is now under 6.0%. "John F. Kennedy expanded US support for the South Vietnamese government, including an increase in US military advisers, the doubling of military assistance, and authorization of the use of napalm, herbicides, and defoliants". Johnson raised the number of South Vietnam deployments to 23,000 U.S. soldiers by the end of his first year in office. Efforts to integrate net assessment with budget submissions were effectively killed by the Joint Staff decades earlier, during the Reagan Administration. Nevertheless, there was an inevitable wave of justifications, criticisms and retributions. This website is created and maintained by Alpha History. Despite the later inclusion of the South Vietnamese and the NLF, the dialogue soon reached an impasse, and after a bitter 1968 election season marred by violence, Republican Richard M. Nixon won the presidency. By the end of June 1972, however, after a failed offensive into South Vietnam, Hanoi was finally willing to compromise. World War II. The report is now divided into 12 sections, each of which illustrates the need for better planning, programming, and budgeting; as well as the need for far more transparency and better official reporting. There is no break out in the budget request by war of State/USAID and VA spending for FY2016-FY2018. He died of cancer at 44. Reporting on the civil dimensions of war is often lacking, and the civil and military budgets of war are developed and implemented separately by the departments and then reviewed (if at all) by separate Armed Services and Foreign Affairs Committees in each house and by separate elements in the appropriations committees. Known as the Christmas Bombings, the raids drew international condemnation. See answer Advertisement gavrielle Answer: People could not get shelter, resources they needed to survive. DoD did so although they were Baseline efforts and should not technically have been counted as war costs because Congress gave it the option of making such a request. the Trojans have advanced Everyone had made mistakes, in any situation I don't think it could've gone "better". create tension? Reporting by the Executive Branch seems almost designed to obscure the real costs of conflict, and avoid linking them to an examination of strategy, its effectiveness, and the prospects for conflict termination. The practical impact of the Vietnam War on the domestic United States was also profound. It examines the limits in these data, the risks they impose, and possible ways of correcting current problems. Public trust in the United States government was shattered by the Vietnam War and Watergate. Even before the war had ended, Richard Nixon publicly declared the end of the Truman Doctrine. Both sides wanted the same thing: a unified Vietnam. The Department of Defense has, however, provided a supplement to the FY2018 budget request that does provide many useful insights, and the only integrated discussion of civil-military issues in the FY2018 budget submission. The contribution and sacrifices made by host country and allied forces is not recognized. The report, leaked to the Times by military analyst Daniel Ellsberg, further eroded support for keeping U.S. forces in Vietnam. Feeding, supplying and paying the armies and navies was, by far, the largest expenditure of the war. Some argued that Americas violence against civilians in Vietnam from incidental killings to atrocities like My Lai and indiscriminate carpet bombing made the United States no better than the communist regimes it was seeking to contain. The Vietnam War was a long, costly and divisive conflict that pitted the communist government of North Vietnam against South Vietnam and its principal ally, the United States. This meant that often wealthier men (who could afford college tuition) could avoid being sent to Vietnam, while men from poorer families could not avoid it. Summary: Between 1945 and 1954, the Vietnamese waged an anti-colonial war against France, which received $2.6 billion in financial support from the United States. Aside from independent efforts by the Congressional Research Service (CRS), neither the Executive Branch nor the Congress have ever issued an official report on the costs of American's ongoing wars, examined the trends in these costs, or insisted on meaningful reporting on their effectiveness. The arguments about the war were heated and visceral and led Americans to question one anothers morality and good faith. A related estimate by the Watson Institute puts the cost at $4.8 trillion through FY2016. In 2016, Vietnam's GDP growth was 6.2%, driven by export-oriented manufacturing and robust domestic demand. Bombarded by horrific images of the war on their televisions, Americans on the home front turned against the war as well: In October 1967, some 35,000 demonstrators staged a massive Vietnam War protest outside the Pentagon. The government most likely knew about these dangers. an estimated 25,000 American servicemen and 757,143 Vietnamese dead. Johnsons new tack, laid out in a March 1968 speech, met with a positive response from Hanoi, and peace talks between the U.S. and North Vietnam opened in Paris that May. He expected that France would become a stronger ally if assisted by the United States. These war costs stalled some of Lyndon Johnsons Great Society reforms, including anti-poverty measures and improvements to social security. The Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRV) in the north was supported by the Soviet Union, China, and other communist countries, while the United States and its anticommunist allies backed the Republic of Vietnam (ROV) in the south. Examine President Nixon's threefold plan to unilaterally de-escalate the Vietnam War. Direct link to PiggyCosette's post The government most likel, Posted 3 years ago. For America, True 'Victory' In Vietnam Was Not Worth The Cost Reports of the Tet Offensive stunned the U.S. public, however, especially after news broke that Westmoreland had requested an additional 200,000 troops, despite repeated assurances that victory in the Vietnam War was imminent. If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains *.kastatic.org and *.kasandbox.org are unblocked. The costs of U.S. empire's 'forever wars' - People's World These reports never address the costs of war, or planning, programming, and budgeting. South Vietnam was a viable nation-state by 1972, afflicted by internal armed opposition but not overwhelmed by it. 4. Homeland defense has become more expensive than any ongoing U.S. war or active combat effort. Share Facebook Share Twitter Share. These were not linked to progress in stability operations and creating effective host country forces. Thousands of Vietnamese simply vanished, lost in thick jungle or tunnels, obliterated by bombs or incinerated by napalm. The U.S. military has estimated that between 200,000 and 250,000 South Vietnamese soldiers died. Vietnam War - Kids | Britannica Kids | Homework Help Citation information In addition to the United States, South Korea, Thailand, Australia and New Zealand also committed troops to fight in South Vietnam (albeit on a much smaller scale). It was 150% of the IISS estimate of $604.5 billion for 2016. In that respect, it failed: the two Vietnams were united under a communist banner in July 1976. During one, on May 4, 1970, at Kent State University in Ohio, National Guardsmen shot and killed four students. Direct link to Angela Hilario's post I've read that the Vietna, Posted 4 years ago. The war in Iraq, for example, put serious pressure on U.S. capability to properly deploy the numbers and skills needed in Afghanistan, as well as helped force use of the Reserves and National Guard. A team sent by President John F. Kennedy in 1961 to report on conditions in South Vietnam advised a build-up of American military, economic and technical aid in order to help Diem confront the Viet Cong threat. Posted 7 years ago. The number of civilians killed ranges from 627,000 to two million. 3. The size of U.S. military spending is difficult to estimate in comparable terms. Based on the current dollar value, the Vietnam War cost the equivalent of about $1 trillion. Though the majority of Vietnam veterans returned home without serious problems, a large number found the readjustment to civilian life difficult. Vietnam War | Facts, Summary, Years, Timeline, Casualties - Britannica OMB does not report total costs of homeland defense for all departments in the FY2018 budget request for unexplained reasons. to the During the course of the conflict . The final charts summarize the FY2018 budget submission data for the OCO accounts in the detail provided by the DoD budget summary. The Special Inspector Generals also have not been tasked with addressing the overall cost of each conflict, the overall effectiveness of U.S. civil and military efforts, or the nature and success of U.S. plans and strategies. By 1962, the U.S. military presence in South Vietnam had reached some 9,000 troops, compared with fewer than 800 during the 1950s. What does human cost mean? - Definitions.net These efforts have accomplished a great deal in terms of improving the aspects of America's war efforts relating to aid to the Iraqi and Afghan governments and forces. The fighting ability of pro-Hanoi forces in the South had been badly wounded in . The figures of U.S.. The two countries were divided along the 17th Parallel, also known as the Line of Demarcation. When the war was over France received their "colony" back. Greeks. The defeat in Vietnam, they argued, was a betrayal of the US military by civilian politicians. Furthermore, domestic unrest and the financial cost of war made peaceand troop withdrawalsa necessity, not a choice. Trojans. Some of the papers from the archive of Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked the Pentagon Papers in 1971, Find History on Facebook (Opens in a new window), Find History on Twitter (Opens in a new window), Find History on YouTube (Opens in a new window), Find History on Instagram (Opens in a new window), Find History on TikTok (Opens in a new window), Jonathan Wiggs/The Boston Globe via Getty Images, https://www.history.com/topics/vietnam-war/vietnam-war-history. (At least 100 names on the memorial are those of servicemen who were actually Canadian citizens.) However, from a constitutional perspective, this conflict did not technically count as a war. If one counts the Cold War, the United States has been at war for virtually every year since 1941. Burns's Vietnam Episode 3 Should Have Addressed Human Costs - HuffPost It cost America over $100bn, and damaged its reputation and morale at home. The annual cost of all U.S. aid in FY2016 is $5.79 billion, which is 13 percent of the OCO cost of $46.2 billion for that year. In 1955, however, the strongly anti-communist politician Ngo Dinh Diem pushed Emperor Bao aside to become president of the Government of the Republic of Vietnam (GVN), often referred to during that era as South Vietnam. The U.S. bombings made Laos the most heavily bombed country per capita in the world. From 1975 to the early 1980s, the world press was filled with horror stories about refugee boats sinking or disintegrating at sea, while thousands of refugees drowned, starved or were murdered by pirates. 1. Check all of the boxes that apply. Only limited break outs of these key data are provided by war. Do you mean which of those statements is accurate on the death toll of both sides? By June, 82,000 combat troops were stationed in Vietnam, and military leaders were calling for 175,000 more by the end of 1965 to shore up the struggling South Vietnamese army. The charts and tables in this section summarize the actual and projected cost of U.S. wars as reported for the OCO accountdrawing heavily largely on earlier work by the Congressional Research Service. It was 146% of the $619.7 billion total ($560.7 Baseline plus the $58.8 billion in OCO costs). This has been grossly unrealistic since the late 1930s. The total defense burden is projected to decline from 2.8% in FY2017 to 2.5% in FY2021 and FY2.3% in 2030.

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