the loud house fanfiction lincoln cuts himself

the loud house fanfiction lincoln cuts himselfchemical that dissolves human feces in pit toilet

Lincoln:Good, Im gonna make us snack. - Lynnhugged Lincoln back - Please be better than me anddon't become a bully because of me. Leni:O-M-Gosh, Lori! Rita Heard Crying Into The Bathroom. Leni:I cant believe there werent any discounts at any stores at the mall. Lori:Yeah, you can finally stop being child and grow and be an adult. Lincoln: *runs to the building and rings the doorbell* Lincoln: "They broke my heart" Sid and Ronnie Anne: *answer the, Lincoln Loud Gets Chased By a Giant Snowball, *It begins with Vanzila puling into the parking lot of the snowy mountains. You could just stop. I definitely can't miss it! Lynn:Thanks, I liked your moves too. Plot Summary :Lincoln gets a new classmate who has a crush on him and so sees him as a saint and berates the sisters for being "mean" to him. Lincoln and her sisters land in their hallway.). ), Mecha Lisa:0010101001 00010100101010101 010101010000101010 00001101111 10101 0101111110 010101001. Lana:No way! Lisa:Behold, my electroshock therapy helmet! The art scene was inspired by the fanfic, Art of the Mess by Metool Bard. (We see a robot that looks like Lisa but unlike the real Lisa, this robot had antennas and glowing yellow eyes.). You're less than Pluto, not even a planet / When you hear my fresh rhymes, you're gonna say- (Beeps). [please read the trigger warnings in a/n] Lisa:And Ill drop your teddy in sulfric acid. Lisa:Its like some toxic being created this universe and made everyone in the family, except Lincoln, Leni, Luna, Lucy, Lana and Lily, immoral, selfish, senseless fools. Lincoln push kicks Lynn forward and punches Lynn to ground but she gets up and cracks her neck. It made Lynn caugh and cry. Lynn Sr. and Rita come out of the room.). Lincoln:Okay, now I really dont wanna your chores! Luan - *laughs* It gets funnier every time! It's good to have nice company. Even you Leni and Luan! I dont think the other me program the shield to do that. Lisa:Oh, relax.You have me and the other siblings to tickle you. (Lynn then eats it all in one huge bite.). - Lana approached - Doesn't matter what you watch. Lisa:Thank goddess, it hit the bowl and not Lolas eyes because she wouldve been permanently blind. We then cut to a montage of Lincolns sisters chores.). Lori stirs up the pot and they let it simmer. She kept punching and kicking him like a trainingmannequin. instead, he f Lincoln Loud is the oldest of the Loud siblings but at the age of 11 saw something he shouldn't hav [01/07/2021] - [13/04/2023] Mecha Lisa turns around and fires two open palm lasers but Lisa blocks both shots and fires back at Mecha Lisa but ML moves to the side and fires her lasers as Lisa moves to the side to avoid her shots. *groans* First the left arm, then the right, undergoes a dramatic rearrangement as well, turning into a cannon from whose muzzle a long support rod extends straight ahead. Leni:Now this Lori is really mean. I care about everyone especially you, Lincoln. *Lincoln is seen mopping the kitchen floor but he slips and falls. How about you call Mom and Dad and theyll probably cut their vacation short. Leni, Luna, Lucy, Lana and Lily get off the bus, looking sad.). . Luan:Im planing to throw pies at kids on my next clients birthday and I want to practice on you. Lisa:(Pull out a jar and a sauce bottle)I found the chili peppers and hot sauce! ), (Lincoln falls to his knees and picks up the remains of his rabbit. (starts writing), Levi:Me too. I program her to be just like me. We pan up and we see the other arm and shoulder do the same thing as the first arm and shoulder. She even kicked him between legs but only she suffered pain and expressed it in scream. Lincoln:Dang it, how are we gonna open it? Lola:(Pull out a jar and a sauce bottle) I found the jalapenos and the horse radish sauce! 5% of strength, 10% of strategy, 85% of effort. Lucy:Im reading a spell book called The book of Vacati . You made yourself look like my worst enemy by attacking me unprovoked. The Loud House (Cartoon), DCU (Comics), DCU, Suicide Squad (Comics) Teen And Up Audiences. I don't want you to suffer this. A few miss Lincoln, Luna, Lily and Lana but a few hit Leni and Lucy and they fall down the steps. Lynn Sr.:(From downstairs)Kids! And did I break one of your old toys and thats why you hate me? Lynn:(jumps out of her room)Hey, Stinkoln! Lola:Top me off, Linkington. (But then the shield starts absorbing the beam and then all of the beam goes inside of shield. - Lincoln, Lynn, Lana and Lola said in unison. Lucy:Their hearts are just full of hatred and cruelty. Lincoln:I cant believe you guys did this! She forced me to choreograph her ribbon dance even though I said no. - We were disguised as an adult and bought it in a pharmacy. The impact of the punch has given Lola a hideous black eye, and a majority of her teeth to fall out.). ), (The sixth sister pulls out a pen and clicks it. DESTRUCTIOOOON! (gets up)But lets see you take this! Luan threaten to destroy my axe. Lola:But He knocked out my teeth and gave me a black eye! ), (We cut to a black background Lincoln appears then plus sign and all of his sisters. - I did and I regret it now. (The siblings sit down and Rita takes out a spoon and tosses the pasta to each family members' plate. Its just a toy. He was sitting on stairs near the next floor with shoes in his hands. Lori:(Whispers)Nice work changing your phone name to Lynn Sr., Lynn Jr. Lynn:Thanks, nice job changing your phone number to Rita, Luan. He saw her coming closer to them and panicked, but since her dog was too distracted by her to look at him, this was his chance to escape and he just had to take it. ), (The second sister turns around and the figure herself reveals to be Leni with a smile on her and sunglasses covering eyes. (The sisters go inside and they find Lincoln on the couch, looking a exhausted. I'm gonna have some delicious String Beans! She opens up the fridge and grabs a soda. (Luna jumps at Luan but Luan kicks Bun-Bun out of the room and they fight in a cloud of dust. This is my first brief writing. Lisa:Thats the first out of the many nice shouldve done for Lincoln. Everyone keeps shouting at Lana to stop and get off. (Lincoln and the nicer sisters chase after Lola but the mean "sisters chase after the group. - Your turn, bro. Were devils and their angels. She saw Lincoln is gone but she detected his footprints leading towards kitchen. Lincoln Runs Away: Chapter 1 - DeviantArt "Lincoln," screams Luan "Guys, he's . (Laughs) Get it? Lana:We can make you by telling mom and dad. (heads inside Prank Emporium) (She taking pictures of Lori in new dress. The Loud House: We've Had It 7 parts Complete Lincoln has had it. *Lincoln pours laundry detergent in washing machine and turns it on. Lisa:The milk mustve damaged her memory bank. Mud and Love Chapter 10, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction What call when the price of air is increased? - Lincoln explained - I am noheartlessmonster. Lincoln:You do realise that my room is a linen closet and can only fit two people, right? This one is a good move! Lynn:We came up with this plan to have Lincoln as our own personal servant like how he was during that vacation. (Shouts) Put the head back on before we get stung by a jellyfish! You want a peanut butter and jelly? Lincoln Loud, A boy who is mistreated by his family and friends because his 'BAD LUCK' thanks to his sister Lynn jr who blamed him for loosing a baseball game (stupid ri. Oh, and could you get some new toilet paper? If you didn't treat me like trash I wouldn't plan whole this gambit to defeat you. Lori takes the burrito and puts it in the oven. The figure reveals herself to be Lisa. (pulls out her phone) Im totes posting this! (Lola grabs Bun-Bun and the comics. Next they look Luna and Luans room then Lynn and Lucys room and they look in Lana and Lola.). So your hearts are full of love and caringness. ). Lincoln: *sniff, NOTE: I am aware this episode has been overly bashed to death. Oh, hey, Lincoln. Lisa:Were getting the same treatment from when we were at the campground. Lincoln:(inhales deeply and sighs)Todays gonna be a good day. He Punch The Soccer Ball Into Lucy And Decapacitate Her Head Off. If I cant make a pillow then I cant fix Bun-Bun. Lincoln:I got a name and it rhymes with Bhutan. Lori: "Its me, Lori!" Lisa winces but she sees a water gun by her feet.). Lori:Ill sell all your clothes on the internet, Leni. Brenda:I assume theres a universe where same thing too? (Lily gets out of Lenis arm and then she types in the password.). Do you want to see? (laughs), (We cut to shows Lincoln sleeping on his bed. Bernadette:And thats what we like about all three of you. Now, she thinks shes real the Lisa and Im the imposter. - No, Lincoln, I shall apologize. Rita: "We are here Kids!" (Lincoln darts to the kitchen and he is flabbergasted by the big mess), (We cut to Lori, Luan, Lynn, Lola and Lisa on the couch and they are watching tv. Lori:What does your phone say about our followers? (The kids start fastly stuffing their face full of food. Luan: You broke Mr. Coconuts' head. Eli:Okay everyone we're, DISCLAIMER: The Loud House belongs to Chris Savino and Nickelodeon, Destiny belongs to Bungle, Lord of the Rings, the Hobbit, and the Silmarillion belongs to J.R.R. Lincoln:We see it a lot in animes. Leni:They blackmailed us into helping them. Lincoln: *gets on the bus* *a few minutes later* *He arrived in Detroit* Lincoln: *sees the casagrandes building* Lincoln: "This is it." Finally, those bullies have finally gotten bored of treating me like a slave. Lisa:Hold still. Lincoln: Rude much? Both beams collide and they engage in a beam struggle. Lincoln:Because you in a hand in the mean sisters little game. - Wow, Lincoln, you could have talked me to death. She cant even do chores. Lori:Are you sure this is gonna work, Luan? The Thats no good! line came from The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog. ALL YOUVE DOING IS TREATING ME LIKE SLAVE! They stop 'till the membrane blocks the scene. - Lynn explained standing in pain - The bullies in middle school attack without warning and they are beasts compare to the ones in elementary school. *Lincoln wipes down the mirror and sink in the bathroom. - said Lynn ashamed - You're right, I should have told you instead of attacking you and saying this trash. Lisa:Astounding! But then they tried to pamper me to buy my vote and then they tried show me why each place is worse and then when things really got really out control, I decided that we should go to Scratchy Bottom Campground and thats when I started taking careof them. - Lincoln replied - I see you also have a bad day. Lincoln:Wow, thats exactly what Id do. (It cuts to the beach, Lincoln is in sunglasses and a hat.) - Poor burned boy. - No, it's Lynn. Lynn:Okay, no. He set it quickly when she didn't see anything because of the smokescreen. We go inside and we see Lincoln Loud in an anime-esque style, reading a manga.). This gives Lisa lands punches and kicks on her robot double and then she backhands her with her shield, sending her flying. - Lynn tried to stand up still crying - I do this so you could learn how to defend yourself from bullies. Lynn dashed towards Lincoln but he stopped her by his left foot and pushed her to make her fall on floor. (Lincoln gets some supplies, a new roll and a gas mask and he goes back to the bathroom.). Now thats just literally mean! Lori:Great, what are our evil counterparts up to now? Lana:You cant force Lincoln to choreograph your ribbon dance, hes person, not thing. Luan:Wow, thats a stretch! Now, Ill be at many places at once. (continues laughing)H-Hey, guys! Astral Projecton. now go to your room and think about what have you done!!!" We cut to living room where the parents talking to Meaner sisters ). "I'm a royal Lincoln has had it. - said Lana walking angry - I can't stand her anymore. ), Lynn:(draws her hands back)Red Flash Fury! Lisa:She seems to be spouting Binary code. Lola:Listen, Lincoln, you gonna help me choreograph my ribbon dance or Im gonna rip your rabbits ears off! Lincoln: "RAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!" Lynn(Boy):Theres a universe where were glorified and vilified too?! Mecha Lisas eyes turn black). (We cut to Lori and Lenis room where everyone except Lincoln, are gathered up.). Leni: *turns to him* Leni: "Linky? Ongoing Butch then collected the mail and noticed the envelope Lori . Lane:Well, at least there isnt a universe wher were glorified and vilified, (Levi selects earth negative 11 and we see Loki, Lane, Boy Lynn, Lexx, and Levi in butler outfits, taking care of Linka, Loni, Luke, Lars, Leif and Leon.). Lily then squirts milk out of her nose and laughs. ), (Lynn starts delivering a series of punches and kicks. - said Lincoln with sinister smile - I assure you. Leni:Okay, I may have fought with you, Lori but Ive never bitten you. Lynn:Oh, yeah! Lincoln:Huh, they havent ask to do chore in 2 hours. (We cut to the kitchen and we see Lincoln wearing gloves and scrubbing dishes.He puts a dish on a stack of dishes. Lisa:And I was gonna work on my atom smasher. Mecha Lisa darts out of the room and comes back with a fresh diaper and baby powder. I liked your moves. Lincoln:Okay, we get it! (Leni pulls Bun-Bun from her pocket and Lincoln gasps and hugs his little rabbit.). Lana:Wow, in this universe, Dad always makes us a full course meal. ), Lincoln:Wait, why were we still in there? (We cut to Lincoln reading his comic and then he finishes and close the comic.). Fanfiction: Saints Alive | The Loud House Fanon Wikia | Fandom James:Yeah Eli:Now let's get a boat and shove off! Lincoln: "I HATE YOU!" Leni: "Oh.. Linky Come Here." *Open her arms* Lincoln: *comes to Leni crying and hugs Her* Lincoln: "Waahahahahahahaaa." Leni: "Ahhhhh." Red Flash Fury is based off of Final Flash, Vegeta's move. (starts writing in a pad of his own, (We cut to Lisa and Lilys room where shes tinkering with Mecha Lisa.). Lincoln: Sometimes I wish you, Luna, Lucy, Lana, and Lily were my only sisters. Lincoln took a scissors from a table and grabbed Lynn's ponytail much to her fear. Despite my good intentionsI became what I tried to protect you from, a bully. Leni:Ooh, nice! All rights belong to Nickelodeon. "Lincoln, come on!" Lori called to him from the driveway. He spent a majority of the day on the blanket that his family owned trying to stay in the shade of the umbrella. Lincoln was staring at her with trembling lips as tears form in his eyes. Bobby will love these! Something she had noticed for a very long time now. Lisa spins and gets behind the tree for cover as Mecha Lisa does the same and jumps in the brushes.). We wouldnt say any of that if Lincoln was crying. Enjoy : ). (scratches all over her body) Lori: You are literally the worst brother ever Lincoln, you are bad luck. Lola:Believe me, Lana, I hate that version of me too. LOLA, I WILL NEVER BE YOU'RE BUTLER AND NEVER PLAY WITH YOU EVER AGAIN! Loud House Giantess Interactive: Lincoln got away and got stuck to a Luna:We didnt want to sleep with those jerk. Luan, get the spicy cheese puffs. - Mine as well. - Lincoln and Lana said in unison proudly - We will have our revange! Loki:Hey guys, you wanna go to the movies tomorrow? Luan:I know, check this out! - Sigh, almost like mud bath. Now, if youlll excuse I gonna go find some more. Okay, ML. Lynn:That was a weak, Stinkoln, and its because youre weak. Lincoln: "Ohhh Mama Lori!!" Lola:No, youre not! Mecha Lisa: 00010100101010 000101010 000011011111 0101010 111111111001 (she shut down for a few seconds and she turns back on)Rebooting, (Mecha Lisa turns her head 270 degrees to Lisa and her eyes turn red. Arthur: That's how we got the job, prowling houses is what we do best, and there is no crime better than this, and no criminal would be ever as dangerous as having a ferocious beast in our team. Lucy:Even though were completely against it. Lisa and Mecha exchange more punches and blasts before Mecha Lisa kicks Snake forward and pulls out two chain lasers. - Lincoln fell on knees in pain - The morphine stopped working! I wasn't sure about Lana, but you did came before me to stop her. - Lincoln said with anger - This will make you remember. Use this form as a request to join RAOK to help eligible WdC members with their upgrades. Because youll be relaxing. Lynn then hits with him some chops and open palm strikes. There are thing that we like about you guys, and the things that let's just say I'm less fond of. Luan extends arm and it goes downstairs and into the kitchen. Lars:Well technically, Im her counterpart so, Lincoln:Look, we dont need a million Lucys in one place, (We cut to Lana and Lola where Lola is seting up a tea party. This is the first official robotic duplicate of myself. I put in the story show Avatar The Last Airbender because I detected similarities in relationships bewteen the siblings. Eli:Cause I wanted to show both Aerith and Maria what's in site B. James:Oh. Leni, Luna, Lucy, Lana and Lily come in.). Luan:Then we have to make one up! Legion of Legends is a spoof League of Legend. Everyone was there. ), (Lincoln jumps on Lynn and begins punching her. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Dang it, other me! Lola spreads some refried beans and Lisa spreads some spicy guacamole. We sees the sisters come out of their room and spectate.). A Watery Situation Chapter 1: I Just Wanted to Take a Shower!, a loud - Lynn asked angry - Did you intend to do anything? He Lincoln finally had enough of his family treating like crap and how much he gets bullied at school ELAINA CHASE is one of the most wealthiest witches there are in the wizardingworld, who helped stop "You can't make me leave no matter what you do." Fanfiction - Lincoln vs Lynn - The Loud House Encyclopedia (Lori adds different types of beans to the chili, such as black beans, pinto beans and kidney beans. Get the shredded pepper jack cheese and the spicy guacamole. My last one just got messed up and i wish to make one properly. Rotoro is a spoof of the Totaro from My Neighbor Totaro. We then see Lisa holding a handle she pushes and it creates a holographic shield. Fanon Luan making puns that don't make sense came from Bunking In, Runaway Loud, One Angry Person and Easily Broken. Lola and Lisa are stirring batter in bowls while Lori mans the stove. Im going to my room! "You can't keep going around like a fucking maniac and treating me like (Remastered) Lincoln Loud, the only boy in his family, is always getting teased by his sisters.

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