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These properties were necessary for yii2-grid releases prior to v3.5.0, Defaults to slow. corresponds to a HTML table row, where you can configure the columns with these properties: columns: array, the footer row columns configuration where you can set the following properties: afterFooter: array|string, configuration of additional footer table rows that will be rendered after the default This will allow you to still export the column using the export function. when pageSummaryPosition is set to GridView::POS_BOTTOM, the page summary sticks to the bottom of the page, and overrides the floatFooter setting to false. Defaults to true. This is only applicable currently only for a number type value in the summary or when you are calling your own custom formatting routine, using a javascript callback. Defaults to 'Inactive'. Example 4: Setting the width of a specific column in code. When this is true, it will make the screen layout responsive for smaller screen devices (< 768px) and not allow content to overflow the page. outputValue: string|Closure, the output value from the editable. of the 'floppy-' glyphicons available in bootstrap. Allows configuring the column like any grid DataColumn. If not set will default to default or GridView::TYPE_DEFAULT. editableIndex the grid row index to which the editable data belongs. after: string|boolean, the panel content to be placed after/above the grid table (before the panel footer). To hide a format, just do not add it to exportConfig. forum. In case you are overriding this property at runtime, either use your own CSS class/ style or panel: array, the panel settings. Defaults to false. The font awesome icons will be used, if you have setup Either run: to your application's composer.json file. string | int, the bootstrap library version to be used for the extension. For other cases when this is null or not set, this will default to the trueLabel. If null or not set, the default icon with CSS fas fa-eye-open will be displayed as the icon for the default button. from_html: string, is the pattern to search for in each grid column's cells for only HTML export format. Complex configurations of groups will allow - group properties to be set dynamically using Closure. hover: boolean, whether the grid table will highlight row on hover. The widget also incorporates various Bootstrap 5.x / 4.x / 3.x styling options and has Defaults to ['class' => 'kv-table-caption']. jana gana mana tamil dubbed movie download tamilyogi Defaults to GridView::F_SUM. and will not be available for future releases. Show file Open project: kartik-v/yii2-grid Class Usage Examples. If you set this property to true and By default, Tailwind includes grid-template-column utilities for creating basic grids with up to 12 equal width columns. The features available with this column are: Ability to expand grid rows and show a detail content in a new row below it like a master-detail record. itemLabelMany: string, the default label shown for each record in the grid (plural). If set to an empty string, this will not be displayed. This will automatically translate for the application language using the extension's translation message configuration files. If this is empty, no group header will be rendered. Defaults to SET_A_SALT_FOR_YII2_GRID. Default values for these parameters have been carefully set for usage in most scenarios, thus accelerating development. Defaults to false. pageSummaryFormat: Defaults to format property. Defaults to true. This will automatically set the header, body, footer, and page summary to this alignment. Default format is "text" which will format the value as an HTML-encoded plain text when [[\yii\i18n\Formatter]] is used as the [[GridView::$formatter|formatter]] of the GridView. 5) Changing the width of the container inside of the gridview. Defaults to ltr. Defaults to true. The following functionalities are supported: Ability to group and merge similar data for each column. For example if you need to merge in the summary row, the column numbers 0 to 2 and column numbers 3 to 6, you can set this as: content: array, footer content for each column. The value of the column determines if the row is to be expanded or collapsed by default. When scrolling is disabled: The table-layout style is set to auto. filterWidgetOptions: array, the options/settings for the filter widget. The callbacks should use the following signature: where, $url is the URL that the column creates for the button, and $model is the model object This should be similar to the items property as supported by \yii\bootstrap\ButtonDropdown widget. If not explicitly defined, the column widths are determined by the browser and by the cell content, which is the default behavior of HTML tables. The default behavior is to show the grouped content in a separate column (when this property is false). property to true, a CSS class of table-responsive will be automatically added to the container. If this is empty or null it will not be displayed. Refer the perfect scrollbar plugin documentation for details on options that can be set. (e.g.the ActionColumn or the SerialColumn). Each array row must mandatorily consist of the following two keys: from: string, is the pattern to search for in each grid column's cells for all export formats, to: string, is the string to replace the pattern in the grid column cells for all export formats. Note that this property func: string, the javascript callback function name (for callback format only). decimals: integer, number of decimals (for number format only). The parameters for the callback function that will be passed and available are: source: string, the summary column source as set in `content` section if available. Defaults to false. export['fontAwesome'] propery to true. 4 or 4.6.0 or 4.x), To use with bootstrap 5 library - you can set GridView::bsVersion property to any string starting with 5 (e.g. forum You can now visit the Krajee Webtips Q & A Krajee Plugins) and choose this current page You must setup your data provider query to sort default by this column, for the column grouping to be effective. [ 'attribute' => 'agen_name', 'headerOptions' => ['style' => 'width:500px'] ], I used the above code n make no differ Hi All, If I have more than 10 fields in gridView widget, how to set a column width? Yii::$app->params['bsVersion']). for the grid: replaceTags: array, tags to replace in the rendered layout. 1) Changing the item style width for the columns 2) Changing the header style width for the columns 3) Changing the control style width for the columns. Defaults to 0. decPoint: string, decimals point character (for number format only). $options: array, is the HTML attributes for the button. width gridview yii2. The ajax response must return the content/markup to render. In order to do this, you can setup the bsVersion property within Yii 2 application params (i.e. Users may click on the checkboxes to select rows of the grid. properties will automatically be derived from the grid column setting. beforeOptions: array, HTML attributes for the before container. contentFormats: array, footer content formats for each column. Defaults to true. GridView::ROW_COLLAPSED or 1: Will set all rows to collapsed and will display the expandIcon indicator. can be parsed using the PHP unserialize method. or add the built in class 'kv-grid-wrapper' to the containerOptions - for example: The above will ensure that when you scroll within the container, the sticky header/footer will float, but when you scroll Please note that posting multiple questions within a report makes it difficult to . Since release v3.5.0 the grid does not use any external Yii2 Lesson - 30 Karthik Gridview Expand Row - YouTube An example of a detailUrl response returning content is shown below: onDetailLoaded: string | JsExpression, the javascript callback to execute after loading the content via ajax. The widget also incorporates various Bootstrap 3.x styling options. To add a SerialColumn to the gridview, add it to the [[GridView::columns|columns]] configuration as follows: . The following special option is recognized: label: string, the label for the button. hidden: boolean, whether the column is hidden from display. This is not html encoded. heading: string|boolean, the panel heading. Either detail OR detailUrl must be entered. This is validated only if group is set to true. For example: options: array, HTML attributes for the group header row. if set as a string, it will be rendered as is. collapseIcon: string, icon for the collapse indicator. Allows you to load the detail content markup via ajax. SHIFT-F5 on Windows Chrome). Defaults to kv-group-even. This will allow you to still export the column using the export function. When this is set to true, the ajax call to detailUrl is only fired for the first time and cached for the specific row. Please wait. downloadProgress: string, the message to be shown in a popup dialog when download request is completed. If this is not set, it will derive values automatically using the following rules: If GridView bootstrap property is set to true, it will default to GridView::ICON_EXPAND or , If GridView bootstrap property is set to false, then it will default to -. Default GridView Yii2 - CodeRoad the download of the exported file. Supports the following additional To hide and disable this section completely, set this to false. Note that the table header will stick to the top of the page by default if this messages: array, the the configuration of various messages that will be displayed at runtime: allowPopups: string, the message to be shown to disable browser popups for download. . The yii2-dynagrid module is a great complementary addition to the kartik-v/yii2-grid module, enhancing it with personalization features. You can also set this up as an anonymous function of the form function($model, $key, $index, $widget) that will return a boolean value, where:. Defaults to true. export. Yii2 GridView on steroids. For example: pageSummaryContainer: array, the HTML options for the page summary container. For example to set the button group sizes to small in the toolbar you can configure the widget like shown below: This is a new feature added to the GridView widget. key: mixed, is the key associated with the data model of the row currently being rendered. set gridview widget each column width - General Discussions - Yii The toolbar can be setup as a string or an array. If set as an array, each row in this array The comments and discussion section below are intended for generic discussions or Defaults to: You can set your own module identifier instead of gridview by setting/overriding the GridView::moduleId property. For Krajee extensions and demos, the Font Awesome Free version is used and loaded as the Icons Display Package on all the Yii2 demo layouts. Default format is "text" which will format the value as an HTML-encoded plain text when \yii\i18n\Formatter is used as the GridView::$formatter|formatter of the GridView. Defaults to Collapse. If null or not set, the default icon with CSS fas fa-pencil will be displayed as the icon for the default button. exportHeaderMenuStyle: array, configuration for the \kartik\export\ExportMenu column header cell style style that will be utilized by tag: string, the tag for rendering the table cell. hiddenFromExport: boolean, whether the entire column is hidden from export but shown on display (the opposite of hidden). Applicable only if bootstrap is true. \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Style\Style::applyFromArray(). I need this one to auto width to content. If slugColHeads is set to true, the extension will attempt to autogenerate column heads based on table column heading, whereever possible. will not be displayed. The grid should have width 100%. corresponds to a HTML table row, where you can configure the columns with these properties: Displays a floating header or footer as you scroll the grid. Note that the table footer will stick to the bottom of the page by default if this GridView Demo - Kartik - Krajee Yii2 GridView on steroids. responsive: boolean, whether the grid will have a `responsive` style. Defaults to false. expandIcon: string, icon for the expand indicator. In case you are overriding this property at runtime, either use your own CSS class/ style or You must set this as $key => $value pair, where $key is the 0 based index for the column, and $value is the format settings for the column. The grid offers ability to plugin components or widgets. You can define any tag and use it in your layout template. This is to be set exactly as the options property for \yii\bootstrap\Dropdown widget. Supported formats are determined by the GridView::formatter|formatter used by the GridView. contentAfter string, any HTML formatted content that will be embedded in the PDF output after the grid. You must set this as $key => $value pair, where $key is the 0 based index for the column, and $value is the array of HTML attributes for the column. Defaults to Generating file. container with the configured HTML attributes. You must set this as $key => $value pair, where $key is the 0 based index for the column, and $value is the format settings for the column. The following special variables are recognized and will be replaced: {title}: The panel heading title text/content. label string, the label for the export format menu item displayed. data: array, the text values of each of the child columns in this group. This is validated only if group is set to true. grid.radiocleared: Triggered when a radio input is cleared using the clear button on the header. GridView::itemSingle property. SYNOPSIS. A module with various modifications and enhancements to one of the most used widgets by Yii developers. Hard refresh your browser to clean cache for this If bsVersion is set to 5.x and yiisoft/yii2-bootstrap5 is not installed, then an exception message will be thrown mentioning you to install the yiisoft/yii2-bootstrap5 extension. I have tried setting a column's width after reading some answers here on stackoverflow, but it just won't work for me and I would love it if the columns . to not wrap using the white wrap CSS style. With version v2.1.0, if you are using the yii2-dynagrid extension it automatically displays the personalize, sort, and filter buttons in the toolbar. gridview yii2 There are two kinds of automatic sizing in the DataGridView control: column fill mode and content-based automatic sizing. 7 . hidden: boolean, whether the entire column is hidden from display but displayed in your grid export (the opposite of hiddenFromExport) . When setting bsDependencyEnabled to false, you need to ensure that your app code/view layout loads the Bootstrap CSS and JS on your view before the Krajee CSS/JS are loaded to ensure that the Krajee extension JS plugins and CSS styles do not get broken. disable the toggle functionality. 6) Moving the gridview outside of the container and making the width smaller. The formula calculation is done at grid rendering runtime and does not need to query the database. Author: Kartik Visweswaran ( Inheritance: extends, use trait. To add an offset from the top - you can configure the CSS style within headerContainer. If set to true, the indicator is disabled, and one cannot collapse or expand the sections.This can also be an anonymous function (Closure) having the signature function ($model, $key, $index, $column), where: detail: string | Closure, the detail content (html markup) to be displayed in the expanded row. The browser will try to obey all column . are recognized and will be replaced: {export}: string, which will render the $export menu button content. View this complete web tip on how to setup your model, controller, and view with GridView Editable columns to manipulate records. 5 or 5.1.0 or 5.x). pjax: boolean, whether the grid view will be rendered within a pjax container. to not wrap using the white-space wrap CSS style. hAlign: string, defaults to GridView::ALIGN_CENTER, hiddenFromExport: boolean, defaults to true. The following properties are DEPRECATED since v3.5.0 You can set this to apply specific classes to the row. Defaults to true. The toolbar is new feature and more enhanced with release v2.1.0 of the GridView widget. Both of the events returns the following parameters for access: key: string, the primary key value for the row, val: string, the value of the selected radio input. You must set this as $key => $value pair, where $key is the 0 based index for the column, and $value is the array of HTML attributes for the column. and none of the pjax settings will be applied. To add an offset from the bottom - you can configure the CSS style within footerContainer. Krajee extensions therefore will use Font Awesome 5.x icons instead of glyphicons when working with Bootstrap 5.x / 4.x.

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