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These typically required elements of the 173rd Airborne BDE to open and secure the northern portion of Route 15 and elements of the Royal Australian Regiment (RAR) on the southern portion. With him were a bevy of beauties including Chris Noel whom I believe was a Playboy Playmate. I swear that no sooner had we actually fallen asleep, when some guy shows up and tells Ted and I to get into our Class A uniforms, as we were both scheduled to catch a flight at 2000 hours (8 PM). Our NCOIC was SSG E6 Robert Seviour (later promoted to SFC E7) and deservedly so. Special thanks to 1stPHILCAGV is deserved as well, as they helped grade our Company street, dig and install our Company water well/ shower point, and supply us with lumber which was always in critically short supply. *Underlines, Notes: (in bold) and annotations following quoted portions are those of the submitter and not contained in the declassified documents. The 1st Shirt returned from R&R. From 3 officers the unit had 6 assigned officers, 2 attached officers, 1 attached warrant officer, with two Majors by mid December 1966 (both Majors neither assigned or attached, but quartered with the 228th representing co-ordination of logistics between the 25th ID, 15th Support Brigade, 29th General Support Group, USASUPCOM, SAIGON, MACV and 1st Logistics Command with the 228th as the core unit of operations). At the time, Tay Ninh Base Camp consisted of large open fields covered with abundant shrubbery, elephant grass, rock hard six foot high termite mounds and many deadly snakes. Maj. Ward said, Its an activity of the Saigon Support Command and responsibility for its operations is delegated to the 266th S&S Bn., 29th Gen Sp. When I became Company Clerk, I paid special attention to personnel records, PMOS designations and the like. Now, there were some interesting things that happened in our week at Trai Bi. I guess it made sense, but I still didnt like seeing it happen. For 3 days straight the 228th Cooks in three shifts provided the first Hot meals, with a desert of ice cream to the 196th and its subordinate elements who had not had a hot meal for well over 2 months. It is unclear as to whether it was strict policy of the time or not. This number is from memory as Company Clerk of the 228th, and should not be considered more than 85 to 90% accurate. (see links)a terrific Website. Now, the big problem was we had no lights, no electricity and no nothing. Each battery was sighted in together and could fire at same targets simultaneously after initial ranging shot. Bourlier (ret. In short: Somehow MAJ. Ward mysteriously and without entry of Gain on prior Morning Reports became a member of the 228th for one day at rotation in mid June 1967, by orders of the 266th and (per Tropic Lightning News) was awarded a Bronze Star by the 25th Infantry Division.the only individual of some 700 to 1,000 actually assigned or attached within the 228th (October 1966 May 1967) to have singularly achieved an award of honor (Bronze Star being the fourth highest award) for service in the Military. The one lone bunker that did exist was a heavily sand-bagged communications point which could only hold three to four persons maximum. However, and by what means this writer does not know, Major Ward did assume and have control (or exercised control) over the activity of the attached all purpose personnel in ever increasing increments, such that, by February 1967 he exercised all control as to said personnel and their activities wherever and for whatever reason such personnel were needed in a TDY capacity both within and outside Tay Ninh Base Camp. This query effecting 35 enlisted personnel where warranted for whatever reason(s) went unanswered and was ignored from mid January 1967 through May 1967a Good Conduct Medal being an in house generated Company order, validated by the Company Commander. I have never met a crew of 2 who worked so hard as the two GIs assigned to make ice-cream. He doesnt get ice-cream and all the other stuff the ARs (Army Regulations) state that medical units are supposed to get. I was waiting for a chopper to come in and drop off the wounded and (KIA) killed in action and then jump on board for the ride to Katum. There existed a fog within my memory related to just how the Company arrived at Tent City A, Saigon. 6 January 1967 New Commanding Officer arrives in early evening; Capt. 114th Jungle Field Artillery Regiment, RA . The following enlisted personnel rotating and separating from service were eligible, earned, and should have been awarded a Good Conduct Medal w/Ribbon: SP4 John P. Kema, SP4 Fernando Abad Jr., SP4 Dennis K. Burton, SP4 Nicholas Catania, SP4 Steven Goolie, SP4 Willie C. Harris, SP4 Jesse Heard, SP4 Robert M. Lenzi, SP4 Julius Logan, SP4 Patrick J. Mellon, SP4 Floyd E. Moore, SP4 Spencer L. Nashboo, SP4 Arthur B. (Note: any first person references are Walkers personal opinions or observations.). 112th Field Artillery Regiment | Lineage and Honors | U.S. Army Center 15th Support Brigade was the unit from which Major Jerry E. Ward, became quartered with the 228th. I also have to state for the record, that at no time did I ever have any negative comments made to me about being in military service. It wasvery insecureand used only when there were troop movements from debarkations at Vung Tau. If we were not assigned Guard Duty, wed return to Class I from lunch and continue with our job assignments. At night the only lights we were allowed to use were the little ones with slits. They were the type who were not interested in doing much of anything, and had little concern about the overall mission at hand. I suppose this happened because we always seemed to be short-handed. of the 25th ID Medical facility on a daily basis. Therefore (and provable) the 29th General Support Group Quarterly Report is in error regarding number of WIA. We were out in the Class I yard till 2000- 2100 hours ( 8 9 PM) adjusting the tarps so they hung off the sides exactly 2 inches from the ground and that all tarps were dress right dress to the next one in line. Major Ward commented, The engineer detachment performed these duties while the 196th Bde. We did this day in and day out for nearly a week. See In Memory Section regarding Robert Benjamin Nasser for a detailed explanation. The area was considered to be off-limits for several reasons. I found early on, that it was useless to try and integrate these personnel into my core Platoon. Per Department of Army General Orders #38 (amended in 1968) a confirmed MUC was awarded the228th Supply and Service Company Laundry and Bath Sectionand the228th Supply and Service Bakery Sectionfor time period July 1966 March 1967 while both were TDY with the 25th ID in Cu Chi. For me it was a profound moment in time, when I first beheld the remains of SFC Jones. The 228th was the very first unit outside of 196th Light Infantry Brigade and its subordinate units to arrive in Tay Ninh West base camp. So, unless you were a dwarf or a horse jockey, it was very uncomfortable. Well, not only did the convoy arrive, which we unloaded, but a planeload of turkeys was air-lifted in to Katum as well. 14710 Colleville-sur-Mer, France. As far as the 228th was concerned, the actual and true figure based on combat rations supplied would be in the neighborhood of 29,000 to 35,000 from October 1966 January 1967. 1,557 of these records are those of soldiers whose bodies were missing, and not recovered. Gp. 4)On 18 January 1967 the 506th S&S Co (DS) relocated to Xuan Loc for the purpose of operating a Forward Supply Point at the Xuan Loc Base Camp., 5) On 19 January 1967 the 551st Ordnance Detachment (Ammo) relocated toTay Ninhfor the purpose of operating an Ammunition Supply Point there. During the reporting period an ammunition Supply Point was constructed atTay Ninh. Of these 55, our POL Platoon was assigned TDY to the 64th Petroleum Battalion then operating in Long Binh, further south of main compound adjacent to Highway 1A, along with the POL Platoons of the 506th and 624th Quartermaster Companies (DS)but all three Platoons remained quartered with their respective Companies. Landing at Cam Ranh Bay was a real experience compared to what Ted and I had seen during the previous year. Those of us who had been in Tay Ninh for 5 months were used to such fire when and if it occurred. Note 2:The collection point in Long Binh (unit not mentioned) is thought to be 624th S&S Co (DS). US soldiers of 3rd Section, Battery C, 228th Field Artillery Battalion Battery B, 25th Field Artillery - United States Army Center of Military February 1968 finally arrived. We didnt get much sleep and 1700 hours was upon us in no time, so off we went to stand in the chow line. So the drill went like this: The ration sheet breakdown guy would get the head counts off the 2979s, then get the menu for the day, or period. As stated, in my first posting entitledA Panegyricthe very understrength unit personnel of the 228th (2 Officers, 84 enlisted) performed with flawless efficiency night and day in supporting Operation Attleboro, the Base Camp and other battlefield requirements. After that, I spent two weeks stocking and helping guys with requisitions find the correct sized replacement combat boots at the central supply warehouse. From that date forward through rotation by 31 May 1967, all eligible enlisted personnel (some 27 35) of 110 eligible did not receive the award of a Good Conduct Medal and Ribbon. As we waited for a bus to take us to the 22nd Replacement Center we watched all sorts of GIs in swimming trunks, carrying surf boards, and iced beer headed for the beach. Included is all known contextual data regarding News Articles, Field Manuel Data, Table of Organization and Equipment, Command Flow Charts and other where possible. SC OIC extra duties included scrounging excursions to Saigon/Long Binh in JAN FEB67, working from a wish list that 228th CO had put together. The way we worked it, was one guy would sleep on top of the pad, so the rats didnt bite him, while the other patrolled the ground portion. The 228th, being an understrength company was supporting an average of 28,000 troops and more in four (4) different known locations through four (4) battlefield operations. 55th Light Anti-Aircraft/Anti-Tank Regiment, RA . The mission involved the recovery of two remains involving a helicopter pilot and a warrant officer who had taken off from Tay Ninh airstrip and for some unknown reason, had flown straight into the side of Nui Bau Den (The Black Virgin Mountain). The following is submitted from a first person perspective of then 1st Lt. Tommy D. Bourlier regarding the operations of the Graves Registration Platoon (recovery and processing of remains) a function of the 228th as well as other Direct Support Supply and Service entities operating in the Republic of Vietnam. In effect, the L&B Platoon of the 228th supporting the 25th ID in Cu Chi, and three other locations during ongoing battlefield conditions was being withdrawn from all four areas, recalled rearward some 50 milesleaving Tay Ninh Base Camp, Quon Loi, Trai Bi and Cu Chi without Laundry and Bath personnel, equipment or facilitiesthe 228th being the only outfit physically operating in the areas mentioned. Each section operates on two 10-hour shifts., Each laundry section is provided with either single trailer-mounted laundry units or two washer-extractor trailers and three dryer-generator trailers. To this, the answer was always Its up to Battalion (266th) to handle the matter. Late February 1967 (possibly early March) the 228th was visited by General Creighton Abrams, his Sergeant Major and assorted Staff who had been engaged in an informal survey of all Supply and Logistics operations throughout Republic of Vietnam Tay Ninh being their last stop. If the VC/NVA could hit a C-130 it could tie up the airfield for quite awhile. All three had to deal with personnel from the Infantry on a daily basis. And rightly so. Note 1:With all due respect to both Major Jerry B. If any of us were assigned Guard Duty wed leave Class I early and eat at 4PM {1600 hours}, put on our gear and report for Guard Mount around 5 to 6PM { 1700 to 1800 hours}. I arrived in Long Binh and show up at the assigned place and time of the meeting when it begins. It was an efficient setup and I saw nothing wrong with it. In late 1969 it seems apparent that the Commanding General of the 1st ID ordered that the pool be refilled and opened for use by the troops. The next morning after breakfast the first shirt (SFC E7 Balbino E. Billamor) told us to saddle up. As such, and being understrength repairs were limited to oil changes, engine repairs and basic vehicle maintenance. *Note:Both forms (SF-180 and DD Form 149) are available online for downloading, printing and subsequent filling out with enclosures as necessary. This was done because being in the reefer or inside one of the refrigerated trucks were the two positions that were the most physically demanding. Two examples shall be cited as witnessed and known by signatory of this note: First, other than the Commanding Officer, no other party as a general rule of thumb (if they could help it) visited GR, unless doing so for identification purposes of remains. Subcollection. Search Members Using Advanced Search. Operation Cedar Falls had come to a close and Operation Junction City had begun. We also provide services: laundry, a hot shower point I believe the only one on post graves registration and direct maintenance to non-division units. What was interesting about this setup, was that the water was pumped from a nearby stream through large hoses and into an inter-tube that was cut and tied off at the end. These units also administered 202,214 hot showers, Note:Underlined Cu Chi and Tay Ninh were operated by228th S&S Co (DS)ABN, 9) The bakery at Long Binh baked 829,828 pounds of baked bread. {This is a reference to new Class I Yard moved from being adjacent to airstrip and its new location southwesterly in what was termed the South Gate area. Nearly all structures had a 4/12 pitch excepting the HQ structure which bordered on being a 5/12 pitch, such that it stood out like a sore thumb and appeared on the verge of being called a church rather than quarters. This allowed supported units to use a Shopping List (within certain quantity limitations) instead of the cumbersome requisition process. Thus, all laundry services were soon cut short and contracted out to the locals of Tay Ninh City. The office was somewhat primitive, but after all, I was in a War Zone. Note:The preceding is not intended to state, that the 228th and only the 228th was involved in supply operations. Convoys (including 228th tanker/heavy duty truck drivers) were arriving on a daily basis to the Tay Ninh Base Camp. As a result, the Company not only lost personnel, but the associated equipment and vehicles associated with these personnel to other units. 424th Field Artillery Battalion (8-Inch Towed) - Korean War Whatever rounds the bad guys were using were of poor quality and/or light weight mortars, as the explosions were not very spectacular. I thought in my mind, and felt in my soul, that it was so wrong for that man to be motionless upon that litter.

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