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Battle for Stalingrad: the 1943 Soviet General Staff study. Only a few episodes were hidden for many years in the famous Stalingrad photos taken by the correspondent Georgy Zelma. Hitler believed that Paulus would either fight to the last man or commit suicide. According to Soviet intelligence documents shown in the documentary, a remarkable NKVD report from March 1943 is available showing the tenacity of some of these German groups: The mopping-up of counter-revolutionary elements in the city of Stalingrad proceeded. Before the Heer reached the city itself, the Luftwaffe had cut off shipping on the Volga, vital for bringing supplies into the city. The situation was so critical that on the night of September 22-23, the commander-in-chief Major-General A.I. The first publication appeared on October 31, 1942 - an article by the junior political instructor Yu.P. He told Hitler that he was no longer able to command his men, who were without ammunition or food. [48] It has been said that Stalin prevented civilians from leaving the city in the belief that their presence would encourage greater resistance from the city's defenders. On 30 January 1943, the tenth anniversary of his coming to power, Hitler chose not to speak. The attached the 685th Rifle Regiment advanced towards the January 9 square and school No. By 12 September, at the time of their retreat into the city, the Soviet 62nd Army had been reduced to 90 tanks, 700 mortars and just 20,000 personnel. Between 25 and 31 July, 32 Soviet ships were sunk, with another nine crippled.[54]. "[150], The Red Army High Command sent three envoys while simultaneously aircraft and loudspeakers announced terms of capitulation on 7 January 1943. The layout of the locations mentioned in the article, in a German aerial photograph taken in March 1943: 1 - State Bank; 2 - ruins of the brewery; 3 - the NKVD complex; 4 - school number 6; 5 - the military exchange; 6 - "Zabolotny's House"; 7 - "Pavlov's House"; 8 - the mill; 9 - the "Milky House"; 10 - the "Railwaymen's House"; 11 - the "L-shaped house"; 12 - school number 38; 13 - the oil tanks (German strongpoint); 14 - the buttermaking plant; 15 - a factory warehouse. On the third day, reinforcements arrived at the house under the command of Senior Lieutenant Afanasyev (17 fighters, another Red Army soldier was wounded on the way and returned to the regiments positions), delivering a heavy machine gun and 3 anti-tank rifles with ammunition, and the house became an important stronghold in the regiments defense system and all 13 Guards. It was later renamed Stalingrad Front, then had the Don Front split off from it. Several rooms were covered with fire, a machine gun and 37-mm cannon were destroyed, and the advanced group engaged in a fire fight. Operation Torch November 8, 1942 Allied landing in French North Africa, Gerhardt's Mill - Stalingrad WW2 Monument. German archives do not support the claim for heavy fighting for the building, and Soviet military archives attach no particular importance to the house as a defensive structure. The battle of Stalingrad began on the 23rd of August and lasted throughout the winter of 1942/43, where the Soviet Union launched a series of counteroffensive strikes that led to the removal of German forces from Moscow. Battle for Stalingrad - WAR HISTORY ONLINE [79], German military doctrine was based on the principle of combined-arms teams and close cooperation between tanks, infantry, engineers, artillery and ground-attack aircraft. Stalin's Order No. [112][113]:265, On 8 November, substantial units from Luftflotte 4 were withdrawn to combat the Allied landings in North Africa. Publisher: Little, Brown Book Group. It has been argued that whilst the house was heavily fortified, there were limited assaults against it and it was amongst the first buildings in Stalingrad to be restored after the war, having received comparatively limited damage. Your email address will not be published. Biesinger (2006: 699): "On August 23, 1942, the Germans began their attack.". In total there were more than 50 people in the building, so common everyday rules and a commandant were required. Soon on November 19, a series of essays by Korenya entitled "The Stalingrad Days" was published in Pravda, the last of which was called Pavlov's House. Dom Pavlova) was a fortified apartment building which Red Army defenders held for 60 days against the Wehrmacht offensive during the Battle of Stalingrad. Stalingrad was practically lost - and, therefore, evidence of the opposite was required, examples of a long and successful defense. By mid-November, the Germans, at great cost, had pushed the Soviet defenders back into narrow zones along the west bank of the river. If only a narrow link could be established to Sixth Army, he proposed that this should be used to pull it out from the encirclement, and said that the Luftwaffe should instead of supplies deliver only enough ammunition and fuel for a breakout attempt. According to eyewitnesses, the color of both buildings was green. Here were the positions of the last of the battalions of the 42nd Guards Regiment - the 3rd battalion of Captain A.E. [166], The central pocket, under the command of Heitz, surrendered the same day, while the northern pocket, under the command of General Karl Strecker, held out for two more days. [59] Casualties were estimated to have been 40,000,[60][21] though they were likely exaggerated,[61] and after 25 August the Soviets did not record any civilian and military casualties as a result of air raids. Koren went to his room and found the guests leafing through his diary notes. The Luftwaffe helped repel the offensive by heavily attacking Soviet artillery positions and defensive lines. After a few weeks on such a diet, he had "visibly lost weight", according to Albert Speer, and Hitler "commanded Zeitzler to resume at once taking sufficient nourishment". By five o'clock in the morning there was a critical situation at the front of Rodimtsev's division. [94] Soviet nurses not only treated wounded personnel under fire but were involved in the highly dangerous work of bringing wounded soldiers back to the hospitals under enemy fire. This allowed journalists to visit Pavlov's house more easily than buildings nearer the main German assaults. The armies in the area were also poorly equipped in terms of anti-tank weapons. Together with the submachine gunners, the garrison numbered about 30 soldiers. The success was to come with a sudden night attack. Very close to it were huge five and six-story buildings occupied by the German infantry - the "Railwaymen's House" and "L-shaped house". The picture was taken in a trench coming out of the unfinished southern wing of the Railwaymen's House - behind the fighter there is Pavlovs House. Not far from the steep cliff there were two huge buildings, captured by the Germans - the so-called "Railwaymen's House" and "L-shaped house". A reconnaissance and assault group of four soldiers, led by Sergeant Pavlov (it included Red Army men A.P. Daily sorties decreased from 1,343 per day to 975 per day. Brown University historian Omer Bartov claims they were motivated by belief in Hitler and National Socialism. [citation needed] Fighting on and around Mamayev Kurgan, a prominent hill above the city, was particularly merciless; indeed, the position changed hands many times.[85][86]. A battle ensued under the steep bank of the river, where the warehouses and quays of the buttermill plant and the coastal railway were located. There was nothing we could do for them.[187]. Army Group B was in disarray and faced strong Soviet pressure across all its fronts. Troops on both sides faced the constant strain of close-range combat. On September 27, 1942, as a result of bombing by German aircraft, the architect of the house, Sergei Voloshinov, and his pregnant wife were killed . The additional distance became another obstacle to the resupply efforts. In addition, from the sector of the 34th Guards Rifle Regiment to the Volga, two deep ravines emerged - the Dolgiy and Krutoy, literally cutting off the 13th Guards Rifle Division from the 284th Rifle Division of Colonel NF. Rodimtsev , the entire command of the 42nd Guards Rifle Division and the 3rd battalion of this regiment. Yes, we felt better. Shooting is the cameraman Orlyankin. General Richthofen informed Manstein on 27 November of the small transport capacity of the Luftwaffe and the impossibility of supplying 300 tons a day by air. The initial objectives in the region around Stalingrad were to destroy the industrial capacity of the city and to block the Volga River traffic connecting the Caucasus and Caspian Sea to central Russia, as the city is strategically located near a big bend of the Volga. Winter Storm, as Zhukov had predicted, was originally planned as a two-pronged attack. 4,341 tanks (~150 by Romanians) (2530% were total write-offs. Other losses included 42 Ju 86s, 9 Fw 200 Condors, 5 He 177 bombers and 1 Ju 290. Pavlov was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union for his actions. Chuikov, in a clear order, forbade offensive operations by whole units - companies or battalions - which would result in heavy losses. On the left is the 1st Battalion of the 42nd Guards Rifle Regiment of Lieutenant F.G. Fedoseyeva surrounded in the department exchange, The diagram of the frontline of the 13th Guards Rifle Division on September 25, 1942, transferred to the aerial photo. On 23 August the 6th Army reached the outskirts of Stalingrad in pursuit of the 62nd and 64th Armies, which had fallen back into the city. In this first photo from the "killed" series, the fighter in the lower right corner is still "alive". The 62nd Army had begun to learn city fighting. He argues that, though it is "easy to argue that from the summer of 1942 the Soviet army fought because it was forced to fight," to concentrate solely on coercion is nonetheless to "distort our view of the Soviet war effort. [176] According to a contemporary Soviet report, 5,762 guns, 1,312 mortars, 12,701 heavy machine guns, 156,987 rifles, 80,438 sub-machine guns, 10,722 trucks, 744 aircraft; 1,666 tanks, 261 other armoured vehicles, 571 half-tracks and 10,679 motorcycles were captured by the Soviets. In the region of location of the 38th Motorised Rifle Brigade in a basement eighteen armed SS-men [sic] were found, who refused to surrender, the Germans found were destroyed.[186]. [123] The link-up of the Soviet forces, not filmed at the time, was later re-enacted for a propaganda film which was shown worldwide. [2], The position was quickly fortified under the command of Lieutenant Ivan F. Afanasiev, who ordered the men to lay landmines in all approaches to the square, barbed wire around the perimeter of the apartment block, and to position multiple machine guns in the windows as well as a PTRS anti tank rifle. During October, while the 13th Guards Rifle Division tried to improve its position on the bridgehead, north of the Mamayev Kurgan commander-in-chief Chuikov suffered defeat after defeat. The Stukas claimed 41 of the 106 Soviet tanks knocked out that morning, while escorting Bf 109s destroyed 77 Soviet aircraft. Sensing that this was the last chance for a breakout, Manstein pleaded with Hitler on 18 December, but Hitler refused. [199], The news of the battle echoed round the world, with many people now believing that Hitler's defeat was inevitable. The German air arm found itself spread thinly across Europe, struggling to maintain its strength in the other southern sectors of the Soviet-German front. He and the German shot simultaneously; both missed, but ricochet from the enemy bullet still reached its target. They were not relieved, and not significantly reinforced, for two months. The battle started with the South Western Front. But what is the truth?. [156] Hitler rejected it on a point of honour. The most famous Soviet sniper in Stalingrad was Vasily Zaytsev,[87] with 225 confirmed kills during the battle. Yet despite the German onslaught, the soldiers of the Soviet 62nd Army doggedly maintained a 'toe hold' on the western bank of the Volga. It took a few more days for them to prepare for the most savage offensive of all, which was unleashed on 14 October. The USSR lost 4,341 tanks destroyed or damaged, 15,728 artillery pieces and 2,769 combat aircraft. Toe hold. When it became clear that from the upper floors of the house several German lines were visible, a communication line was installed in the building, and spotters settled in the attic. The attempt to break through to Stalingrad was abandoned and Army Group A was ordered to pull back from the Caucasus. The mill provided a vital role in the Defense of Stalingrad. The capture of Stalingrad would make the delivery of Lend-Lease supplies via the Persian Corridor much more difficult. During the preparations for the attack, Marshal Zhukov personally visited the front and noticing the poor organisation, insisted on a one-week delay in the start date of the planned attack. One of a series of famous Stalingrad photographs of G. Zelma. This was the first major effort to clear the Milk House since mid-September. Battle of Stalingrad - Wikipedia Between 23 and 26 August, Soviet reports indicate 955 people were killed and another 1,181 wounded as a result of the bombing. For two days Pavlov and three fighters held the building until the battalion commander Zhukov and the comrades of Naumov gathered soldiers in the thinned out battalion for a new stronghold. The man was probably already dying. Germany's Sixth Army had ceased to exist, and the forces of Germany's European allies, except Finland, had been shattered. [136], The director of Luftflotte 4, Wolfram von Richthofen, tried to get this decision overturned. Whoever controlled Stalingrad would have access to the oil fields of the Caucasus and would gain control of the Volga. Memory, Images from the Battle of Stalingrad (Getty), The photo album of Wehrmacht NCO named Nemela of 9. It uncovers the fact that much of the details of Pavlov's House written in the official histories are made up. [132] Manstein was tasked to conduct a relief operation, named Operation Winter Storm (Unternehmen Wintergewitter) against Stalingrad, which he thought was feasible if the 6th Army was temporarily supplied through the air. [192][193][194] The Red Army had the initiative, and the Wehrmacht was in retreat. In keeping with Stalin's Order No. Under Section . [173], It is estimated that as many as over 1 million soldiers and civilians combined were killed during the battle.[174][175]. Stalin was feted as the hero of the hour and made a Marshal of the Soviet Union. Sabaton https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjQhd1APsd5NQhiVZV7GYzg , "Copyright Disclaimer. '", By 18 December, the German Army had pushed to within 48km (30mi) of Sixth Army's positions. In 1985 a memorial was erected, listing the names of the garrison. [76] The soldiers found about ten Soviet civilians hiding in the basement. Photo from the collection of Dirk Jeschke (Dirk Jeschke) provided by Anton Jolie. After a series of strong blows from two German divisions that reached their peak on September 22, the 13th Guards Division found itself in a very difficult situation. It was the inability to provide for oneself in the conditions of a bridgehead cut off from the city that destroyed the 92nd OSBR in September. But it also describes the many instances of sacrifice, heroism, and suffering the men defending Stalingrad experienced. [56] The exact number of civilians killed is unknown but was most likely very high. With the Soviets forced into a 1-kilometre (1,000-yard) strip of land on the western bank of the Volga, over 1,208 Stuka missions were flown in an effort to eliminate them. The implication was clear: if Paulus surrendered, he would shame himself and would become the highest-ranking German officer ever to be captured. [88] On the other hand, Beevor noted the often extraordinary bravery of the Soviet soldiers in a battle that was only comparable to Verdun, and argued that terror alone cannot explain such self-sacrifice. The attack was supported by intense Luftwaffe bombing that reduced much of the city to rubble. "He described the situation in very sombre terms", recorded Raus. On August 23, Paulus's mobile formations were spread out on their approach to Stalingrad. We did not go into the basement itself what was the use? The series quickly became popular, and it was read on the radio by Yuri Levitan. Some bombers performed adequately the Heinkel He 111 proved to be quite capable and was much faster than the Ju 52.[138]. Elina, on the right flank, the soldiers of the 34th Guards Rifle Regiment Lieutenant Colonel D.I. The initial advance of the 6th Army was so successful that Hitler intervened and ordered the 4th Panzer Army to join Army Group South (A) to the south. [188] Weakened by disease, starvation and lack of medical care during the encirclement, they were sent on forced marches to prisoner camps and later to labour camps all over the Soviet Union. Toward the end of the battle, the gigantic railroad gun nicknamed Dora was brought into the area. On October 24, during the second attack, the Railwaymen's House was shelled by 152 mm howitzers from the right bank of the Volga. The house was included in the regiments fire defense system, the approaches to it were shot by Soviet soldiers from three directions, and the approaches to neighboring positions were also shot from the Pavlovs House. Ya. The forces under the 6th Army were almost twice as large as a regular German army unit, plus there was also a corps of the 4th Panzer Army trapped in the pocket. However, the predictable nature of the relief operation brought significant risk for all German forces in the area. Blau finally opened as Army Group South began its attack into southern Russia on 28 June 1942. [11], A Russian TV documentary in 2009, Legendary Redoubt, ( ) on the Russian Channel One reported on Pavlov's House. [141] Transport aircraft also evacuated technical specialists and sick or wounded personnel from the besieged enclave. Location of army's units is as it was previously. The 34th Guards Rifle Regiment, which was for the second time under the press of the German offensive, sustained the greatest damage. Stalingrad battle On September 27, 1942, as a result of bombing by German aircraft, the architect of the house, Sergei Voloshinov, and his pregnant wife were killed . Luftflotte 4 flew 1,250 sorties on 14 October and its Stukas dropped 550 tonnes of bombs, while German infantry surrounded the three factories. Most importantly, the Soviets controlled the ferries to their supplies on the east bank of the Volga. "[158], On 26 January 1943, the German forces inside Stalingrad were split into two pockets north and south of Mamayev-Kurgan. "[] the defenders of Pavlov's House who participated in it's [sic] defense from 26 September 1942 till 25 November 1942." Any movement - whether a fighter, running from entrance to entrance, or a civilian in search of food - drew fire. Beyond the warehouse buildings and the wide neutral strip of Penza Street, the huge wasteland of January 9 square began, where two still unnamed and unremarkable buildings could be seen. Out of the nearly 91,000 German prisoners captured in Stalingrad, only about 5,000 returned. An artillery fire point was set up on the top floor, where a group of artillery observers headed by an officer came daily. The increased strength and vibration resistance of the reinforced concrete frame, necessary for the operation of industrial equipment of the mill, helped the building to survive and not to be destroyed to the ground. [14][180] 955 Soviet civilians died in Stalingrad and its suburbs from aerial bombing by Luftflotte 4 as the German 4th Panzer and 6th Armies approached the city. These forces were also lacking in effective anti-tank weapons. 114,000 Italians and 105,000 Hungarians were killed, wounded or captured (from December 1942 to February 1943). Number of pages: 368. The Gerhardt Mill ruins in Volgograd, Russia - Dreamstime [151][152] The German High Command informed Paulus, "Every day that the army holds out longer helps the whole front and draws away the Russian divisions from it. Above you can see the destroyed warehouse of the butter-milling plant. "They'll be taken away tomorrow, I suppose." Intensifying the heat of madness, in the darkness suddenly there was heard a jazz melody, and then from the far bank of the Volga in broken German there were calls for surrender. By 27 Sept. the Germans occupied the southern portion of the city, but the Soviets held the centre and northern part. Paulus requested permission to surrender, but Hitler rejected Paulus' request out of hand. Despite the propagandistic bookending and a contrived plot, Bondarchuk manages to craft a decent critique of the Soviet system within the film's body. At 20:00 the attack began again. In battle, the commander and commissar of the 2nd Battalion were killed. [5], Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}484256N 443158E / 48.7155N 44.5329E / 48.7155; 44.5329, introducing citations to additional sources, "The Gerhardt Mill: Ruins that Remember the Battle", ": 1911 .pdf", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Gerhardt%27s_Mill&oldid=1125778857, This page was last edited on 5 December 2022, at 20:14. On the morning of September 25, units of the 13th Guards Rifle Division, carrying out the order of the army headquarters, " tried to improve their positions in small groups using grenades, bottles with a combustible mixture and mortars of all calibers." The house, held by the garrison of Senior Lieutenant IF Afanasyev, is considered the first restored building in Stalingrad. The units of the 295th Infantry Division which broke through to the Volga fell into a trap on the shore, and began to retreat along the ravine back to the tramway bridge. Paulus testified for the prosecution during the Nuremberg Trials and assured families in Germany that those soldiers taken prisoner at Stalingrad were safe.

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