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More specifically, E-M2 is the predominant subclade in West Africa, Central Africa, Southern Africa, and the region of the African Great Lakes; it also occurs at moderate frequencies in North Africa and Middle East. NAP was supported by NERC-Case PhD studentship. The making of the African mtDNA landscape. the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in [25] Lima was of West African ancestry and carried haplogroups E1b1a-M4671 and L3b3. Category: Y-DNA Haplogroup E1b1b Attempts were made to identify genetic relationships among EBSP groups in the context of Africa as a whole10, 11 (also see Supplementary Figure S112). Of these lineages, the most common subclade is L2a, which is found in Africa the Levant and in the Americas.. Haplogroup L2 has been observed among specimens at the island cemetery in Kulubnarti, Sudan, which date from the Early Christian period (AD 550-800).. Haplogroup L2a. Haplogroup E-M2, also known as E1b1a1-M2, is a human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. Marieke van de Loosdrecht et al. The Moors also conquered Sicily. The Scottish Clan Colquhoun/Calhoun from Dunbartonshire belongs to the clade E-V13 > BY3880 > Y16729 > Y16721 > Y16733 according to the Calhoun Surname Project. Pakendorf B, Bostoen K, de Filippo C : Molecular perspectives on the Bantu expansion: a synthesis. e1b1a is Bantu? Buccal swabs were collected from males >18 years old unrelated at the paternal grandfather level but otherwise randomly selected from 43 groups across sub-Saharan Africa (Supplementary Table S1, samples from Ghana, Nigeria and Cameroon were included in Veeramah et al (2010)35 and from South Africa in Thomas et al (2000)36). Subsequently, the expansion is thought to have continued along the south-eastern coast (East-Bantu route).5 In an alternative model, the split came later after passage through the rain forest.3, 4 The Bantu language family is distributed throughout most of sub-equatorial Africa and is the continents largest, both in terms of the numbers of individuals speaking it and its geographic spread.2, 6, 7 This level of linguistic homogeneity among geographically distant populations across sub-Saharan Africa supports the suggestion of rapid expansion. Despite this level of diversity, however, there is a high level of similarity between groups.20. Cavalli-Sforza LL, Menozzi P, Piazza A : The History and Geography of Human Genes. It would be easy to assume that E-M81 colonised Northwest Africa during the Mesolithic or Neolithic period, then spread to southern and western Europe with the southern wave of Neolithic farmers that crossed over from Morocco to Iberia, then spread around western Europe with the Megalithic people. We define expansion in this context to mean diffusion of alleles. It has been hypothesized that E1b1a, including its subbranch E1b1a7 (defined by M191, and not tested in the present study), arose in west Central Africa and was later taken southward through a demic expansion ( Cruciani et al. [39][40][41], Outside of Africa, E-M2 has been found at low frequencies. E1b1a is also known as E-M2 and E1b1b is also know as E-M215 or as E-M35. . Scozzari et al24 and Underhill et al25 found UEP (M2 and its analogues such as DYS271G) present at high frequencies specifically in sub-Saharan Africa and suggested this marker as a signature of EBSP. Almost immediately afterwards, CTS5856 split into six subclades, then branched off into even more subclades in the space of a few generations. . It was first reported in a person from the Gambia.[76]. The pooled frequencies of E1b1a component haplogroups, based on their geographic locations, are also shown in Figure 2. The basal E-U175* is extremely rare. All of the groups characterised in this study speak a Niger-Congo language, except for the Anuak in south-west Ethiopia who speak a Nilo-Saharan language. E1b1a1 is defined by markers DYS271/M2/SY81, M291, P1/PN1, P189, P293, V43, and V95. Whether origins of M81 lie in the Carthaginian or Roman elite, its parent clades M310.1 and Z827 would have originated in the Levant, and not in Northwest Africa. As a Germanic tribe they might have carried a small percentage of E-V13. CAS Tishkoff SA, Reed FA, Friedlaender FR et al. [31] 15% (10/69) of Hutus in Rwanda tested positive for M58. [30] E-M10 was found in a single person of the Lissongo group in the Central African Republic and two members in a "Mixed" population from the Adamawa region.[12]. Hum Mutat 2005; 26: 520528. View Profile View Forum Posts . de Filippo C, Barbieri C, Whitten M et al. The YCAII STR marker value of 1919 is also usually indicative of U175. The Etruscans, who may have come from western Anatolia, could have brought E-M34 to central Italy, which would then have been assimilated by the Romans. [25] Coosaw was of West African and Native American ancestry and carried haplogroups E2b1a-CTS2400 and A2. [25] Lisa was of West African ancestry and carried haplogroups E1b1a-Z6020 and H100. [25] Fumu was of Sub-Saharan African ancestry and carried haplogroups B2a1a-Y12201 and L3e2b+152. (2005) and Rosa et al. E1b1a in the Levant? - YouTube Although sampling in most NRY studies of sub-Saharan Africa has, in the past, been quite limited in terms of geographic coverage and sample sizes, the distribution of this haplogroup is relatively well described in groups living along both the postulated western and eastern routes of the EBSP, as well as in Senegal29 and Cameroon27, 30 in West Africa. Trombetta B, Cruciani F, Sellitto D, Scozzari R : A new topology of the human Y chromosome haplogroup E1b1 (E-P2) revealed through the use of newly characterized binary polymorphisms. This phylogenetic tree of haplogroup subclades is based on the Y-Chromosome Consortium (YCC) 2008 Tree,[76] the ISOGG Y-DNA Haplogroup E Tree,[7] and subsequent published research. Franz Kafka, a German-speaking Bohemian novelist and short-story writer, who is widely regarded as one of the major figures of 20th-century literature probably belonged to E-Y161794, a Jewish branch of haplogroup E-M81, based on the Y-DNA test of another Kafka from Czechia at FTDNA. To obtain E1b1a1a1 is commonly defined by M180/P88. The African diaspora: mitochondrial DNA and the Atlantic slave trade. The publication transposes M116.2 with M116.1 in Table 1. Y chromosomes traveling south: the cohen modal haplotype and the origins of the Lemba the Black Jews of Southern Africa. 5% (2/37) of the town Singa-Rimab, Burkina Faso tested positive for E-M58. The K257 and Y4970 branch emerged around 3000 BCE and is found in Iran, Armenia, Turkey, Russia, Greece, Italy and France, among others. According to the DNA results of a relative, Google co-founder Larry Page (b. (=> see also the discussions Was E-V13 a major lineage of Hallstatt Celts and Italics? The highest percentage of E-M81 in Europe is found among the Pasiegos (30%, n=101), an isolated community living in the mountains of Cantabria. Excoffier L, Laval G, Schneider S : Arlequin (version 3.0): an integrated software package for population genetics data analysis. Evol Bioinform Online 2005; 1: 4750. It is also suggested that although the Bantu-speaking agriculturists may have replaced, to a substantial extent, hunter gatherers in their path, they have also, in some places, co-existed and interbred with the original inhabitants.2. We note that the phenomenon of surfing can explain the absence of an allele in only some groups that are the consequence of range expansion.48, 49 However ,unless the allele (in this case NRY belonging to haplogroup E1b1a8a1a) became extinct early in the western route expansion (which is, in effect, the same as not having been part of that expansion), there is no reason to suppose that extinction of the haplogroup in western route groups (Guthrie classification H, B and C) was more likely than in eastern groups (Guthrie classification N and P). Mol Ecol 2011; 20: 26932708. It's typical of all E1b1b haplogroups, but E1b1a has instead 438=11 and only 2% of E1b1a samples have 438=10. We analyse frequencies of halpogroups and estimates of TMRCA to answer two questions: (a) Is there evidence of more than one expansion of paternal line ancestors of Bantu-speaking people living in present day sub-Saharan Africa? Therefore both hypotheses are plausible. ISSN 1018-4813 (print), Evidence from Y-chromosome analysis for a late exclusively eastern expansion of the Bantu-speaking people, Subdividing Y-chromosome haplogroup R1a1 reveals Norse Viking dispersal lineages in Britain, The role of matrilineality in shaping patterns of Y chromosome and mtDNA sequence variation in southwestern Angola, Autosomal genetics and Y-chromosome haplogroup L1b-M317 reveal Mount Lebanon Maronites as a persistently non-emigrating population, Y-chromosomal connection between Hungarians and geographically distant populations of the Ural Mountain region and West Siberia, A comprehensive portrait of Y-STR diversity of Indian populations and comparison with 129 worldwide populations, Origin and diffusion of human Y chromosome haplogroup J1-M267, The paternal and maternal genetic history of Vietnamese populations, North Asian population relationships in a global context, Early medieval genetic data from Ural region evaluated in the light of archaeological evidence of ancient Hungarians, Supplementary Tables S1-S2-S4 (DOC 141 kb), Distribution of paternal lineages in Mestizo populations throughout Mexico: an in silico study based on Y-STR haplotypes. The haplogroup E1b1a8, defined by U175, has a TMRCA of only 18632163 YBP but a geographic distribution, excepting the Anuak of Ethiopia, which is equally extensive as that of E1b1a7. R1a Indo-European tribes are associated with the Corded Ware culture, which spanned across Northeast Europe, Scandinavia and the northern half of Central Europe. The major finding of these studies was that genetic distances (FST) among all EBSP groups are much less than the average FST among West-African and Nilo-Saharan groups, indicating a considerable level of homogeneity among EBSP groups. The frequency of E subclades has varied geographically over time due to founder effects in Neolithic, Bronze Age and Iron Age populations, i.e. [28][27] The ancestral sickle cell haplotype to modern haplotypes (e.g., Cameroon/Central African Republic and Benin/Senegal haplotypes) may have first arose in the ancestors of modern West Africans, bearing haplogroups E1b1a1-L485 and E1b1a1-U175 or their ancestral haplogroup E1b1a1-M4732. [25] Kuto was of western Central African ancestry and carried haplogroups E1b1a-CTS2198 and L2a1a2. Luis JR, Rowold DJ, Regueiro M et al. Hum Genet 1999; 105: 577581. E1b1a2 E1b1a2 is defined by the SNP mutation M329. Where samples were ancestral for the four UEP markers, a further six to eleven UEPs (UEP1 and UEP2 kits: sY81, SRY4064, YAP, SRY10831, M13, M9, SRY465, M20, Tat, 92R7 and M17) were typed.38 NRY haplogroups were classified according to the nomenclature of the Y-Chromosome Consortium39 (Figure 1) and STR repeat sizes were assigned according to the nomenclature of Kayser et al.40 Additionally, the four E1b1a-specific UEPs were typed in 1820 samples, previously characterised as E1b1a in the TCGA database (published35, 36 and unpublished data), from the 35 non-Congo, sub-Saharan groups listed in Supplementary Table S1. Since then, this marker (now defining the E1b1a haplogroup) has been typed in many groups across sub-Saharan Africa19, 26, 27, 28 and, without exception, all studies have shown that the majority of NRY types in Bantu-speaking groups belong to this haplogroup. Ramesses III is not E1b1a - Ancient Egypt According to the results, Canaanite ancestry is a mix of indigenous populations who settled the Levant (the region encompassing much of modern Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, and the Palestinian . Ann Hum Genet 2001; 65: 4362. Iranic tribes, La Tne Celts, Romans, Goths, Slavs). E1b1a (M58) Expansion between the Great Lakes & Midwest Africa Thank you for visiting nature.com. Zidane was named the best European footballer of the past 50 years in the UEFA Golden Jubilee Poll. They note that in studies to date, Eastern African groups are greatly underrepresented but essential for investigating the direction of expansion. You should learn them by the mutations because the letters change, the mutations don't. E1b1a used to be E3a, but always was E-M2. What is even more surprising is that these subclades do not show any consistent geographic pattern. Cruciani et al. John's father, Matthias Corvinus (1443-1490) was King of Hungary and Croatia, and disputed King of Bohemia and Duke of Austria. Haplogroup E-V68 - Wikipedia Brief thoughts on the likelihood of finding samples of E1b1a in the Levant._____SOURCES:[0:46] The relevant FaceBook thread:https://www.facebook.com/gr. Klopfstein S, Currat M, Excoffier L : The fate of mutations surfing on the wave of a range expansion. M81 has two immediate subclades A5604 and M183 (aka PF2477 or PF2546). The samples were classified into groups primarily by cultural identity, first language spoken and then by place of collection. Lang Dyn Change 2011; 1: 5088. Lyndon B. Johnson (1908-1973), the 36th President of the United States, was identified as a member of haplogroup E1b1b1 through the Johnson/Johnston/Johnstone DNA Surname Project. One of them was E-M34 (notably Levantine clades like Y15558 and Z21421), which makes up about 15% of modern Lebanese Y-DNA, but was probably higher before the Greek, Roman, Arabic, Byzantine, medieval crusader and Ottoman occupations altered the local gene pool. E1B1B1 is of Levant origin, E1B1A is East African. Am J Hum Genet 2000; 66: 674686. The testing of ancient DNA from the Natufian culture (Mesolithic Levant) and Pre-Pottery Neolithic Levant confirmed a high incidence of haplogroup E1b1b in that region. Underhill PA, Shen P, Lin AA et al. Y-DNA Haplogroup E: E1b1b and E1b1a - Your DNA Guide You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. Science 2009; 324: 10351044. Destro-Bisol G, Donati F, Coia V et al. PLoS ONE 2011; 6: e16073. People and Disease. More research is needed. [29], E-M2's frequency and diversity are highest in West Africa. Wairak people in Tanzania tested 4.6% (2/43) positive for E-M10. A single carrier was found in Mali. E-M78 and E-Z827 originated respectively at 20,000 years and 24,000 years. [13] [14] A combination of UEPs and STRs in the paternally inherited NRY was typed in eight Congolese groups (n=591). The expansion of the Bantu-speaking people (EBSP) during the past 30005000 years is an event of great importance in the history of humanity. They published a joint paper that created a single new tree that all agreed to use. E1B1A must be the standard for determining whether or not a male is a descendant of the Biblical Israelites. The Wright Brothers, the inventors of the world's first successful airplane, belonged to haplogroup E-V13 (S7461 subclade). Tanya M Simms 2011, The Peopling of the Bahamas: A Phylogeographical Semino O, Santachiara-Benerecetti AS, Falaschi F, Cavalli-Sforza LL, Underhill PA : Ethiopians and Khoisan share the deepest clades of the human Y-chromosome phylogeny. Of course, the TMRCA is only an estimate and could vary by a few centuries. Scozzari R, Cruciani F, Santolamazza P et al. Mutation rates at Y chromosome specific microsatellites. The ancestral L485 SNP (along with several of its subclades) was very recently discovered. Soon afterwards, M34 split into two branches, M84 and Z841, which were probably found in the Fertile Crescent during the Neolithic period. This evidence suggests that at the end of the last glaciation 12,000 years ago, E1b1b men were present in the Levant, but not in other parts of the Near East. E1b1a | Rem N Kemi Searching for the roots of the first free African American community, Carriers of mitochondrial DNA macrohaplogroup L3 basal lineages migrated back to Africa from Asia around 70,000 years ago, The peopling of the last Green Sahara revealed by high-coverage resequencing of trans-Saharan patrilineages. Within Africa, E-M2 displays a west-to-east as well as a south-to-north clinal distribution. New York: Columbia University Press, 1987. E1b1a and E1b1b-V22 tend to have lower values for this STR compared to other E1b1b haplogroups, but still the reported value is very rare in any of these haplogroups, and it looks like another suspicious STR value. There is evidence that the Natufians already cultivated cereals like rye before the Neolithic period. E1b1a (L576) This population represents an East to West thrust in Africa, only E1b1a lineage able to survive crossing the A1b1 territories. Eur J Hum Genet 21, 423429 (2013). The absence of E-V13 from Central Anatolia does not concord with a diffusion linked to Neolithic agriculture. Visual representation of the distribution of E1b1a component haplogroups in sub-Saharan African groups with sample totals. The first would be the Bronze Age Italic tribes from Central Europe, who in all logic would have possessed at least some E-V13 lineages before they invaded the Italian peninsula. Sectors in pie charts are coloured according to the haplogroup colour code to the left. Some of the lineages found in these areas are possibly due to the Bantu expansion or other migrations. [12], E1b1a1a1e is defined by markers M10, M66, M156 and M195. Genetic and demographic implications of the Bantu expansion: insights from human paternal lineages. EgyptSearch Forums: Ramses iii was not E1b1a? Nowadays E-M81 is the dominant paternal lineage among Northwest Africans, and particularly Tuaregs, Mountain Moroccans, Tunisians and Libyans. [9] Brucato et al. Haplogroup E1b1b (formerly known as E3b) represents the last major direct migration from Africa into Europe. [21], In Granada, a Muslim (Moor) of the Cordoba Caliphate,[22] who was of haplogroups E1b1a1 and H1+16189,[23][24] as well as estimated to date between 900 CE and 1000 CE, and a Morisco,[22] who was of haplogroup L2e1,[23][24] as well as estimated to date between 1500 CE and 1600 CE, were both found to be of West African (i.e., Gambian) and Iberian descent. The descendants of L791, Y2947 and Y4971, only appeared around 3500 BCE, during the Late Neolithic or Chalcolithic period. Under the latter no less than eight subclades have been identified at present: A930, A2227, CTS12227, FGC22844, PF2578, PF6794, MZ99 and Z5009. Ethiopia/Sudan, and the Levant. [6][7][8][9] According to Wood et al. The probability of observing a particular haplotype, if present, in a randomly collected set was assessed by the equation (1q)n=(1P), where P is the probability of observing the haplotype, q is the minimum frequency of the haplotype to be observed and n is the number of chromosomes. Haplogroup E1b1a7 (defined by M191) is modal in most groups in countries from Ghana to Mozambique and only at slightly lower frequency in South African Bantu speakers (33.8% compared with E1b1a8* at 37.8%). Only then would a later demic expansion have brought haplotype 22 chromosomes from central western to western Africa, giving rise to the opposite clinal distributions of haplotypes 22 and 24."[31]. Indeed the distribution pattern and frequency of M81 matches much better the Phoenician maritime empire, with its origins in the Levant, and its dispersal along the cost of North Africa, but also Iberia, Sardinia and Sicily. Anthropology, archaeology, linguistics and, in recent decades, genetics have been used to elucidate some of the events and processes involved. Amorim et al. [5] In Eritrea and most of Ethiopia (excluding the Anuak), E-V38 is usually found in the form of E-M329, which is autochthonous, while E-M2 generally indicates Bantu migratory origins. The Greeks remained in control of the Middle East until the Roman conquest, then regained influence over the region during the Byzantine period. Pereira L, Gusmao L, Alves C et al. An Indo-European dispersal of V13 subclades would not only explain why E-V13 is present in places like Finland, northwest Russia or Siberia, where Neolithic farmers had a negligible impact, but also why E-V13 is so conspicuously lacking from the Basque country and (central) Sardinia, the two regions of Europe with the highest Neolithic ancestry. Cereal farming may therefore trace its roots (literally) to the E1b1b tribes of the Mesolithic Levant. The original Phoenician M81 in the Levant could also have diffused across the Eastern Mediterranean over the centuries, during the Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman periods. [69] This is the modal haplotype of STR markers that is common in carriers of E-U175. [13][14], At Kindoki, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, there were three individuals, dated to the protohistoric period (230 BP, 150 BP, 230 BP); one carried haplogroups E1b1a1a1d1a2 (E-CTS99, E-CTS99) and L1c3a1b, another carried haplogroup E (E-M96, E-PF1620), and the last carried haplogroups R1b1 (R-P25 1, R-M415) and L0a1b1a1. [15] Using Whit Athey's haplogroup predictor based on Y-STR values both mummies were predicted to share the Y chromosomal haplogroup E1b1a1-M2 and 50% of their genetic material, which pointed to a father-son relationship. [25] Nana was of West African ancestry and carried haplogroup L2b3a. If you are new to genetic genealogy, please check our Introduction to phylogenetics to understand how to read a phylogenetic tree. E1b1b's gradient in the maps shows in Levant its 24% in Palestine, 17% Lebanon, 14% Syria, 10% Turkey so it should have been say 4% in extreme southern . Research Department of Genetics, The Centre for Genetic Anthropology, Evolution and Environment, University College London, London, UK, Naser Ansari Pour,Christopher A Plaster&Neil Bradman, You can also search for this author in Anthropology, archaeology, linguistics and, in recent decades, genetics have been used to elucidate some of the events and processes involved. E-M81 is found at an average frequency of 45% in the Maghreb and Libya, with peaks at over 60% in Tunisia as well as central and southern Morocco. Something is wrong: Where do black people come from? Haplogroup E-V38 - Wikipedia Sample sizes are indicated within the pie charts. It is likely to have expanded south as the demographic events comprising the EBSP took place. Kayser M, Caglia A, Corach D et al. 2018). For other uses, see. Frequencies of over 75% have been reported among the Tuaregs of Burkina Faso and Mali. The merits of this hypothesis is that it would explain why M81 is so much more common in the Maghreb, and particularly in Tunisia, than in Italy today. [25], Amid the Green Sahara, the mutation for sickle cell originated in the Sahara[26] or in the northwest forest region of western Central Africa (e.g., Cameroon)[26][27] by at least 7,300 years ago,[26][27] though possibly as early as 22,000 years ago. Int J Legal Med 1997; 110: 125129. Montano V, Ferri G, Marcari V et al. Coelho M, Sequeira F, Luiselli D, Beleza S, Rocha J : On the edge of Bantu expansions: mtDNA, Y chromosome and lactase persistence genetic variation in southwestern Angola. Haplogroup E1b1a is an ancient brother to E1b1b, but has left a completely different fingerprint on the world today. How many people in the world are estimated to have E1b1a DNA, a genetic Richard Henry Proves That the Paternal Haplogroup E1B1A Is the Real If the estimate of 2,100 years is correct, that would correspond approximately to the time when the Romans defeated the Carthaginians in what is now Tunisia. [25] Anika was of Sub-Saharan African ancestry and carried haplogroups E1b1a-CTS6126 and L2b1. But others are from E1b1a and E1b1b (common in Africa and other places), R1a (up to 30% in Ashkenazi men), R1b (the most common lineage in Europe), Q (Asia), I (Europe, but rare), and G (mainly Western Asia).6 The distribution of haplogroups found among the Spanish Sephardim was similar to a Jewish population in Turkey Late glacial migration of E-M78 to Mediterranean Europe It is still unclear when haplogroup E first entered Europe. A few isolated occurrences of E-M2 have also been observed among populations in Southern Europe, such as Croatia, Malta, Spain and Portugal.[49][50][51][52]. PubMed Central The polymorphic markers are six STRs (DYS19, DYS388, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392 and DYS393) and four UEPs (M191, U175, U290 and U181) characterising the E1b1a haplogroup, which is modal in most population groups within the area of the EBSP.25 The four UEPs were typed using a tetra primer ARMS PCR method37 with minor modifications. His beliefs and warnings heavily influenced the South's secession from the Union in 186061. Mol Biol Evol 2009; 26: 15811589. See also : Southern Neolithic route brought Megaliths from the Levant to Western Europe. E1b1b is black? - Eupedia Because of the separation of the two major waves around 3500 YBP and the subsequent isolation of many groups, modern Bantu languages can be divided into West and East Bantu.8, 9 Non-Bantu languages (that do not belong to the Niger-Congo phylum, eg, Khoisanid languages in the southwest of the continent and a few Cushitic and Nilo-Saharan tongues in the northeast6) have survived in areas that have not experienced extensive inward migration of Bantu speakers. Examples of founder effects include E-V12 in southern Egypt, E-V13 in the Balkans, E-V32 in Somalia, E-V65 on the Mediterranean coast of Africa, and E-M81 in Northwest Africa. In this scenario, M81 could have been the lineage of Carthaginian kings, or of a particularly prolific aristocratic familiy during the Carthaginian Republic. It would then have spread to Greece and Italy alongside haplogroup J2a1 and T1a-P77. The distribution of haplogroup E1b1a8a1a (defined by U181) with a very recent TMRCA of only 11001638 YBP is very different, however, being restricted to Nigeria and the east side of sub-Saharan Africa (Figure 2). Genealogical relationships of UEP markers used to define NRY haplogroups. [67] The place of origin and age is unreported. Steven Pinker is a Canadian experimental psychologist, cognitive scientist, linguist, and popular science author. E-M123 originated some 19,000 years ago, during the last Ice Age Its place of origin is uncertain, but it was probably in the Red Sea region, somewhere between the southern Levant and Ethiopia. BMC Evol Biol 2010; 10: 92. Both of them carried the Y-chromosome haplogroup is E1b1b1a1b1a6a1c (E-V13 > CTS12223 > BY3880 > E5017 > CTS9320 > Z17264 > PH1173). Outside North Africa, M81 is far more frequent in parts of Iberia than anywhere else in Europe or the Near East. The Bantu expansion revisited: a new analysis of Y chromosome variation in Central Western Africa. (2022) analysed the DNA of the remains of John Corvinus and his son Christopher Corvinus, the two last members of the Hunyadi family. The Phoenicians possessed a variety of paternal lineages reflecting the complex ancient history of the Middle East. to suggest that E-M2 may have originated in East Africa. Berniell-Lee G, Calafell F, Bosch E et al. This marker was found in a single South African. Although the battery of the NRY markers typed in UEP kits gives a relatively crude resolution of NRY haplogroups, the typing of four UEP markers within E1b1a considerably increases the resolution of NRY types associated with EBSP.32. All buccal swabs were collected anonymously with appropriate ethical approval and informed consent. The expansion of the Bantu-speaking people (EBSP) during the past 3000-5000 years is an event of great importance in the history of humanity. Was E-V13 a major lineage of Hallstatt Celts and Italics? Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Table 1 reports the frequencies of all observed haplogroups, including the component haplogroups of E1b1a. The Indo-European migrations would certainly have brought some E-V13 early on, from circa 2500 BCE. [30] Three South Africans tested positive for this marker. There are at least three distinct sources of E-V13 in Italy. Previously collected buccal-swab DNA samples from ethnic groups across sub-Saharan Africa were extracted by the standard phenol-chloroform method. Comparisons made without including data sets from South Africa and Mozambique, so as to exclude the possibility of admixture between western and eastern Bantu-speaking expansions in the southern extremity of the continent, remain significant for both presence/absence of E1b1a8a1a in data sets and for frequency of the haplogroup (P<0.01). [25] Kidzera was of western Central African ancestry and carried haplogroup L2a1a2c. L2a is widespread in Africa and the most common and . Diversity (h) of E1b1a was calculated at the five component-haplogroup level ranged from 0.379 to 0.753, excluding the Anuak (h=0). Whilst E1b1a reaches its highest frequency of 81% in Senegal, only 1 of the 139 Senegalese that were tested showed M191/P86. The genetic data are thus in broad agreement with analysis based on linguistic studies, which suggests that the spread of Bantu languages is the consequence of successive dispersals and that a single large-scale migration by Bantu speakers is unlikely.3 It is also consistent with suggestions that differences between eastern and western Bantu languages are a consequence of expansion patterns.3 This interpretation suggests the absence of substantial male-mediated gene flow from East-Central Africa to West-Central Africa during the past millennium, because had it occurred, it would be expected that examples of haplogroup E1b1a8a1a would have been observed in the Congolese groups included in this study.

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