blasphemous thoughts about the holy spirit

blasphemous thoughts about the holy spiritchemical that dissolves human feces in pit toilet

How Shall We Live in Light of This Possibility? She flirted with me, and we ended up in a sexual relationship. You can look at it as something scary or you can rest in that feeling and choose to relearn God. This article also helped. Secondly, about motivation. It is God who gave us desire for companionship. It started after I cursed God in 1994. Thank you for the wonderful article. Is there anything you found that works for you.? He read a verse about gluttony, so he began skipping one meal per day. Its beauty is there for all to find! but I cant shake the fear that they are wrong, and if I were to blurt something out against the Holy Spirit I would be lost. I agree with you that we have Truth when we have Jesus Christ. Thankfully, our intrusive thoughts aren't us. My heart DROPPED!!!! -, Doubtful thoughts are hitting me hard. That these thoughts have become my reality or my true way of thinking. What grieves him is bitterness and wrath and anger against other people. Selah, Thank you for this beautiful testimony. Again, don't force the belief, allow God to help you. Most of us on planet earth dont have all our ducks in a row. It seems alien, as though coming from outside the true self. It is unwanted, unplanned, uninitiated. Anyhow little did I know that I will be challenged so badly religiously that it nearly killed me. Its a mental health disorder that happens to create symptoms that mimic our spiritual lives. Including these thoughts. Heres the passage from Mark: Then the multitude came together again,so that they could not so much as eat bread. I think my heart is hardened. This led to intrusive thoughts and thinking I was damned and God either has left me (as if I had committed the unpardonable sin) or I was never a true born again believer. I think I'm a bad person. My own. The repetitive nature of intrusive thoughts mean theyll keep coming back again and again. Because He sees the real you. God understands and extends His mercy. I used to struggle with these thoughts, too. The very fact that you are bothered by these blasphemous thoughts is evidence they are not your thoughts. Unfortunately I dont know any mental health providers in New York that specialize in scrupulosity, although Im sure there are some. I feel like my thoughts were from scrupulosity but Im not sure. Remember the Pharisees we mentioned earlier. I dont want God to leave me. God has already accepted you these feelings of false guilt are either A) a temptation from Satan to doubt your faith experience, or B) the obsessive thought patterns of religious OCD. The bee flies away and the entire poison sack is ripped out of her abdomen, causing her death. Be blessed! I just had a baby and was a little weak! Then I get numb and feel like God has left me, which I know is not true but can't help the feeling. Hes the boss even over those who dont believe in Him. Unfortunately, this natural response causes more harm than good. Ive done sins willfully too , I have asked God for forgiveness. These thoughts started about doubting my salvation. Thus, their thoughts and intents to kill Jews was ego-syntonic. And if the verses about blaspheming the Holy Spirit applied to you, you would need to match a variety of qualifiers: having a blatant unwillingness to believe, seeing firsthand miracles and yet explaining them away, etc. What do I do!! Esau would be an example of this. When he took a stand, it was on behalf of the Father (John 2:14-17) and, in this case, the Holy Spirit. Hey Jaimie, recently, well actually today, my thoughts have become so horrible. I know many here are out to grow spiritually. I believe my upbringing molded me into a person who could not trust.. What are your thoughts on this? Hello! I thought I was speaking in tongues. I would find relief in this tactic, but I eventually got burned out and angry. And he was givena mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and he was given authority tocontinue forforty-two months. My professor encouraged us to use common sense when analyzing who must apply which verses to their own lives. I hate this so much and feel I need to fix this to be able to move forward in my life. I also use to feel a strong sensation of preaching the gospel in which if I don't,I will feel so much condemned,I don't use to preach it because I think I will be a liar.What can I do in such situations sir? And then he will plunder his house. Hi. Trust in Him, not in self. They saw the work of Christ and concluded that he was in league with the devil. Blasphemy, in this usage, literally means to put yourself in Gods place. I feel so much peace love and compassion for myself, for others, and for God. The person with obsessive-compulsive disorder, however, is hyper-vigilant about anything that might cause danger. Im just trying trying to focus on that. David, I've been there, too. This is why we must learn to let go of feeling that we are in control. Here is the key phrase: it is a state [of] willful determined opposition to the present power of the Holy Spirit. Then he gives (as one of those other places in the New Testament) 1 John 5:16, which says, If anyone sees his brother committing a sin not leading to death, he shall ask, and God will give him life to those who commit sins that do not lead to death. Truthfully, the first time was in the shower when I was freaking out and I kept having thoughts that popped up over and over again because I kept rolling my eyes to the back of my head and breathing hard. I started clutching at straws wondering what was going to happen to me when i die. I have always noticed that they become more and more instense or perverted when I am trying to get closer to God. But we want to ignore them in the sense that we dont enter dialogue. Me, too! Pretty much 24/7. The universalist sites held no assurance for me anymore. Since that point, I started to get thoughts I would always say aren't mine. Where's my faith? But the discussion needs to take place with an understanding of of mental health, which is often not the primary focus of Bible passages. No I need to know whether Ive even recognised the holy Spirit, and if its not him then I can ignore more easily. Chemosh is real., Do you know that Chemosh is real, or do you believe it?, I know it! I'm worried, how do I deal with this, and how do I fix it? I have gotten into a habit of over riding all the sounds I hear. But its also helpful to challenge our deepest presuppositions (the learned aspect of our OCD). And, how can I know for sure I don't have it? Hello! Just brush them off and move on. In other words, you cant do it by accident; it is an ongoing choice. I'm guessing God may have allowed you to deal with Blasphemous thoughts so that you could relate to people like me. It is the presence of the Spirit that sanctifies and convicts Christians after they are saved. If I doubt Chemosh, I feel like I will lose eternity in Chemosh-land! Instead of taking this lesson as a failure, learn from it. There isnt a lot of evidence for that. God will help you, Italia. I would feel fine for a while but once the said blasphemous thought passes, I'll go back to feeling guilty and scared again. How can I reduce my anxiety and panic while ignoring the blasphemous thoughts? Now, what Im NOT saying is that trauma causes OCD. This is a lifetime journey with the Lord, and Hes waaaaay more patient with you than you are with yourself! I hate it so much. That's true no matter what crazy thoughts run through your head. Many of the things that you've posted here are what I've been going through for the past few months. What were they doing, thinking, or saying that provoked such a response? It has been happening to me for years and I have been in anxiety and fear over this to the point that I thought I would instantly die because of it.I am so happy to finally see that I am not alone that there is hope.Please stay strong and remember that God loves you always as do myself and your other brothers and sisters in Christ . Bees rarely sting a calm, quiet human that is not invading their territory. I want to love the Lord (Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit) like I used to. I don't want to go to hell for all eternity for blaspheming the Holy Spirit. Ohhh thank you sooo much.. that gave me a little bit of assurance.. but i would like to ask something again hehe.. if i knew to myself that i did not do something wrong.. like i keep remembering it and i keep having the same results in my mind that i didn't do it but i'm still anxious whether i did it or not.. does it usually mean that i've done that thing or haven't.. and right now i'm trying my best not to do the thing i'm afraid of doing.. and at the end of the day i re-evaluate myself and based on my memory i didn't do something bad but i still get nervous.. i hope you would be able to explain this for me because i really am getting a hard time.. and thank yoooou so muuuuuch.. And what if you made someone do something bad but they are not aware that it was bad and did it.. will they be punished for this or not? When I first heard of Exposure Therapy I was admittedly terrified of the idea.. He encourages us to cast ALL of our cares upon Him. Not feeling deeply sad makes me question if my repentance is real. I had enough of this bullshit. Christianity does not teach that there is any magical power in mantras, phrases, or spooky abracadabra wordsneither to save us nor condemn us. What youre mentioning about bearing the devils child as a male is less common but I have encountered some cases of people with religious OCD obsessing about possible sexual abnormalities from supernatural causes. Her dad was mad at me I don't blame him. I primarily have the blasphemous thoughts and one other issue. There are a lot of reasons people might be motivated to seek God. Despite the simplicity of this logic, it really is true. I have a much harder time believing saying it out loud is forgivable rather than just the thought. I know this sounds bad, but i prefer the feeling of guilty and shame over this nothing right now, I expected to come out a lot stronger and zealous on my relationship with God, but it feels like I've abandoned everything and when I try to get back to it, it feels fake or something, I don't really know how to describe this. I really wish to divine encounter with God Almighty. There seems to be something unique taking place. I know I have had emotional needs that have never truly been met on a regular basis. This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. So sorry to hear that youve been struggling lately. The second route is to analyze passage that speak to the reality of blasphemous thoughts that are ego-dystonic, alien, and unwanted. I prayed for you and if you wanna talk about this more you can chat with me! He came to me during the Aberystwyth Conference in the Great Hall of the University this year. Like drivers get out of skids or pilots out of a stall (if it's not a Boeing Max). But after some time, I guess I kinda gave up in a sense. He draws us; He gives us the spirit of repentance; He writes His law in our hearts so that we yearn to do what is right; He sanctifies us, washes us, cleanses us, guides us in righteousness. God Bless You! i'm not a born again christian i still have some sins to quit but STILL. I am literally in the same boat like you ! These cookies are set via embedded youtube-videos. They went from being the children of God to being the slaves of sin. Start and finish a masturbation/porn without a single unwanted intrusive thought, or bad thought. Repent. Now the second time I felt like I truly blasphemed happened in my bed when I woke up. I was crying like a two year old. I cant believe this is real and this condition actually has a name. I was lying there in bed when I started praying and it popped up so I decided to google it. Thanks for being interested in helping others who struggle. Itvis obvious to me now that if they come when I am getting closer to God then they are not from me but from the devil. Blasphemous thoughts meaning When you have sinful thoughts, you may have thoughts and ideas that violate your religious beliefs. But thought-action fusion pushes the boundaries. But the serpent tempted them by trying to overturn the original pattern. In Jude 1:22, it says on some have compassionbut others save with fear. Different people are drawn by different means. This post is a blessing and it encourages me to keep going. It made me questions so many things for the longest and put me a state of hopelessness many times. I have had a large number of my clients come with spiritual baggage for this exact reason, which in reality these are not prophecies at all. I used to come back to God to seek reconciliation a lot. They have cut themselves off from the one who can lead them to repentance. AGAIN, THANK YOU!DO YOU HAVE ANY ADVICE ON DEMON POSSESION, ? Its just been confusing me because I dont know what happening and Ive been questioning like whether I am really a Christian or whether I truly love God or if Ive just been living a lie with myself. It is unforgivable because God never forgives such a sin. 16 years 5 months 12 days 11 hours 29 minutes. Will a professing Christian go to hell if he never shares the gospel? Id rather settle my fears by finding all that scripture says about something and hopefully finding safety in balancing that, rather than asking how certain I am something is true, and becoming comfortable with that. Choose to read and believe the Word of God because it's true. Don't give into peer pressure. Wow, this has really helped me alot, i have been have this unwanted thoughts to God and the people i interact with, and as a result i have always felt ashamed and atimes shy to speak, gence a reduced self-esteem. so I was tired of these intrusive thoughts and the more I tried to avoid them, the more they came. I am 18 years old and I have grown up a deep thinking but also a fun loving and passionate girl. And is it possible to get my feelings back? We can trust Him to judge rightly. It felt like I willfully kept the thoughts going on purpose when most likely it was nothing but intrusive thoughts and urges. Later, when standing before the court, Jesus made a similar statement which, for any other person, would have been severely blasphemous. He wants us to seek Him above anything or any human. What is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? Recognize emotional reasoning for what it is and determine to let your life be guided by the Word of God rather than your emotions. I dont know what to do this has happened so many times where I accidentally blasphemed god or the Holy Spirit like so many times were I accidentally say the mean word.. instead of the king word. Let me summarize a long story and say it does not matter what your motivation is for seeking God. She came back here, had sex with me again, and left to go to Bible college. So some of us swallow falsehoods and we grow up thinking its true. I still fight them in hopes someday they'll disappear but they don't. And i've already blasphemed Heaven and The Holy Ghost.. everyday in my mind. Ego-dystonic thoughts, also, may be objectively correct or incorrect but they are perceived as being at odds with the self. They were so foreign and against what I believed, against the person I truly am. Not sure. This has been settled by my Saviour The thoughts have been off for quite a long time now but they just came back this evening while I was in a Bible study but this really helped me. Reading the Bible brings no comfort and makes it even worse. So two questions, is it Blasphemy if I have blasphemous thoughts, and also was it Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit to smile/laugh at his joke. It may take time, but you can find the way out. Before you move on, be sure to like my Facebook page, follow me on Twitter, and subscribe to my Youtube channel for secrets and insights about OCD and blasphemous thought. Most people never saw it like this, neither did I but when Jesus was in the wilderness fasting for 40 days/nights the devil tempted Him. Thats the feeling you get that something ambiguous is wrong and you arent quite sure what, but youve got to do something to restore a sense of ok-ness again. Blasphemous Thoughts and Unforgivable Sin: A Hell Of Fear Justin Aptaker Aug 25, 2019 Where Theology Meets Mental Illness Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Scrupulosity, and Christian Universalism " but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; they are guilty of an eternal sin ." But when both of these failures are combined, the result is idolatrous disobedience. Don't let your feelings guide you but your faith. But maybe those doubts have some truth to them. Then I told God well, If I did the unpardonable sin please dont let me be a reprobate because I want to be used so others can be saved. I had said this to God before the woman at the church, prophesied over me. Also a very good friend of mine told me I needed to ask forgiveness for rejecting grace which was the last thing I ever wanted to do. Jesus was easily able to deflect their illogical arguments in His parable of binding the strong man. I have these thoughts that say I don't care or that I have committed the sin and that I'm going to Hell and I don't feel God or feel the Holy Spirit. But we ought to be humble and admit that there is a lot we dont know. Unwanted blasphemous thoughts also fit into this category. But for that I think I will have to eliminate this stupid OCD problem first. As in, never. Really helpful, thought I was going crazy and losing my faith in God. With the help of my family and a therapist I finally started to feel like myself again. I know it can feel so strange and isolating to have these intense worries, and maybe you have been unable to share your thoughts with anyone in your church or family. me too it been so horrible I wanted to kill myself I hate this I want freedom. I trust your grace to make a miracle in my soul.. It causes severe distress, since you typically dont know where it came from and why youre thinking about something that strikes so violently against your core beliefs and loyalties. I am left in great doubt wondering if they are just my own thoughts or false. I want Gods forgiveness and I want the Holy Spirit to work in me. By studying Scripture, reaffirming the truth in our minds, and Bible memorization, we can greatly diminish or even vanquish intrusive thoughts"When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your consolations . This is not, there is a sin that leads to death, but there is sin. That is the way it should be translated. I started to have these thoughts in the beggining of this year, i thought they had passed but they came again after a month. And I totally agree your point, I am somewhere like this. Remember, you can always tell God the good, bad, and ugly about yourself and your life. Any suggestions ? The most intense form of ERP would be a direct sort of exposure, where Suzy is asked to say these blasphemous thoughts about Chemosh out loud and not respond to the anxiety that arises. You dont want to wildly flail your arms in defense. Not let them bother me as much knowing that it is not my fault. I feel so low, I want the same love and passion for the Lord in Heaven! I wish we could meetI actually have a really full schedule these days. I was seeing things. It just keeps coming back and consuming your attention. That In itself is blasphemy. Only the King can make legal rulings to dole out justice or forgive sins. Any advice? However, the key to forgiveness is repentance. So, automatically, the fear of blasphemous thoughts seems so much more sensible than the fear of yellow. Also, are there any online support groups for this topic? Any any that is related to emotions, self-esteem, insomnia, anger, relationship dynamics due to mental health and recovery and other issues that don't fit better in another forum would be examples of topics that might go there. Be of good courage and keep pressing forward! Facebook has some excellent and free support groups for scrupulosity. Hi. I still do sometimes. Started digging into it and loved it. And why do they go along with sounds? These kinds of blasphemous thoughts are different from the first two. You said God healed you once before, He'll do it againgive it time. In the past, before I knew that I had scrupulosity and existential OCD, I also had bouts with major depressive disorder and suicidal thoughts. He is still on the throne. I had no idea what was wrong with me. The fear was debilitating and it was the main reason I fell into a depression. And would feel my heart beating very fast sweating with my mind almost shutting on me. This article has been such a relief to me. They hate it and they repent of it. I was constantly and anxiously praying to the Lord to set me free.It has gotten so bad that I have not finished my exam and that I went to psychologist.But no one have diagnosed me with this or told me yhat it was just intrusive thoughts or some sort of OCD.All they told me is that I had a rough year and my brain is mentally exhausted.It was only a year later that I came across religious OCD and it was the first time I didnt feel alone.To see that other christians en people struggle too !! You don't want these thoughts, and you don't like them. The reason why I am focusing on the unbeliever is because I dont believe a Christian or true believer can commit this sin, but more on that later. I thought I was committing a mortal sin. And I dont agree with these thoughts and i dont want to accept they are my thoughts, but I feel like they really come from me since it seems to come from my negative thinking but not sure, it led to me confessing every time, but as of now, I feel when these things come out or if I happen to remember did I confess it, I start to remover the stuff again, and I feel my Holy Spirit get bothered. As I find verses or ideas that may be helpful, Ill publish about them here on my blog. Thanks. Because I think the meaning of the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, as Alford says, is a willful, determined opposition to the present power of the Holy Spirit. How can I stop them! Its all lies, more forward I still kept going to my feelings. God is very secure in who He is, the Almighty God. This well-intentioned fixing takes two main forms. Days and nights I will just break down and be lonely dont want to do nothing but cry and worrying. Having these scary, unwanted, perceived-to-be-meaningful thoughts can be so distressing that people go to great lengths to fix them. And thankfully, its something you can fix. The data collected including the number visitors, the source where they have come from, and the pages visted in an anonymous form. Where I'm at at the moment is these thoughts are Non-Stop and constant but yet it's almost like I've learned to live with them as if they're just constant background noise because I fought them for so long and tried to ignore them and was so fear stricken by them that they literally became a habit and they're stuck in my head I think blasphemous thoughts constantly it's almost like my flesh has latched on to him and it constantly wants to think these negative thoughts it's very weird to explain I don't know if anybody understands call it mental illness a sickness OCD a demon what have you but I'm to the point now I don't know what my life is like without these thoughts it's almost as if if they're not there I purposely think them I've become obsessed and consumed in them but again I've learned to live my life with them it's like my bodies become addicted to them yes I prayed fasted salt the Lord took medical treatment talked to specialist and yet nothing I don't know why but yet I'm glad the fear has subsided it's one thing to have thoughts but to have thoughts and a Fe ar and panic of going insane is another thing I've literally become numb I hate I ever got obsessed and consumed in these blasphemous thoughts yes it's the whole idea of don't think of a pink elephant and it's all you think of and that's what happened with me as silly as it was I do not understand it it's as if the more I feared it the more I didn't want it the more I tried to pray against it the worse it got they'll finally my mind would blaspheme everything related to God I could literally hop in the shower and my mind would create a demonic thought against the Holy Spirit I could literally be using the restroom and my mind would conjure up some ungodly thought against the spirit I could put the car keys in my car to start it up and my mind would just start trying to conjure up something dirty it's as if my flesh was fighting against me but again I'm to the point I have learned to just live my life with this 24/7 constant blasphemy I'm to the point now I don't care if it ever leaves or not I'm used to it now, Anybody ever get strong thoughts and Urges to not only think but speak the thoughts out loud thoughts pertaining to you in your in voice asking the HS To perform and or do sexual acts to you..I hate this its kills me the only way to be free is die. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits., {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}. I dont know how youll do that, Lord, but Im going to just keep coming to you every day and bringing you my confused feelings for YOU to heal them. It is a way of acknowledging our intrusive thoughts without engaging with them. She will seek reconciliation and continue trying to please God. I found the a friend of mine on-line whom I cursed that day when I was pretending to be poor. With some people (and with some mental health disorders) dialogue does no good. It started after a very big attack of the enemy and death of my Dad. I feel a little disturbed at any church environment where people can walk up to each other and condemn each other by saying youre like Samson or would tell you to ask forgiveness for rejecting grace. The experience of numbness and depersonalization is also common to people with PTSD who have experienced prolonged periods of trauma. You push back frantically, trying your best to stay true to what you really believe and love. People with OCD often have an untrustworthy picture of God and this fuels their need to meticulously control their environment and thought life. When he blasphemes the nameof theLord, he shall be put to death. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. He became skin and bones from trying to apply everything in Scripture to himself. About the OCD I feel like it doesn't even make sense. just the fact that we agonize and worry over this shows we are children of GOD, i truly believe the Lord spoke to me through this article. The Pharisees by their words were denying the true work of the Holy Spirit. Fasting helped. The cookies store information anonymously and assign a randomly generated number to identify unique visitors. I was bedridden for months. God will continue to work on your behalf! The Bible says Faith comes by hearing the Word of God Romans 10:17. I have no doubt that God is working in your life to bring about lasting joy and beauty. I think that Iam lost etrnally having no hope. She will mourn and feel sorry for what she thinks was a sinful thought. This just happened to me a few weeks ago. Best regards Oje possible, Hi Sister. Gods blessings, Jaimie, can you please approve my other comment? Thus the official stand of the Catholic Church's, following Augustine and a whole host of subsequent moral theologians, is that the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is final impenitence.

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