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I just met someone who has their moon in 12th house like myself and im wondering if i need to investigate this more closely. In contrast, couples who come together to create something for the collective often have the appropriate planets in the composite 12th, there for all to see. The Moon/Mars (Virgo) sextiles a close Sun/Jupiter (Cancer) conjunction in the 10th, sextiles Uranus (Scorpio) in the 2nd, trines Ceres (Capricorn) in the 4th, and squares Neptune (Sagittarius) in the 3rd all very close aspects. This placement borders more on a feeling of universal consciousness. I think that your article is quite amazing, but for those of us who are making these relationships work for us I wish you would have given some cases in which it can work. Trust me when I say that I will happily take a man i am less connected to, to allow myself the support I need to thrive in this life. My english is not very good. I have read at least books regarding the 12th house, and its not easy to comprehend the needs of the 12th. The south node lies there on the natal composite. I do all these within a synastry consulation. More, we have a 5 cluster Scorpio in 9 (Moon, Venus, Neptune, Jupiter and Mercury), a composite Sun in Sag in 10, with Pluto and Uranus conjunct in 7 and unaspectted Gemini NN in 4 we also have a lot of 6/12 house contacts in synastry and 21 conjunctions (far from being easy!) Composite Chiron in the 7th house : r/AskAstrologers - Reddit But yes, the karmic and telepathic feelings are all there. thanks you very much Dawn to shed some lights on this! Neptune is also in the 12th, but hanging back a bit and squaring Neptune- yikes. *Also in synastry- my 12th house Juno in Taurus also sits in his 12th house) Is it possible that 2 people with so much 12th/water house activity; both within synastry and composite, there is any hope for them to just be normal and happy together without karma or something else getting in the way? RUN ? I had a karmic relationship with a guy for 6 years which ended badly. I fell onto another man after that whom I had a very deep dark sexual connection to and whom I shared a heavy 8th composite chart with. It was helpful all of your comments about the rest of composite houses and I say Thank you again for this Composite Chart: Moon and Chiron in the Seventh House - Lindaland We are both married similar age kids. Another spin given to the 12th house . Our mars is in cap in 3rd house and mars in 11th house libra. scares me a bit. It doesnt matter. There are two conjunctions with ascendent as well. I can honestly say that I love this man from the highest level of my being, but I dont feel we belong together in a committed relationship. But also to wound each other? Saturn, NN, and Sun exact at 28 degrees, opposite Chiron Rx in Cancer. The synastry can show the true about our relationship, and the Davison also but less than synastry, but the Composite chart can show almost nothing. I hope you are well during these strange and powerful times. Pisces is the mutable water sign overseeing the 12th house. Illusions yes I know. Everyone longs for melding and merging in relationship, but the truth is that separateness makes us interesting to one another. The lesson they teach is that we do not have to possess love in order to experience it. It has left a hole in my heart, (composite chiron conjunct asc) and I suffered from insomnia regretting I should or shouldnt have done. You can have opportunities to let go and move on from the past, and you can explore your inner worlds . Who cares? The feelings I have for him, I feel, are something I just have to live with for the rest of my life. Once they have hammered out their imbalance (too little, too much is often a theme with the 12th) they must find a way to make something real of their inspiration. The composite chart has Sun/Jupiter conjunct by degree in the 12th in Scorpio, moon in the 12th in late Libra, and Scorpio rising. Im glad youre enjoying it. You mentioned that couples with 12th house emphasis usually come together for a specific purpose and once that is completed the relationship is destined to end (thats what I gathered anyway). I apologize for the mistakes, Im French and sometimes it is difficult to express in English . Sun conjunct Neptune is a very difficult thing to live with in a composite chart. Thanks a lot Dawn, now I understand it. Planets in the 12th are considered to be undevelopd or lacking something in terms of karma. The love you have for one another may be secret or private, and/or you are called upon to take a leap of faith in order to be with one another. We dont really grasp whats in the 12th until we spiritualize it, remove the ego from the planets function. It's on my twelfth house and I don't really understand how to interpret that. Entering through my dreams, plenty of astral seduction going on out there in the ethers. Im not quick to say its an illusion, but its not quite real either, and you can get into some dangerous territory in the 12th by telling yourself things that arent really true. Once they have hammered out their imbalance (too little, too much is often a theme with the 12th) they must find a way to make something real of their inspiration. Mars also squares Mercury, Venus, Pluto and Saturn. In the ninth house, it may indicate some crisis to do with spiritual teaching. and he JUST asked me to lunch yesterday. We need strong, healthy egos to accomplish what weve come to do in this life, but we need to act according to what is wanted of us, not against it. Aghh! Sometimes the ego gets in the way of our path, whether through fear, resistance to growth, resistance to break old habits and personal tendencies, or through a lack of interest in what is wanted of us. Beginning to look at our Composite Chart and come to find a Moon and Mars Conjunction in Leo 12th House. The Composite Chart: Relationship Astrology thank you for your insight, thank you !!! The 12th house doesnt necessarily mean hidden. Star*Mate Composite Report by Pamela Thompson We have our composite sun in 12th house, along with saturn. Ultimately, both the 12th house and Neptune want us to get our egos out of the way. I will look into it. I just am hesitating. A share a composite chart with a stellium of planets (Sun, Mercury, Uranus, and Neptune) in the 12th house with cusp on Scorpio. And I learned a lot too. And it KILLS ME! As someone with Chiron placed in 12th House, spirituality shapes your identity through isolation and imagination. Ive seen couples with a heavy 12th house influence utterly befuddled and bedazzled by their lives (which dont go the way their friends lives go). That was over three years ago. Note that composite Venus (12th house) is trine Jupiter/Cupido by implication through its trine with Ceres at 29 Libra. It often helps to work together on projects they find meaningful, or to spend some time doing community or charity work. Good luck. Two sides of the same coin. We also have composite Juno in Aquarius in the 4th house (opposing Mercury in the 10th and trining the Ascendant), and Venus tightly conjunct Saturn in the 11th (Leo). The lesson they teach is that we do not have to possess love in order to experience it. In my natal I have mars and mercury in 12th house Gemini. Talking about Fate! We romanticize all of this (and well, a little romance never hurt anyone) but the truth is that this familiarity is there to hurry up the bonding process so that the lessons and the challenges can be quickly assimilated. how this would manifest? I dont quite know what it all means but I like what you wrote here and will keep it in mind for future reference: [Couples with a heavy 12th house/ 6th house polarity have to find a way to put their wisdom to some practical use. Composite Saturn is in the 1st. (like your name too. Even the sexual draw of 8th house connections can be replaced by more of them down the road, or by the excitement of the 5th. (anyone who has ever fallen in love and had planets with that person in 12th composite will know..). Am i trapping my self? Our situation was kind of complicated. )~~~a reader with Sun in Neptune and Saturn and Mars both in 12th house. When transit Pluto is in the composite 12th house, you may feel more powerful and connected in the relationship when its just the two of you, behind closed doors, no one to bother. Astrology Symbols, Elements, Modalities, & House Types. Thank you very much. One is more transpersonal and numinous, the other deals with our reactions in the day to day world. Can you say anything on the north node transiting the twelfth house on a composite? Is Your experience the same? Dear Dawn, I just see now, that accidentally I typed wrong Your name! Your emotions may also be cloudy and unclear at times, and your lack of boundaries may cause you trouble. crone status for women. And 1 more thing HIS VENUS opposes my vertex and my sun, venus and mercury on his ASC conjucts his Venus! Its bad enough that we have difficulties with the 12th house when it involves the natal chart, but it often is downright cruel when were trying to negotiate its slippery slopes in a composite. Its more complex than just the composite positions. I don know what to do. Is there something to be read from this cluster of planets in 12th house? Does that sound like enough glue to counter the 12th house effects? I cannot be happy with him (I feel happy but it doesnt last any longer) or without him. Useful Chiron in 12th House Crystals Jasper Malachite Professional Readings 2023 Yearly 30 Minute Astrology Report Recent Articles Ceres Aspects Lilith Aspects Juno in Houses Ceres in Houses Lilith in Houses Astrological Events New Moon in Taurus Increasing pleasures May 19 2023 Jupiter in Taurus Productive Growth I cannot think, sleep since i met him. It symbolizes pealing back the layers to reveal the authentic self underneath. The aspects of the composite Moon will show how effectively they deal with the energies. This is a complicated question and needs a subtle analysis in the chart, but on the whole, planets in the first house side of the angle center around the development of a healthy sense of Self, of ego, whereas planets on the 12th house side of the angle will be dealing with karma surrounding ego choices, and the planets will take on a more archetypal energy and effect. The composite AC is Scorpio Pluto in 12th (only planet) and Mars in 8th. What you are fascinated by is your own longing to acknowledge and feel this power. We talk with each other and I know he loved me and still does like me , we talk in the church when we can but none of us really telling the real story (which is so 12 house thing). hills HOW TO SEE HOW YOU AND YOUR PARTNER WILL END IN I feel that our connection is a long term one over many lifetimes. It often indicates couples who seem to have a lot of shared experience and shared historyeven if they are new to one another, it feels old. They recognize one another when they meet. It was emotional and intense, also warm and familiar at the same time. Our strongest aspect is Saturn Trine Moon. Ive known couples who are married for long periods of time to have 12th house composites. The fellow and I have composite sun/Mercury conjunct in the 12th, making an out of sign conjunction to the ascendant. What the twelfth house demands of us always is that we give the ego a rest, but often challenges regarding the ego are exactly what we have to face with twelfth house planets. Long story short it really bothered me that I can not tell him how I really feel about him because we are both ironically attending church but I felt that he really likes me as well. You may feel stressed out about something together or in the relationship, and need to work on this. but the composite chart provides the critical information of where a relationship is going and what are its advantages and disadvantages? He just wanted to keep it physical until one of us gets married with someone else. Just not what I wanted to hear. Since each of us share a natal 12th house dominion, then repeated in a shared composite strength, what you have said in your 12th house explanations all seem to feel so true. Since then we got closer and closer and couldnt hold back our attraction. Whatever the motive, we know we are facing some sort of extremeand a choice. He eventually ended it because he was afraid wed go into a dark place with each other again- our relationship was very intense, and my insecurities and control issues combined with his youthful sloppiness are what destroyed it. The story of your inability to connect probably has more to do with your individual chart comparisons than the composite chart. Chiron In 12th House - UPDATED 2023 - A Complete Guide :In a composite chart: What does it mean when both people have juno in the 12 House? Pluto is elevated in the composite chart close to the midheaven in the 9th. It has been a very long journey! The point is not that the telepathy is an illusion, the point is that its real, but it doesnt matter. The strong feeling of dissatisfaction also leads to feelings of emptiness-in actions and also in spirit. thanks Dawn for your reply. Any advice would be helpful. In fact, it seems we are even more a part of each others lives than ever. Men with Chiron in the 12th House have a solid physical and mental constitution. And I read from Stephen Arroyo that it is so important to see the traditional rulers of the signs , for example in Aquarius is more important to see Saturn than Uranus. however, we are very well aspected with neptune in trine and sextile to our nodes, as our sun, but our vertex is opposed and conjucted. and then mars, Jupiter and neptune in the 2nd. Everywords pounding in me. our composite mars-venus conjunction opposes composite uranus, sun, mercury all conjunct from seventh house. Are these water houses the culprits that keep pulling me back? Jupiter in 1st house, Uranus in the 11th to bracket the party. Fame has its roots in the 12th because that is where we can serve as an example of a prime archetypewe can embody the zeitgeist of our age. The Chiron return often coincides. The 12th house native likely suffered in their childhood due to being overly sensitive and empathetic. Greetings. VERY-VERY SORRY! I like to think of Pluto more in terms of the battle between the ego and the soul. Any insights you may have would be greatly appreciated! Comfy date, lots of laughter, he contacted me for a second date. Like individuals with 12th house planets, couples with a lot of twelfth house may feel that there is something fated about their lives together. I herd that the good connections between the 1st house rulers and 7 th rulers are so important an the good saturn aspects also. Another spin given to the 12th house . Could I ask Your opinion? So sad! His north node in his 12th in pisces which means he will have to travel from a more material existence to a spiritual one in his lifetime, but that could take another 20 years. I dont know whether this situation is karma? We feel it has a nebulous, yet mysteriously powerful influence on our lives when we have planets there, even though we cant quite fathom the type of influence it wieldsare we being seduced to a precipitous cliff by external forces, or are the demons within driving us to the edge? They help us understand that our capacity to love is its own reward. Very exquisitely put. Neptune causes us to turn our other into gods. Also, I would think that the answer to your issues is not in the composite, but in your natal comparison. We both feel we have been together over many lifetimes. The empty space you decribe has me under pressure most days. The working dynamic of the partnership is in the biwheel (how do you make me feel?) this is a very arguementative indicates that the two of you have vastly different opinions on most everything . We still keep in touch as just friends occasionally, and sometimes I feel like I am having conversations with him in my head. I am sufficiently haunted. An ex-lover and I share composite Sun/Mercury in the 12th. I became reacquainted with a man I grew up with. Hes Gemini sun . Oh wow, Im glad to be reading this after the fact. I found composite Saturn on the 12th house, trining the composite Sun/Venus/Merc on the 8th and sextile to the Moon on the 2nd. Will we stay together after we have learned our lesson together? When transit Mercury is in the composite 12th house, you may refrain from expressing thoughts and opinions with one another until youre alone, just the two of you, and no one else around. We challenge each other to be the best versions of ourselves. Your generation, the one with Pluto/Uranus opposite Saturn in Virgo/Pisces, came into this life with a huge burden. Several weeks ago, my wife revealed that she has been hiding a secret life of crushes and short-lived affairs from me over the past 4 years. A heavily posited first house suggests a powerful and active relationship. There is a lot of love between us, much alignment in our dreams and life goals and a feeling of being soul mates and yet a strange disconnect emotionally that has us often feeling like we are on completely different wavelengths. If I murdered this illusion, it would be like if I murdered my own soul ; I just cant . I also have two stelliums in the 11th and 12th of my natal chart.a total of 8 planets (6 in Leo). There is a feeling of neglect present spiritually. What do you think? Composite Chiron can be strongest when in the composite 1st house or conjunct (aligned with) a composite planet (especially a personal planet - Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) or composite angle (1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th house cusps). We all have things we come in to this life to accomplish, achieve, or learn. With a lot of respect for all of your work and wishing you all the best. But i ran of him, i really dont understand why, it makes me feel so sad. !Chiron is associated with the emotional wounds we receive early on in our lives. The 12th house really gives you an opportunity to see behind the veil in such a powerful and beautiful way, to understand not only our existence in this lifetime, but our collective reason and the inner workings of the universe itself and the karmic bonds that we have formed with soul family that have traveled this journey with us for many many lifetimes. And I read from Stephen Arroyo that it is so important to see the traditional rulers of the signs , for example in Aquarius is more important to see Saturn than Uranus. Thank you for such an eloquent understanding, this has helped me. In my experience, the Davison chart reveals more of the day to day reality, and the midpoint chart reveals the inner working dynamic. Me and my sweet friend have Sun, Venus and Mercury in Cancer in the 12th, trine Neptune in Scorpio in the 5th, sextile Moon in Taurus in the 10th, but square Saturn in Virgo in the 3rd. taurus venus-mars conjunction in Your opinion? Another concern is his Saturn and North node in my MC/IC and my Mercury/Mar (ruler of my 7th) in his Asc. Thanks Dawn! But I think you can count on that Jupiter for evoking good will between you should you decide to reconcile. Thank You very much for Your answer and very best regards from Hungary again! His Neptune conjuncts my SN orb 003 Its a huge task, but often one the 12th house couple is uniquely suited for.]. do you have any clue of what this means or should i just ignore it? This is not only with regards to emotions but also physically. Chiron In The Houses | Tea & Rosemary Past Life Indicators in Synastry and Karmic Relationships - Astrology Pluto, Sun, Venus & Mercury in the 12th/Virgo. They help us understand that our capacity to love is its own reward. *Also in synastry- my Vesta conjunct NN in Gemini are the degree right before his Ascendant. We feel that our twelfth house planets dont work the way our other planets do, or the way that same planet seems to behave in other peoples charts. He didnt want to commit/marry. We are very romantic together and trust each other. what do you think it means to have such much weight in the 1st and 12th houses? We went through hell together, we loved each other, we saved each other, we saved others together, we could practically feel and read one another. Thank You for Your answer and best regards from Hungary! Regine. With 4, 8 and 12 emphasized, youll have to deal with one another in an emotionally honest way, no matter what karma you have to work out together. The twelfth house is about vocation, our divine calling, and is a very different energy from the status-oriented tenth. When transit Venus is in the composite 12th house, you may enjoy being affectionate with one another when no one else around is around to pry and its just the two of you in a personal relationship. Lord knows I do drive myself crazy with lost love/unrequited love. Im sure a lot of my readers have been there and sympathize with you completely.

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