tno russian unifiers list

tno russian unifiers listchemical that dissolves human feces in pit toilet

Addressing civilian opposition to the ROA, Zykov proposes hearing them out to build legitimacy for their government, establishing tribunals to rein in soldier abuses and building military-civilian community councils to protect the villages. To solve this problem, the Finns would gather the Anti-Communist Volunteer Guard, a force composed of Russians in their territories and led by none other than Kirpichnikov himself. With a mission in mind, Dobrovolsky founded the Aryan Brotherhood with his few loyal followers, seized the anarchic city of Perm, and began his path to Russia's Aryan revival. Ever humble, Yegorov always downplayed his achievements, and silently suffers with the regret of his past defeats even when he himself was not at fault. Marshal Zhukov has doubts about the Front's efficiencies, and seeks a closer relationship with the working people. Twice the Tatars were brought under the Russians' fold again: once until Ali set the Republic free, and once again until the Anti-Communist Guard arrived. Deserting along with the fellow-minded Red Army recruits to the woods of Perm, he devoted himself to the search for truth, the reason why the German legions easily trampled the Soviet state and submitted the Slavic tribe to their will. He and his brigade fought in the ill-fated defense of Moscow, but were able to pull off a relatively orderly retreat when the Mozhaisk line broke and the Wehrmacht poured through. Bunyachenko's use of Kombinats (which the developers compare to the South Korean Chaebol megacorporations) to facilitate rapid economic growth is highly reminiscent of South Korean military dictator. By 1944 he found himself commander of a motorized battalion, but by then the war was lost. Berezniki: While I have heard some rumors that this faction would be removed from the final game, the current state of it being a Monarcho-Commie-Nazi mutant (that is effectively fascist in practice) puts it FAR down the list. Solzhenitsyn believes that religious freedom should be permitted, even if the Orthodox Church is acknowledged as the nation's official religion. a pair of Bunyachenko's oldest friends betray him. He bravely defended cities far from his homeland in the Idel-Ural, which earned him many medals and promotions, and fought until the Germans reached the banks of the Volga, and all hope was lost. To build morale for Tukhachveky's upcoming war plans, massive propaganda campaigns can be assembled to produce slogans and mottos that glorify the military. He rallied men from Gayny and the surrounding villages of the Gayny District beneath the banner of what they called the "Order of Saint George", promising to "impale the dragon of atheism upon the lance of truth." If the fascists of Magadan only deserve to have their heads acquainted with the pavement once, the Aryan Brotherhood needs their heads crushed to a pulp, Gears Of War curbstomp-style. The Aryan Brotherhood believes that true Aryans are fearless warriors whose only thoughts are of courage and conquest. Velimir forces "degenerate" Russians (Russians who refuse to give up their Russian/Orthodox/Marxist identity) to go through nightmarish "Trials of Redemption" where the vast majority die and the survivors are re-accepted as Aryans. No matter what, they're going to wind up dead. When the Soviet army under General Pyotr Gavrilov gave way and retreated further north, people heaped laurels upon Ali and proposed he be elected mayor of Kazan. Zagafuranov seemed a competent administrator and a passionate leader, and so the decision was taken in Arkhangelsk. His brigade fell to infighting, and he fled with nothing but the clothes on his back. While he is definitely among the more reactionary conservative democrats in the story, Shulgin hates the Nazis, and unlike many other Tsarist politicians, refused to collaborate with them. I looked through the code and listed them below. Even in the early days, Oktan despised Vlasov for his softness and lack of radicalism, alienating the would-be dictator from his colleagues. Ali made his name as a national poet and a war hero in the time, renowned for both his battlefield and rhetorical prowess. He begrudgingly intends to offer industrial workers basic necessities to keep them motivated enough to work for Hyperborea. Now, his only wish is for the nation to thrive and for him to continue the legacy of Ali and all who came before him. Gutrum Vagner, born Alexey Alexandrovich Dobrovolsky, is the young and terrible Fyurer of the Aryan Brotherhood. While the devs have said Amur is only "about as bad" as Omsk, I'd say Rodzaevsky pushes them over the edge as a shameless collaborationist with the fascist Japanese and Germans, and his personal psychopathy not even offering the illusion of stability Yazov can project. Born in 1929 into the family of a miner from the village of Dzerzhynsk in the Ukrainian SSR, Nikolay Ivanovich Ryzhkov was fascinated by engineering, technology, and industry from a young age. Vyatka can refuse to limit the Okhrana's powers or oversight of the people, deeming it a necessary system to nip any dissident elements before they become a problem. Namely, in his moderate path, he fights against nepotism. Few men have contributed as much to the success of the Russian Liberation Army as much as Sergey Kuzmich Bunyachenko. Grand Master Mikhail only kneels before God and refuses to suborn the Order to any mortal ruler, but if he discovers a leader who he finds to be sufficiently pious, he will gladly pledge himself and his men to its cause. Unfortunately, the commander's proposition is that they can only enjoy the privilege if they can kill five of their comrades, which at least one soldier accepts with some hesitation. Initially cooperating with the Bolsheviks, believing their promises to break the Tsarist prison of the peoples, he later realized that behind their slogans hides the great Russian chauvinism that oppressed its little nations since the emergence of the Tsar's power. He has helped earn his native land's freedom, and he will fight bitterly to defend it. He denies all accusations that he collaborated with the Germans and engages in corrupt practices. Bunyachenko defecting from Germany had a historical basis: he historically switched sides during the 1945 Prague uprising, where he was convinced by the Czech Resistance to help them subdue the Germans. More importantly, they got their first taste of real freedom since the abortive Idel-Ural State of 1920. Oddly, Velimir makes a valid criticism of Himmler's hypocrisy, namely in Burgundy's reliance on foreign collaborators, which wouldn't be needed if the SS were part of a supposedly superior race. CURRENT FEATURES: - Complete content for Shukshin's Novosibirsk for up to 8-9 years, with new mechanics. The Mari people had long been denied their nationhood by every Russian state and its successors who ruled over them. Popular Quizzes Today. One of the leading Soviet Marshals under the Front, and a candidate to succeed the Front's leadership. Kirpichnikov was captured during the chaotic retreat, and would be interrogated and interned by the Finnish Army. Now, they say nothing. Everything about them is made to be as despicable and horrific as possible. In the face worker strikes, the local garrison commander chooses not to intervene immediately because it would be a PR disaster if the recruits were to fire upon them. If he conquers the Komi Republic, he'll spare Svetlana Bukharina because her popularity and relation to Nikolai Bukharin makes her a perfect propaganda tool to legitimize his claim over Russia. Sverdlovsk: A military junta that at least had the decency to rebel against Yagoda, but unlike Sablin don't implement libertarian socialism of any kind. However, the momentum would not last. As a young man, he began climbing the endless ladder of Soviet bureaucracy but it was too late, for the USSR fell and took the ladder down with it. Still, on top of being the archenemy of Good Boy Sablin, Bad Guy Yagoda is still an NKVD despot (if not exactly one whose rule would turn Russia into a gulag continent - and according to one of the devs, potentially creating one of the most 'liberal' of the USSRs even without changing his ideology), and until I have clarification of which other AuthSoc leaders he's worse than, I'm only putting him above Tyumen, and no higher. With the death of Vlasov, Bunyachenko has managed to rise to power in Samara. For the time being, Oktan can keep them in line through intimidation, but it's implied that this won't work forever. Much like his colleague to the northwest, Viktor Nikolayevich Polyakov was a simple factory director before power was thrust upon him. One of their original national spirits is called. Lenin's mummified body is held in a city in one of the other former-Russian states, and capturing the location offers a decision to choose what to do with it. When he is chosen as Vlasov's successor, Zykov reaches out to Bunyachenko and the officer's committee to reconcile their goals, arguing that they must remain united against the shared communist and German threat. Taking the title of High Priest Velimir, Yemelyanov has pledged to lead the Aryans in the reconquest of their ancestral homelands. Alliances; Countries in 1962. When distributing food to satisfy the populace, Bunyachenko is as fair as he can possibly be, ensuring that no one goes without a meal. As we know, there is a possibility at the regional level for the russian warlords to peacefully unite depending on which warlords they are. Soon, though, during a brave counter-attack, his division would be encircled and he would be captured. Knowing that the Untermensh outnumber the Aryans nearly two-to-one, Shultz proposes a nationwide fertility program, giving extra rations and financial incentives to Aryan mothers who can bear multiple children. Well, you know the phrase "The Road To Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions?" And frankly, even if it maintains a democracy while uniting Western Russia, I wouldn't hold my breath on it being a fair democracy with its shady legacy. Filmed on Twitch -. Ibragim Zafirullovich Mingazeyev got to witness it for himself, as an aspiring writer recruited into the Red Army only for it to disintegrate. Even in his childhood, he lived near the factory, while his father had worked there for almost his entire life. leader, Altunin would simply keep on with the WRRF the way it's always kept on, being as allergic to reforms as pre-rework Bormann. For more information, please see our A son of peasant, Ali became known as one of the foremost Tatar writers and journalists. sell off Russia's nuclear program and flee to Switzerland, In contrast to Yemelyanov's theology, which didn't involve Hyperborea, The particular orientation of the sauwastika appears to be based on a painting of Hyperborea by Russian artist. In real life, Bunyachenko almost got sentenced to. This trope is zig-zagged for his treatment of civilians. However, should he deem the committee to be an ineffective organ, Bunyachenko might have no problem with assuming control. Humiliated by his masters and unpopular among his once-trustworthy officers, who have started to view his servile demeanor an obstacle to liberating Russia, Vlasov remains a weak and isolated figure who can only hope that reclaiming Russia will absolve his miserable title of a loathsome traitor. Mikhail Nikolayevich Tukhachevsky was always considered an eccentric, if talented, member of the Soviet High Command. A descendant of the Muslim clergy, Vlidi became known as an accomplished Turkologist scholar and researcher of the Bashkir nation in the later days of the Russian Empire. In real life, Oktan was the editor of a pro-German newspaper and actively produced pro-German and anti-Semitic propaganda, and later led an explicitly anti-Semitic collaborationist unit. For years, he and his band fought in the outskirts of Perm against the Russian Nazis, but their salvation came with the arrival of the Onega Guard, who saw his value as a satellite to the North Russian Republic. Alexander Yegorov has been in the midst of the military throughout his entire adult life. The history education system he sets up is so full of propaganda lies that even the youngest and poorest educated student can see through it. But the Jew and his Asiatic minions took their land through diabolical machinations, their heritage through Christian indoctrination, and their past through historical revision. After Onega divides Western Russia, Kirpichnikov actually democratizes the Northern Russian Republic, ends the suppression against civilians, and delivers on his promises. However, there was one man who promised to make it all disappear: Alexander Egorovich Medvedev, a lumberjack and a war hero. However, seeing it enrich the Red Army at the expense of the people disillusions Zhukov and he intends to phase the system out, one way or another. In the end, that profession was what made him well known in the city, and when the time came, got him elected as the leader of the local People's Assembly and mayor of Samara. Still, these punks are only good for having their heads acquainted with the pavement, with the only mercy they deserve being to not have their heads subsequently stomped in after slamming them down the first time. Back at home, Bukharin's regime found him as a perfect scapegoat to blame the failures of the Red Army on, even if he was not the one to blame for the complete failure of the Soviet Union to defend itself. I CAN PROVE IT!!!. As the victory of the Anti-Communist Guard in West Russia became almost an inevitability, he rallied ethnic Mari across the region to join a Mari Regiment which fought alongside the Guard. Bunyachenko implements his oppressive policies and harsh economic developmental measures not for their own sakes, but because in his mind it is important that the current generation of Russians build a strong future and foundation for their children, no matter how much they need to suffer now so said children don't have to. The only thing this system is good at is imitating the same financial crises faced by the Reich. A vile force had appeared in the city, and Medvedev took up arms to fight it. Have just got words from the Devs Berezniki is indeed getting the ax, so all I can say is: GOOD RIDDANCE!!! The Finnish still maintain some control over it, but should Kirpichnikov's Guard liberate Arkhangelsk from the hold of the Communists, the Russians of Karelia might finally be free once again. Russian Warlords TNO Tier List Maker A tier list made up of the many russian warlords in the upcoming game mod for Hearts of Iron IV, "The New Order: The Last days of Europe". If allowed to crush an uprising in Samara, Oktan will send some of the less troublesome political prisoners to work camps instead of being executed so that they can benefit the state. The highest leader of the Front, a Soviet Marshal with a long military service record. Still, even with needing to potentially bloody his hands, he is a de-facto Good Boy, and easily top-tier. Following in (what he believed to be) the footsteps of Peter the Great himself and educating himself in German and Aryan ways from any scrap of literature he could find, the self-proclaimed Fyurer of the Aryan Brotherhood, now having adopted the Aryan name of Gutrum Vagner, attracted a loyal following to his mission, which he saw in the reclamation of Russia from the untermenshen and degenerates for the true masters of Europe. From the streets of Voroshilovgrad to the shores of Khalkhin Gol, from the outskirts of Leningrad to the forests of West Russia, in every battleground he fought, Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov demonstrated himself as an exceptional leader and stood out as an example to respect and follow from his peers and subordinates alike. The superior enemy tactics would cause the Soviet front to collapse, and the 43rd Division was almost destroyed. All possible leaders, who can unife Russia in TNO Tier List Maker All possible leaders, who can unife Russia in TNO from blessed to the most cursed paths. In contrast with Vyatka: After having received word from the devs that Tsar Vladimir III is only a collaborator with the Germans for the OTL reasons of his family being locked in a concentration camp, I will update his entry accordingly - I'm not sure whether I should move his position as of yet, as the fact he is still a collaborator (even if under extreme duress) may taint whatever form of monarchy he would establish in the event of victory. Having done the impossible and secured all of Russia under his control, Bunyachenko now fights a final, terrible struggle: the battle for legacy. Though he is a military man, he disapproves of its politicization, believing that the army and governmentshould have specifically delineated roles that must not be crossed. Despite what his bio may suggest, he does. I HAVE THE EVIDENCE!! The people of Russia had forsaken the Lord, so He brought retribution upon them for their sins. In the extreme path, Vyatka will make harsh cuts to civilian matters like infrastructure and healthcare, reducing their budget deficit at the cost of upsetting their people. However, the rise of the vile Aryan Brotherhood in Perm massively disturbed his life, and Medvedev took up arms again and resisted against the Nazi cult. In spite of this, his rule over the people is fairly benevolent, and under the advice of his son, "Prince Yuriy Krylov", Kemerovo will become a land of equality among its citizenry. Conscripted into the Red Army in November 1941, he served as commander of a rifle platoon, fighting in battles around Leningrad. Bunyachenko would remain in a penal colony separated from society until the infamous West Russian War. The Tatar people took up arms, fighting for the freedom they were long denied. When he finally creates his desired democratic government, Zykov balks at the idea of a "fully representative" democracy, resorting to gerrymandering and private deals so that the ROA remains the dominant political force. And even though Komi retaining its liberal democracy is nowhere close to the worst paths of Komi, it is still worse than any of the Svetlanas due to maintaining its rule through corruption and manipulation. Under his supervision, propaganda efforts after the West Russian War were ramped up tenfold, reeling in thousands of fervently anti-Bolshevik followers while driving out those loyal to a feeble, 'free' vision of Russia. In TNO, he is the leader of the Humanist political salon after Shostakovich's resignation. He found an ally in Gutrum Vagner, a lunatic who possessed a sliver of truth buried beneath a heap of delusion. If Zykov wins the power struggles, he will reform the KONR from the inside, demilitarizing their rule and making it more democratic and accountable to the people. Now, Kirpichnikov rules the small warlord state centered in Onega, and must stand up against the power that is the WRRF. They had a tense, but peaceful, co-existence with the Front until the West Russian War, when the Russians tried to extend the Red Army draft to the Tatars. Aktobe, officially the National Republic of Aktobe, is a warlord state in Kazakhstan. This was the true meaning of the Aryan spirit - not merely a physical race, but a higher state of mind! Before the Second World War, Vladimir Vasilevich Kirpichnikov was nothing more than an ordinary commander in the Red Army. Komi - Bukharina: (ED. Whenever his beliefs lie, he now has to trial them between the hammer of the old guard resisting his seditious rhetoric and the anvil of his share and burden as a traitor. The distaste of Onega's Guard for fascists is equal - if not greater - to that for communists, and that is especially true for a cult as horrendous as the Aryan Brotherhood, that for years was a taint on the city of Perm and beyond. The promise made by Finland, which kept a tight leash on the Guard, was that should they drive the Reds out of Arkhangelsk, they could have the land to settle and be independent. When the Union collapsed, he simply stayed at home. While he does steal Steve and Zoya's truck if he confronts their passage into the WRRF's territory, he at least compensates them somewhat with several horses to carry their belongings on the journey to Onega. When he meets some of his old contacts in the regional stage, he treats them to some vodka and praises their service before he subtly threatens that they need to make sure they "stay important". When another member sees this, he can barely believe that one of their most dedicated followers of the cause would help a slave. Alexander Egorovich Medvedev is a Soviet war veteran who heads a small band of anti-Nazi fighters in the outskirts of Perm. Check out our other Video Games tier list templates and the most recent user submitted Video Games tier lists. He refuses to apologize for the ROA's collaboration with the Nazis, stating that they did what they had to liberate all Russians and took any help they could get. Needing Zykov's skills as a propagandist, Bunyachenko appeals to their shared enmity with the communist warlord states in West Russia, arguing that if they don't work together, there won't be a Russia for them to advance either of their goals. To his few supporters, Vlasov is a modern-day Ivan Kalita, a visionary ruler who wisely submitted to a militarily superior conqueror, then used their patronage to gain a foothold for a powerful and independent Russian state in the future. Vagner's bastardized version of Hitler's Aryan supremacist ideology (already a pseudoscientific ideology detached from reality) is even more insane and incoherent. Under normal circumstances, he might have even become an important local politician, and maybe even beyond. Abdulla Ali may have been a Soviet citizen, but he is always a Tatar first, and he holds his homeland above all else. And once they had it, they were not eager to give it up. Find the US States - No Outlines Minefield. In 1942 he enrolled in the 2nd Astrakhan Infantry School and graduated the same year, being made commander of a rifle platoon of the 197th army reserve regiment of the 28th army, and continued to rise through the ranks of the regiment. 3. Known by his pseudonym Oktan, he's cynical, manipulative and professing a slavish loyalty to the Reich, it is no surprise that he found his calling in managing the unruly Russians on behalf of his masters - first as a newspaper editor and self-proclaimed governor, then as chief propagandist of the KONR. Zykov has liberal ambitions to create a democratic republic, but, as Bunyachenko comments, he had no problem working with the Nazis and abetting to their crimes to achieve that dream. Aktobe is an independent warlord state that was formed by former Red Army colonel Nikolai Onoprienko. All enslaved workers are expected to continue working, no matter what happens. As the head of the KONR, he is glad to use it as long as it serves its interests. This move has won Ivanov the praise of the people of Vologda, who view him as both the liberator of their city from Nazi tyranny and the bulwark who keeps the chaos of the other warlords at bay. Western Siberia will collapse back to a second warlord era, though this time with the Northern Russian Republic as a hegemon who unites all the little warlord states under one faction, Free City of Nizhny Novgorod, Mari El Republic, Principality of Vyatka, Perm Antifascist Committee, Tatar Republic, Udmurt Republic, People's Assembly of Samara, and Republic of Bashkortostan, Vorkuta is incidentally the only bit not touched by Zlatoust if Zlatoust also divides their region. Ahem. Born in Samara in 1883, at age 18, he joined the Imperial Russian Army and quickly rose through the ranks. File location is common\scripted_triggers\TNO_RUS_scripted_triggers.txt The relevant code is from around line 512 or search WSR_WSB_is_compatible Reply More posts you may . Recognized for his talent as a propagandist, Zykov was the person who shaped the ideology of the Russian Liberation Army and put forward the democratic ideals that proved to be so important in the struggle against the Soviet tyranny. Create a Russian Warlords TNO tier list. Onega to join in the same faction in exchange for securing Tatarstan's independence. Yakov Elizarovich Panteleyev is a veteran of more wars than most. Alexander Nikolayevich Yakovlev's career is one marked by remarkable change and evolution. After inspecting one "worthy" Aryan among them, the envoy has him forcibly inducted into their ranks, while liquidating the rest. Claiming to be a former adjutant of Nikolai Bukharin and supporter of the Marxist thought, Zykov prefers to imagine himself as an adherent of Russian republicanism who saw the inevitable failure of Bolshevism. This is a sub-mod for the popular mod, The New Order: Last Days of Europe. But even as low as Rodzaevsky stoops, there's somehow one faction even worse than his Aryan Brotherhood - A.K.A. Two of Zhukov's successors, Akhromeyev and Yakovlev, are open to collaboration with the OFN if it benefits their agenda. Born to a peasant family in Korolyova, Yakolev's father was a Red Cavalryman during the Civil War and an important leader in the local agricultural commune. There, he would play a key role in governing the region and raising a proper military. Cookie Notice No one was surprised when Konstantin grew up to become a leading engineer of GAZ, designing and perfecting plans for new and better vehicles. Meanwhile, his numerous opponents within the KONR depict Zykov as a dishonest opportunist, a lowly Bolshevik Jewish writer who defected to the ROA only to save his skin and has since capitalized on a populist appeal and an idealistic facade to expand his personal influence. Erase Africa by Any 2 Letters. At the regional stage, he makes sure his men are adequately pensioned at the end of their service and can optionally bring back the NEP to develop civilian industries instead of forcing collectivization. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from However, this is more to stabilize the regime by discouraging rebellion than out of benevolent intention, with Shultz still insulting them as degenerates and enforcing harsh challenges for them to earn their liberation in the first place. I struggled hard to decide whether or not Sablin should lead the list, especially as his democratic socialism matches my ideals, but I begrudgingly had to ding him just once due to his leak, which implies he may resort to some unsavory pragmatism in "The Ghost Of Bukharin" tree, as well as "The Spark Of Anger" tree being vague, but potentially reflecting the harsher side of Sablin's struggle to fight tooth-and-nail against Yagoda. His whole ideology of Russia needing to adopt German National Socialism is based on the fact that Peter the Great visited Europe and modeled his government after the ones he studied, in which it's supposedly Vagner's duty to do the same. How wrong were they! Despite nominally being the head of KONR when he reunifies West Russia, his authority is contested by civilian administrators, military cliques, and his own inner circle. Should Tukhachevsky's WRRF defeat Vyatka, Vladimir and his family are executed in a basement, meeting the same end Tsar Nicholas II and his family did over forty years prior. And he. Unfortunately, he perishes shortly before the unification wars begin, taking a bullet preventing an assassination attempt. The same can't be said of Amur: Led by easily one of the most deranged psychopaths in all of Russia, Rodzaevsky is a purge-happy paranoiac that makes Stalin look like a peace-and-love hippy, and a brutally bigoted super-fascist besides. Early on, an Aryan Brotherhood envoy is sent to an isolated Russian village, where he claims to come with a message of hope. Zykov advocates for lower taxes, as it will repair their already terrible reputation in the long-term and project themselves as genuine liberators. The world of TNO. 2. "He offered enough. Very few expected Russia to be reunited, and fewer still believed that it would be reunited under another Union of Soviets. Update: I made a updated one after the TT update here After conquering West Siberia, Oktan calls up a Bunyachenko loyalist, Konstantin Kromiadi, to offer a piece of land for him to govern. Truth be told, he was never satisfied with who he worked for. Much like most people in the city, the life of Konstantin Fedorovich Katushev was definitively shaped by the Gorky Automobile Plant. By that point, their only foreseeable options are to either inevitably march to an unwinnable battle or disobey orders and face punishment from his overseers. Oktan is unnerved by one of his subordinates, Fyodor Truhin, who's one of the few men to not be intimidated by him and does nothing but stare straight ahead when he's conversed to. The Komi we're stuck with during the Demo without focus trees and events to change its leadership, "democratic" Komi is less the intelligentsia paradise of Tomsk, and more of a roaming back-alley knife-fight, with soldiers and even TANK BRIGADES divided along political party lines. WRRF - Tukhachevsky: This is approximately when we go from the "cold-blooded scumbag" tier to the "OH GOD, OH FUCK!" Alexander Altunin WRRF - Tyumen and AuthDem Sverdlovsk. TNO Russian Unifiers Quiz - By grobotics73. Even though it was Vlasov who helped beat back the Soviets, obtaining his own domain in Samara in the aftermath, the Germans still saw him as little more than a dog to be kept on a short chain and closely watched.

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