slavery in navasota, texas

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Old cotton, old corn, hoe you till dawn, I can' 'member my fust marster's name, 'cause when I's 'bout two years ole, me and my sis, 'bout five, and our mammy was sol' to Marster John Henderson. Once, dey bang two whole days 'thout hardly stoppin'. He enjoy dat. Molly lives at 3218 Ave H., Galveston, Texas. Sister Johnson say to me outside of services last Sunday night, 'Brother Harper, you is de beatines' man I ever seen. I dunno 'bout wedder dey come back or not 'cep'n' I 'member dat Crab Norsworthy he come back. He call me his Annie 'cause I name' after my mistus. Slavery in Texas He was a member of the large Parker frontier family that settled in east You ain't never find a lazier nigger dan Will. If I live till December, I'll be 102 years old, and dis ole heart have been pumpin' and pumpin' all dem years and have missed nary a beat till dis las' year. "When war was over I come back here and now I'm too old to work and the state gives me a pension and me and my granddaughter live on that. Dey have good times on dat place, and don't want to leave. I went to school and learned to read and write, then worked on farms, and fin'ly went to Columbia, in South Carolina, and worked in the turpentine country. All campuses received a Met Standard rating from the Texas Education Agency. As of 2018, the population of the town was an estimated 7,715 people. But he wasn't hard on dem like some masters was. TSHA | Reynolds, Mary Vaughn JAMES HAYES, 101, was born a slave to a plantation owner whose name he does not now recall, in Shelby Co., two miles from Marshall, Texas. "If you's lookin' for Ann Hawthorne, dis is me. Then they knocked their brains out and threw 'em in the river. My mem'randum not so good like 'twas. It am de awful way to spend you last days. I know 'bout de time he comin' home when he go to town and I wait down by de big gate. Dat am de fireworks. The inquiry dealt with whether the Deputy Police chief of Navasota Police department knew about the felony conviction for forgery of a family friend. WebSlavery in Texas is a co-curricular project sponsored by the History Department and Center for Community Engagement at Sam Houston State University. ", "Ol' marster he was good to his slaves. My father and me used to talk 'bout it. Early Photographs of Juneteenth Celebrations - The Public Guns were made in nearby Anderson. History of slavery in Texas - Wikipedia Late in '63 they had a fight at a place called Kingston, only 12 miles from our place, takin' how the jacks go. "In de old days, if de niggers wants de party, massa am de big toad in de puddle. He tell de overseer, 'If you can't make dem niggers work without de whup, den you not de man I wants.' Mister, them was shirts that was shirts! My ole mistus took me to Sunday school with her and I spruce up in dat hat. Navasota suffered a series of disasters in the mid-1860s that severely depleted its population. Nothin' was different. I don' 'member anything 'bout my pappy, but I 'member Marster Henderson jus' like 'twas las' week. A white man with great charm and political skill, he enjoyed a great deal of the black vote, which made up almost half of the population, and managed to get himself elected along with a number of black candidates. ", "Us gals wo' plain, long waisted dress. There am embers in de fireplace and she fills a pail with dem and when de Klux busts in de door she lets dem have de embers in de face, and den out de back door she goes. 'Bout 20 year since us come here from Georgia and works de truck farm. Navasota, Texas - History - LiquiSearch WebRailroad Tower in Navasota, Texas. And I said, 'Sister Johnson, dat's 'cause I keep faith with de Lawd. Ol' marster gin' and bale' he own cotton. Me and my father stuck, stuck close as a lean tick to a sick kitten. African Americans formed a unique ethnic identity in Texas while facing the problems of societal and institutional discrimination as well as colorism for many years. "Us marry right in de parlor of de mistus house. For other uses, see, This populated place has portions in adjacent county or counties, This populated place has portions in an adjacent county or counties. De white preacher talk 'bout Christ. WebTexas Lynching Victims Memorial Share Special Exhibits The Freedom-Lovers Roll Call Wall Stories Behind the Postcards: Paintings and Collages of Jennifer Scott Portraiture of Resistance Memorial to the Victims of Lynching Freedom-Lovers Pledge Explore Our Galleries African Peoples Before Captivity Kidnapped: The Middle Passage Nearly Three We'uns all stayed till he died, 'bout a year after dat. She lives in Woodville, Texas, with her husband, Josh, to whom she has been married 13 years. Before and during the Civil War he was a sheep herder and cowpuncher. She leaves de country fin'ly, but dey comes lookin' for her every night for two months. It never git real ha'd but stay kinder slushy. I 'members once de missy asks me to make a 'lasses cake. Hidden In A Texas Subdivision, A Plantation Where Slaves That was cheap for a boy. Dere moughta been a Cabilic (Catholic) Chu'ch dere too, but I dunno 'bout dat. Visit our sister site at Grimes County, TXGenWeb Table of Contents Maintained By: Jump fru' de crack. De whol side of my lef' leg mos' bu'n off. ", "Yas, I 'member de house I was raise in. After a timid "How-do-you-do," and a comment on the great heat of the June day, she went back in the house. Dey was my mudder and me and de ole mistus and marster on de plantation. He was nice one day and mean as Hades de next. Us all eat outer one big pan. I'd hear dem comin' when dey hit de lane and I'd holler, 'De Klux am comin'.' I knows 'twon't be long till de good Lawd calls dis ole nigger to cross de Ribber Jordan and I's ready for de Lawd when he calls. If anyone has information on this cemetery, please let us know. Mr. Swanson was good and he was mean. Its name was changed in 1858 to Navasota, a name perhaps derived from the Native American word nabatoto (muddy water). Weapons and stolen property recovered. Dey go in de barn and holp deyself. Mother allus say dose free niggers make de hardes' masters. We had all the clothes we wanted and if you wanted shoes bad enough you got 'emshoes with a brass square toe. He was congressman and the white people looked up to him just like he was white. Slavery ", "I uster like to go and play 'roun' de calfs, jis' go up and pet 'em and rub 'em. "De only thing I 'members 'bout all dat, am dere am lots of cryin' when dey tooks me 'way from my mammy. Miss Ca'lina she name' me. Some of de ol'es' chillun 'member dey daddy and dey crazy for him to come and dey mek up de money for him. The Gudlows started us out on a ranch. Most everybody else go with us. My father was a field hand, and Mr. Swanson work de fire out dem. "I come to Texas in 1877 and Galveston was a little pen then, a little mess. Dat something I never forgits. Sometime dey mek 'em in co'n sacks and sometime dey put 'em in a tick what dey weave on de loom. The house was built by Alabama native Robert Augustus Horlock in 1892. stockport council wards map; 0 comments. In 1865, a warehouse filled with cotton and gunpowder exploded after it was torched by returning Confederate soldiers. All de ole folks, cullud and white, was cryin'. It was my job, after dark, listenin' for dem Klux, den I gits under de bed. Willy 98.7 is a classic country station with local programming that includes the Navasota News and live broadcasts of Navasota Rattlers football games. De white folks didn' talk 'bout it 'fore us. The city of Navasota earned a 2011 Gold Leadership Award from the Texas Comptroller's Office for efforts in transparency. "Dat all changed after massa go to war. I l'arn how to hoe, too. hogs, and sheep. After de ole marster die dey both work in de fiel' and raise plenty vegetables to can and eat. Finally, in a rage of bullets and accusations, he and his cronies were attacked in spots all over the County. WebBuilt in 1834 by Henry Fanthorp as a home for his third wife, Rachel Kennard, the Fanthorp home and Inn has been closely connected with events of early Texas history. August 10, 2011 Arrests made for rioting in Navasota, assault of peace officer under investigation. Males had a median income of $28,585 versus $21,731 for females. All us stay dere and holp missy all us could. Marster and all de folks comes in and sets down, and he asks for de biscuits, and I's under de house and could hear 'em talk. They didn't have no school for slaves and I never learned to read and write till after freedom. Many buildings were damaged, including the post office. Don't you be a-mindin' him, mister.". Onct or twict he sell de nigger what won't do right and do de work. Brenham, the seat of government, is near the county's center and seventy-five air miles east of Austin. A new municipal building was completed in 2011 and continued downtown improvements are under construction, with completion scheduled for 2023. In 1908, Navasota was still a Wild West boomtown: according to one source, "shootouts on the main street were so frequent that in two years at least a hundred men had died". Texas We was all walkin' on golden clouds. An 1860 census reported 182,566 slaves, making up 30 percent of the states population, according to the Texas ", "Atter he dead I wash and iron and cook out and raise my chillun. I jus' always asks that question for fun. Daughter, I don' want dat hat you got dere. He was making a sort of privileged game with a sportive twist out of his handicap of blindness. I run errands and kept the yard clean, things a little boy could do. "Den massa come home and say, 'Yous gwine be free. She's wo'kin' for Jack Ditto and I's pleased to see her. slavery Den us go to Houston and Louisiana for a spell and I hires out to cook. Capital murder suspects calls 911 and turns himself in for the July 2009 killing of a Navasota business man in the middle of day in downtown. De marster and his boy, Marster Ben, jined de army. He allus like my mother, so I guess he do it for her. In the late 1860s the KKK moved into Navasota, prompting a tense confrontation between federal soldiers and a crowd of local whites on one occasion. And I'm a-headin' for the Golden Shore!'. He was a good man. When de body comes home, dere's a powerful big funeral and after dat, dere's powerful weepin's and sadness on dat place. I wag up town and I didn' fail to ax de white folks 'cause I wo' myself out wukkin' for 'em. Sometimes you didn't knowed it was goin' on. "Why dey comes so many times round dere, am 'cause de second time dey comes, Jane Bensom am dere. Throughout the Civil War, all the marketable goods produced in the region were brought to Navasota, which at the time was the furthest inland railhead in Texas. When the nearby historic town of Washington-on-the-Brazos resisted railways, it forfeited its geographic advantage and began to decline after many of its businesses and residents began to migrate to the new railhead 7 miles (11km) to the northeast across the Brazos River at Navasota. Later, Stephen F. Austin gained an exception to the law from the Mexican government to entice more Americans WebSlavery in Texas is a co-curricular project sponsored by the History Department and Center for Community Engagement at Sam Houston State University. I been always trying to help my people to rise 'bove their station and they are rising all the time, and some day they'll be free.". She use' to let me bump on her pianny and didn' say nothin'. Jane am lots of woman, wide as de door and tall, and weighs 'bout three hunder pounds. My friends is good to me and lets me stay with dem. I love de Lawd and my neighbors and de Lawd and my neighbors love me.' But when dey was livin' in Geo'gy, my ma marry a man name' Hawthorne in Geo'gy. And Christmas, it am de day for de big time. Mos' de niggers 'have theyselves and when dey don't massa put dem in de li'l house what he call de jail, with nothin' to eat till deys ready to do what he say. The center of the county is at 3014' north latitude and 9624' west longitude. "Navasota" redirects here. Mistus was so lil' she couldn' lif' me but she fin'ly git me to bed. That same year, according to a report in the Jewish South newspaper, the WebThe slaves are said to have belonged to John Thomas. I ain't no flour-bread eater. Lawmen had to hide and watch, and often were afraid of the streets at night. De boys and girls took tu'ns stirrin' de cream. The city is also home to the Willy 98.7 FM and 1550 AM radio stations, which are owned and managed by Bryan Broadcasting in Bryan, Texas. John C. Webb Elementary exceeded state targets in Student Progress and Post-Secondary Readiness. Many Navasota citizens, including the mayor, fled to escape the disease, and the town's population dropped by about 50 percent. FELIX HAYWOOD is a temperamental and whimsical old Negro of San Antonio, Texas, who still sees the sunny side of his 92 years, in spite of his total blindness. Old Mew Johnson, the preacher, seen to it church went on. Reported in the Navasota Examiner and Bryan Eagle paper. The rooms have random-width puncheon floors. The city is home to two statues of French explorer Ren-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle, including a bronze monument, dedicated in 1936 by the DAR, to celebrate the travels of the famous French explorer. They taken him and destroyed his stuff and him, 'cause he was making some money. The population density was 1,109.7 people per square mile (428.3/km2). Missy Elline, she fainted. ", "Dey feed us good back in slavery. Dey carry grub and water to de field hands. Dey wasn't so bad after women. [21], The Navasota Independent School District includes five traditional campuses and one academic alternative school campus. The downtown buildings were teaming with lawless ruffians, gamblers, prostitutes and drunks. A tree am fix, and some present for everyone. She gits over it, but she am de diff'rent woman. None of us knows what to do, dere warn't no place to go and why would we'uns wan' to go and leave good folks like de marster? "I seed a lot of Southern soldiers and they'd go to the big house for something to eat. Dere was jis' one room and one family to de cabin. Hamer became more widely known in 1934 as one of the men who shot Bonnie and Clyde., June 23, 2012. Webt. Navasota was founded in 1831 as the stagecoach stop of Nolansville. '", "Land sakes, Felix!" And 'bout in a year, Marster Zeke fotches me to my mamma, in Johnson Station, south of Arlington. Fust de 'federate sojers come and takes some mules and hosses, den some more come for de corn. Yes, maybe it was a black widow spider, but we called it the 'devil biter'. Dey give us milk in a sep'rate vessel, and dey give eb'ryone a slice of meat in our greens. The population was 7,643 at the 2020 census. The Navasota Rattlers were 3A Div. When a slave got bad they took him to the county seat and had him whipped. "I's too small to 'member my father, 'cause he die when I jus' a baby. By 1860, the vast majority of enslaved Black people in Texaswho made up 30 percent of the states As the interviewer scribbled down a note, the door to the little shanty on Arabella Alley opened and a backless chair was carried out on the porch by a vigorous old colored woman. Washington County. De nearest I comes to gittin whupped, 'twas once when I stole a plate of biscuits offen de table. Washington on the Brazos Historical Foundation is hosting a Texas Independence Day Celebration Saturday, Feb. 29, from 10 a.m. till 6 p.m., 2400 Park Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Navasota, Texas, "Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for Incorporated Places: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2015", "Geographic Identifiers: 2010 Demographic Profile Data (G001): Navasota city, Texas", "Navasota, Texas Awarded Membership in Union Pacific's Train Town USA Registry", "Day 68 73: Cleveland to Austin, TX - Vague Direction", "Navasota memorabilia for municipal building", "Frank Augustus Hamer - Navasota, TX - Statues of Historic Figures on", "About the Hispanic Population and its Origin", The Years of Lyndon Johnson: Means of Ascent,,_Texas&oldid=1149483302, Articles with dead external links from April 2020, Wikipedia articles needing factual verification from August 2022, Articles needing cleanup from August 2022, Articles with bare URLs for citations from August 2022, All articles with bare URLs for citations, Articles covered by WikiProject Wikify from August 2022, All articles covered by WikiProject Wikify, Articles needing additional references from March 2023, All articles needing additional references, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2017, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2021, Articles with MusicBrainz area identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 12 April 2023, at 14:42.

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