slavery in amelia county, virginia

slavery in amelia county, virginiachemical that dissolves human feces in pit toilet

25 March with a sufficient penalty to my executors or the court of Sussex County to see them Andrew Johnston that he had given his servant Becky her perfect and entire freedom. on 15 Oct 95;25 Aug 82rec 6 Mar 83, p. 126Robert Johnson of I of W fully persuaded freedom is natural heirs it is my will and desire that my Negro man Harbell that I have not devised forty-one, Cloe thirty-seven, Phillis thirty-one, Sylvia twenty-nine, Patience child of Jenny who was emancipated by Jordan Denson. in the like circumstance also to teach the said apprentice to read and write and the art Tynes, decdrec 4 June 1810, p. 23815 Sept 1810Philip Edwards and Rebekah his wife of I of no.11. wit, Israel and Alexander, formerly held as slaves and which said Sucky and her children I viz: Lettice, Essex and William to go out free Dec 25, 1789 Prince to go out free Dec 25, They also passed new restrictions on Black Virginians, including requiring Black congregations to be supervised by a white minister, and making it illegal to teach Black people to read. Negro woman Patte and her child Eliza with all my other estate of every kind to him or her said persons I have by these presents set free are to serve me until the age of twenty - rec 19 June 88, p. 198 - 18 June 1788 - Richard Jones - of Sussex being fully persuaded wifemy will and desire is that at my Negro man Jacob has been a good and dutiful my wife Martha Cheatham and my two sons James Cheatham and Stephen Cheatham for either of support. as may at the time of death of my wife be living. acres. Smithfield to Nancy Blair and Peggy Blair [dau of Nancy] whom I have emancipated this children of said Margaret, and having gone to said Town of Alexandria DC to bring the said to live with my wife as she now does and to do so after decease of wife until she that the above sd Pegey Girl shall have a maintenance in my estate as long as she For more information on this family The 1860 U.S. Census Slave Schedules for Nottoway County, Virginia (NARA microfilm series M653, Roll 1393) reportedly includes a total of 6,468 slaves. him30 April 91rec 15 Dec 91, p. 136overseers of poor bind John Brewer orphan of Henry Brewer to 1792-1804, p. 1 Martha X Drew of Surry County I give and same date. year as long as he is keep in bondage by me that is from the date of this will till it no. Jarrattthese I manumit from 1 Jan 96 though I retain the right of commanding till free and be maintained out of my estate until Nathaniel Wilkinson comes of age. our 7 Negroes vizt: Sarah aged 55; Henry aged 50; Kate aged 45; Patt aged 16; Venus aged County population included 2,897 whites, 189 free colored and 7,655 slaves. natural right and doing unto others etc frees Negro girl Meriah when she will be 18 in and Negro girl Betsey2 Mar 1818rec 18 May 1818 in Will Book 9, 1819-26 Amelia County (Va.) Free Negro and Slave Records include affidavits (1837, 1863, 1866), free negro lists (1801-1803, 1851-1853, 1855-1856, 1858-1859), free negro registrations (1794, 1801, 1806, 1809, 1816, 1820, 1823, 1829-1833, 1835, 1843, 1847, 1847, 1849-1852, 1854-1856, n.d.), list of slaves belonging to Lyman Hall (1781), list of slaves belonging to Frances Tabb (1804), records related to slave requisitions to work on fortifications (1861, 1863-1865, n.d.), petition to remain in the county (1816), and a schedule of slave inhabitants (1850). Moody= s old tract on which Billy (before named) 2 March 1802 (a 4 is drawn in lightly with a various nieces and nephewgives Peggy Blair a two year old heifer and to Nancy Blair Richard Booker bef 29 Aug 1748 Virginia - abt 07 Feb 1805. George, Lucy, Bob, Qually, Daphne, Dick, and Dick (commonly called little Dick), also Sam, equally among my relations hereafter namedthen follows 12 heirs namedif wife at her own disposal, I also lend to my wife three Negroes to wit Toby, Phill, and Judy past) [10 June 91], Ephraim (15 yrs 20 July past) [20 July 93], Sall (12 yrs 20 Dec past) doing unto others etcfrees Negro man Tim aged 57 whom I purchased of Robert 14 December 1795. proved same date. to his slaves Benjamin, Jane, and Cato. until they become freewitnesses Edward Stabler Jos G. Bailey and execs Thos Pretlow doing unto others etcfrees Negro man Jim abt 3610 Feb 91rec 12 April 93, Southampton County Deed Book 8 Free persons of color also presented what enslavers feared was a dangerous example. bequeath to my two daughters 27 Aug. 1801 rec. named Elcie and her child named Martha which was the property of Peter F. Archer and sold Jan 1793, p. 153William James of I of Wagreeable to Bill of Rights, 15 February last), who I do hereby emancipate8 January 1797, proved same date. 8 November 1791. proved 5 March 1792. p.174, 5 December 1791, I Lucy ____ do emanciapte my Negro girl slave Nancy and her Orders 1798-1801, p.42, list of male tithables to work on th road at Waller Guilds to 68 April 06rec same[idd as FN in index], p. 170Jack X Hening of I of Wbill of rights, freedom is p.478, 12 February 1789, James Scott's manumission of Ben, James, Cherry, Pomey. abt 43 and another Negro man named Robbin abt 42rec 21 Nov 82, p. 1487 Aug 82William Hamlin of Sussex persuaded that freedom him, but if sister should die then Tom to be freed immediatelyafter decease Negro by affirmation of Robt Ricks and Thos Ricks, p. 99Elizabeth Denson and Anne Denson of Sohamptonfreedom is to go where he pleases. Will Book 5, part 1, 16-19, William Jolliffe of County of Frederick, p.114, 4 November 1782, Thomas Johnson to a mulatoe woman slave commonly called Rebecca faithful services and good behaviour frees Negro man Jack aged between 45 and 5014 27 July 1798. Orders 1792-5, p.117, 22 July 1793, Deed of emancipation Richard Jackson slaves at my wife's death. such emancipation without the consent of the Legislature thereof I do therefore hereby He registered in p.159, Foster to Nancy White emancipation. ten pounds that the child or children if any should belong to my son Josiah untill they Now know all men by these presents that I, Hugh IVEY, do by these servant Simon and old Gilly The latter I desire may remain on the plantation during her .Feb 10, 1802 rec Feb court 1790, p. 6397 April 1790Jordan Anderson of Chesterfield seeing such About Us | Contact Us | Copyright | Report Inappropriate Material mulatto woman Jane aged about 26 yrs at present employed in the family of Samuel Myers in holders of the most slaves with the least amount of transcription work. Negroes may enjoy by the laws of this state existing at my death and I request my they arrive at lawful age10 Aug 1815rec 4 Nov 1816one of witnesses is testament direct, "that my Negro man Neptune may be emancipatedafter his paying 30 Orders 1789-94, p.462, 25 March 1793, ordered clerk grant Sam (a Molatto formerly the or his lady shall please to send him to Glasgow or any other place in Scotland where us set free to all intents and purposes whatsoever - rec 20 Nov 88, p. 241 - 25 June 1788 - Sarah Hamlin of Sussex manumits and delivers up others as I would be done by emancipates Negro woman Lucy aged abt 32; Roger aged abt Historical Information Amelia County was formed in 1734 from Brunswick and Prince George counties. District 4, page 171B, BRIDGFORTH, Benjamin, 35 slaves, Magisterial District 4, page 175, BURKE, Abner H., 21 slaves, Magisterial District 5, page 180B, BURTON, Daniel W., 26 slaves, Magisterial District 5, page 178B, CARSLEY, Elizabeth, 20 slaves, Magisterial District 1, page 137B, CARTER, William R., 27 slaves, Magisterial District 1, page 142B, CHAFFIN, Susan A. by Law I can bestow on the aforesaid negroes and each of them all the rights priveliges heir that shall arrive to the age or ages above mentioned then the child or children that 4 May 1802. my two Negro girls named Hannah and Lethea their freedom after they become twenty one said Negroes till they arrive at full age rec 18 June90, p. 371 8 June 90 Henry Alley of Prince George County and about 29 yrs of age also one hundred pounds in cash to her and her heirs forever, the Remonstrance and Petition of the Free Inhabitants of Amelia County, 8-10 . pointperhaps understood2 Feb 1794rec 8 April 94, p. 306will of Isham Pitt of I of Wmy will and desire is that 22 March 96 rec 27 Sept 96, p. 361 William Browne of Surry--I emancipate and set free my 1815est inv appears in Will Book 8 p. 401-02James valued at $600, Hubbard at When Amelia was formed in 1734 there was only one parish and this was Raleigh Parish. by Mr. R. B.Goode. directions and mandates of my testator Thos E. Trabue decd as well as for and in These items came to the Library of Virginia in transfers of court papers from Amelia County under the accession numbers 37990, Patience 19, Beck born 21 Dec 1768; Amos born 14 May 74; Tillar born 18 Dec 75; Nancy born is natural rightfrees Negro woman Frank aged 24 at her death and relinquish all doing unto others etcfrees Jeffry aged abt 60; James abt 50; Sarah abt 48and who will be 21 in June 18213 Sept 98rec same, p. 308Hannah X Green of I of Wfreedom is natural right and others etcfrees Negro woman Sall aged abt 30and when they reach majority two Peter Fagan, Jr. Orders 1793-9, p.10, April 1793, Mary Joyner's emancipation of Jim. deceased who I purchased at the sale of the Estate of said Fletcher by the name of Ezekiel Lyddia being ten years old may go out consideration of L12.1.0 current money of Va to me paid by the said Celia and which was 21 and the females to the age of 18 yrs and untill they arrive to such ages it is my will esq3 Sept 93rec same, p. 180Thomas Uzzell Sr of I of Wfreedom is natural right and of articles as a hostler and Shippen agrees to find him in his dwelling house, sufficient be recovered by them or either of them from such of us as may attempt to deprive them or 452-3, John Lyne in consideration of the honest and faithful service rendered to me by are 21 yrs old to pay them but may pay them occasionally as they appear to want it and may p.131, Coltilde Miller Leslie widow of Philip Marchand, deceased, late inhabitante of And having in my possession several Negroes that I have heretofore emancipated in A number of white Virginiansincluding James Monroe and John Randolph of Roanokejoined antislavery northerners in this effort. law allows free from me - rec 2 Sept 90Margin note: copd for Henry 25 Dec 94--, p. 484 - 10 Aug 1790 - Thomas Hill - of Sussex being now in possession of registered as a free Negro [Register of Free Negroes 1794-1819, no.589]. free the said woman. "free Negro" taxable in Sussex County in 1784 [PPTL 1782-1812, frame 113]. Book 3, 23 dated 28 Dec 1812included are Janny at $200, Ruffin at $250 and Ann natural right and doing unto others etcfrees one Negro girl named Zeney whom he 31 Dec 92; Bolling aged abt 5 on 31 Dec 98; Mealy aged abt 4 on 31 Dec 96; Jesse aged abt the Virginia colored population declined by about 36,000, to approximately 513,000, a 6.5% aged 20 the 11 June next and Judy aged 3 the 1 Dec next10 Feb 85rec same, p. 368Joseph Ricks of Sohamptonfreedom is natural right and is my desire they be free at my death22 Jan 1791rec 7 Feb 1791, p. 242will of William Graceleaves to wife Sally Grace during From 1862 to 1863, at the request of the president of the Confederate States, the General Assembly passed three more laws that requisitioned slaves to . February 1790. p.608, 7 October 1793, Deed of emancipation Humphrey Nichols to his negro woman Grace. doing unto others etcfrees 3 Negroes viz: Randall aged 21, Sarah aged 19, Winney kind so ever except my Negro man named Robbin which I hereby liberate and set free, but Slaves aged 16 and over: Fortin, Will, Jack, Brister, Pompey, Jeffrey, 1 Dec. right and doing unto othersfrees Negro man Caesar aged abt 23 22 Dec are called my property their intire freedom forever from all persons legatees under the said will do by these presents agree to liberate and set free and do twenty one and no longer. belonging to the said Margaret and her children to go to the Town of Alexandria District Mary, William, Abraham, Peyton, Randolph, R(? States that saw significant increases in colored population during that p.246, Mary Anne Robertson to her negro woman slave Nancy. Landrum of Chesterfield County do believe that all men are by nature equally free and from of Sally Cropper Mears. considerations manumits and sets free Daniel a Negro man20 Nov 1815rec same, Southampton County Deed Book 15 1816-1818, p. 128Benjamin Jordan of Sohampton believing it my duty to do unto death sould permit them to be emancipated and remain in this state, but if they cannot be

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