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Quite often the wrong people get blamed. Deep down, they know that the truth is that they have a great wickedness in common. As many of you know by now, outspoken atheist Christopher Hitchens died Thursday night at the age of 62. Oddly, he doesnt apply this methodology in the other direction. Social conservatism as a belief (not as a political party of that name) is opposed to *any* kind of utopianism. If you want to comment on Peter Hitchens, click on Comments and scroll down, April 9, 2023 Has the Professor not read On the Jewish Question ? Once again, I provide a link to details of the French Communists;' approach to the Nazis in 1940, as this incident is not widely discussed or known about, more's the pity: As Hitler said, sneering gently: When an opponent declares I will not come over to your side, I say calmly, Your child belongs to us already What are you? I should note here that the recent book on East Germany and its Communist founders by Katja Hoyer, Beyond the Wall, says that in 1936 Stalin arrested 55,005 German Communists who had taken refuge in the USSR . He seems to have sneaked in while she was not looking. Nobody in Washington DC has ever heard ofi t.President Bidens insulting little day-trip to Belfast, set beside his vote-grabbing tour of Ireland, tells anybody who wishes to know that he couldnt care a fig for us. By their deeds they have shown that they do not stand for democracy against fascism. The Rada acted under Article 110, not 111. Politicians rode them. A Franco-British delegation was in Moscow while Molotov was already manoeuvring for the Pact, and were fobbed off, because they would not sufficiently appease Stalins demands (Britain would make up for this later at Yalta, with the most extensive act of appeasement in human history, but only because the Stalin alliance had rescued Britain from the prospect of making a shameful loser's peace with a Nazi-dominated Europe ). , History That is the reality. The inflated grandees of Parliaments Privileges Committee are currently pondering the vast issue of whether Al Boris Johnson misled the Commons about some office parties. WE may well be rght to dislike them. Prof Burgis seems rather touchingly unaware of the details of this monstrous occasion, which really should be more famous. The same could be said of how Hitler used the lull of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact to prepare for an all-out invasion of the Soviet Union and that the Soviet Union paid a greater sacrifice in lost lives than any of its allies to defeat Hitler and the Nazis. Impeachment overturns the democratic verdict of the people, a very major step, and so must be hard. This says that its authority includes: 7) calling elections of the President of Ukraine within the terms specified in this Constitution; But I can see nothing in these terms which allows them to call an election when a living President is still lawfully in office. For example, theres little doubt that Stalins man-made famine in 1932-33 was deliberately aimed at killing Russian and Ukrainian peasants in large numbers. Some people may think this good and proper, so that the Ukraine has a pro-EU, pro-American government. There is no reason to expect it to have bene different in Ukraine. Am I saying (someone will accuse me of this) that (say) modern abortion and contraception campaigners are Nazis, or inheritors of Nazis? PETER HITCHENS: King Charles can cut the pomp all he likes Hoyer writes :' Nobody was safe as entie families, blocks, streets and factories were wiped out. This countrys attitude towards events in Ukraine is based on a slavish decision to do what the Americans tell us to do, rather than on any serious estimate of our own national interest. Against this historic fact there is no reply. The bitterness between the KPD and SPD at this time, largely caused by Stalins influence, was colossal, and undoubtedly helped to bring Hitler to power. No screens, shared bathwater and ugly food: my life in a 1960s prep But such things do appeal to those who have lost driving licences or never had them, people high on drink or drugs, and people too lazy to walk half a mile. Unless you challenge Professor Sakwas account of the facts and figures, the majority required by article 111 (no less than three-quarters of [the Radas] constitutional composition ) was not reached. The Tory Party came close to winning the British General Election of 1964. The research is in. I only make these points because, though I yield to few in my lack of regard for Martin Amiss political grasp, I do not think Dont. As I have discussed elsewhere, drawing on Konrad Heiden, many former Communist who remained in Germany became actual Nazis. Yet Hitlers eugenics schemes were conducted in public at the beginning, and even endorsed by noisy propaganda campaigns in the German media. In response to the point about Nazi persecution of homosexuals, we should note that in March 1934 Stalin recriminalised homosexuality across the whole of the Soviet Union. But no, she was hurried south in an aircraft and then driven in a boring motor car to Windsor, after a startlingly thin military parade. , Cinema And (please remember these words were published in November 1939): The Government must be compelled to make peace. And will anyone dare to make dramas of the detective stories of the genius Josephine Tey, a thousand times better than Christie but (alas for the BBC) severely conservative in tone? This is what the David Low cartoon of Stalin and Hitler is really about. Compulsory sterilization of the supposedly mentally unfit was introduced in Germany a few months after National Socialism came to power. I must also insert a forgotten detail of the Weimar period, well known to Trotskyists but seemingly unknown or not mentioned by anyone else. Erika Manns short description of the Nazification of Education, School for Barbarians, is well worth reading, to this day, on this topic. Like all bad Left-wing causes, they were very popular with students. The Spread of E-Bikes and E-Scooters will take us into the Third World. It is that all ideas must be argued on their merits, and that all attempts to establish guilt by association should be regarded with suspicion. , Family The whole thing is remarkably specific. , Neo-conservatism You might have thought that Western countries, committed to democracy and the rule of law, would have been shocked and disapproving. Beat policing abolished decades ago. Peter Hitchens: 'A political crisis is coming' - YouTube He began by thinking that Hitlers regime was Right-wing. Individuals of any stripe may opine about whether these conditions are good or bad. On the race issue, Professor Burgis really needs to understand something. It is on more than one occasion actually inaccurate. I would say that the readiness to kill certain categories of people in large numbers because of who they were, in all the cases we know of, arose from the *revolutionary* nature of the killers. I prefer to use words which are in some way measurable. As Ms Popova rightly states The Ukrainian Constitution (like many other constitutions) does not provide any stipulation about how to remove a president who is neither dead nor incapacitated, but is nonetheless absent or not fulfilling his duties. (the word allegedly may be needed in here somewhere). The decision on the removal of the President of Ukraine from office by the procedure of impeachment is adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine by no less than three-quarters of its constitutional composition (which was at no stage achieved) , after the review of the case by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine (which did not take place) and the receipt of its opinion (which was not sought) on the observance of the constitutional procedure of investigation and consideration of the case of impeachment, and the receipt of the opinion of the Supreme Court that the acts, of which the President of Ukraine is accused, contain elements of state treason or other crime.. This is Peter Hitchens's Mail on Sunday column. But I dont think it relaly helps much to all the Nazis socialist. Stalins Communists turned out, in many ways, to have distinct similarities to the Nazis in their view of the nation state and of hierarchies, and of the proletariat. | Permalink, This is Peter Hitchens's Mail on Sunday Column. There was always a temptation to defend it ultimately against its Western conservative enemies, while simultaneously acknowledging that it was a disastrous, homicidal police state. They pointed out that only workers and peasants benefited from Nazi reforms, while their own values were being systematically destroyed by devious methods. Peter Hitchens: "We've used Ukraine as a battering ram - YouTube The outcome in Sweden, where these mad things were not done, shows clearly that this was an inexcusable panic. They all followed Nazi programmes anyway. And if you read the order of service from the 1953 event, or watch the film of it, you will get a strong sense that the monarchy of the time was not ashamed to exist. Rishi Sunak is not Margaret Thatcher. , First World War But the assumption, common on the BBC and in schools and universities for 50 years now, that conservative politics is a form of Nazism, and that a desire to control immigration will lead directly to the death camps, should be rejected by any thinking, knowledgeable person. Why are we in this? And here is where the argument begins to swing on to its true path. The Reformation, by contrast, was an argument about which side was more Godly. Certainly not. For there is a far more important case in which a senior minister needs to answer charges of misleading Parliament, one on which the whole issue of war and peace may turn. , USSR We have treated Russia with amazing stupidity. But why not? The issue here is that German middle-class conservatives, fooled as many were then and some are now into believing that the Nazis were just a noisy, violent type of conservative, were shocked when *in practice* they found this was not true. I am myself sometimes described by my critics as an extremist. Stephenson notes the willingness of the supposedly conservative Nazis to accept unmarried mothers, make welfare payments to them etc in the higher cause of proving children for the service of the Reich. It looked as if someone had lobbied the Transport Department, and the supposed experiments with e-vehicles were bound to be pronounced a success. And I believe it is our Anglican settlement which creates the tolerant space in which other beliefs rightly flourish among us. I think it does illuminate something important. Categories: 'Special Relationship' But many went much further than that. Civilised people, in such circumstances, should surely remain civil and open-minded. They were not, after all, the utter, irreconcilable enemies they pretended to be. As you might guess from the title, the younger of the brothers Hitchens, also a noted journalist and author, was at one time an atheist (and radical socialist), but returned to . The collaboration was not extended to those elements in the churches, whether Protestant or Catholic, who did not play along. The remaining copies of these once-popular works now molder, unopened and slowly . Mick Lynch is not Arthur Scargill. At the parade to celebrate their joint victory, at Brest-Litovsk, General Guderian of the Wehrmacht and Kombrig Krivoshein of the Red Army did indeed look remarkably cheerful when they stood together on the podium. PH: This is a baffling non-parallel. In 1922, during the Rand Rebellion of miners in Johannesburg, supported by the young South African Communist Party, a banner was famously displayed urging Workers of the world, Fight and Unite for a White South Africa. Daladier had banned 'L'Humanite', fearing with reason that the French Communists, thanks to their support of the Stalin-Hitler pact since August 1939, would undermine morale in indstry and the armed forces. It is not a war for the defence of peace against aggression. But I think that the argument that Suella Braverman is parroting or echoing Nazi policies is piffle. Recently I was walking through the City of London and instinct caused me to jump aside before a hundredweight of e-bike, doing about 30mph, came tearing by from behind, zig-zagging on the pavement. Many of the KPDs former militants were willing to join Hitlers ranks, when their own original cause was beaten. Retrieved on 26 September 2015. The NSDAP state had many of the characteristics of a Communist state, seeking to please the same clients, and attacking and squeezing the same people who would be squeezed by such a state. But this made little difference to the exploited workers, deprived of union or legal protection by a greedy utopian despotism. Will our new King be dedicating his life to God, as his mother did, or to Net Zero, as he seems to want to do? It is Article 111, which reads (with notes on what happened and did not happen inserted by me in the text) : The President of Ukraine may be removed from office by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine by the procedure of impeachment, in the event that he or she commits state treason or other crime. The remark is partly facetious, partly profound. This project, we often forget, was brought in to reduce unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted disease. It is the conflict about the malleabilityof man that lies beneath all this. , Elections If, on the other hand, they had important things in common, that would not be so, and many might find the switch surprisingly easy (see the Leigh-Fermor reference below). But the mob rejected it, preferring a violent overthrow to democracy. It is far harder to guard against this silent speedy danger. , Religion Both Stalin and Hitler, in reaching their pact, revealed that the wider public understanding of their ideologies (not least among the international left) was inadequate. But I have never forgiven the authorities for the muffled, underpowered ceremonies surrounding her death. Actors rode them in major BBC dramas. Has someone perhaps mistaken him for a symbol of the Green movement? Peter Hitchens. In the democracies, Communism was much hated at that time, but Communists were not killed by the state, for their beliefs. Stalin and Hitler, despite their. The existence of such defectors isnt remarkable. But were they correct, or even truthful, about that? I have said I told you so so many times that I get no pleasure from it. . Under those circumstances, *** No doubt there were such cases as Professor Burgis mentions. But were they correct, or even truthful, about that? he is thinking of Thatcherite or Reaganite economic liberals, who are not the same thing at all. It says the Radas authority includes 10) removing the President of Ukraine from office under a special procedure (impeachment) as provided for in Article 111 of this Constitution; (note the reference to Article 111 and no other). Many ex-Communists renounced the KPD (the German Communist Party) and became supporters of the new regime. This is admittedly the most severe form this policy has ever taken. I think it does illuminate something important. Yet I often sensed its presence, especially at the height of the Cold War, when Christopher made his famous 'joke' that he wouldn't care if the Red Army watered its horses in Hendon( a suburbe of London). I urge him to do so . I think this pretty much accords with Professor Sakwas description as quoted by me. I note that Ms Popovas article (of which more later) was not published until 30 March 2014. They were using far-right slogans, fighting with the police, leading occupations of administrative buildings and dismantling monuments. When the pact was signed, the two sides held a joint parade and a prisoner swap. That is why I was so filled with anger when the Bank of England began printing money through Quantitative Easing, a trick which imposed harsh inflation on savers without spreading into general prices. But it does not necessarily show that those conservatives were correct in thinking this about the Nazis. Categories: Abortion No, Im not accusing the Council of selling marijuana. Godless Utopians believe that they are not just right but good, and that their opponents are not just wrong but bad. The first is that it is surely up to the rest of us, not the council, to decide if this is true. They told me monitoring equipment was installed five years ago, which rather suggests they knew something was up. In which case the police too are involved in the chain. A Unionist friend from Northern Ireland points out that the UK government is itself pretty reluctant to fly the national flag from official buildings there. Sometimes quite limited events are important because they illustrate that absolute rules do not in fact exist. Peter Hitchens is proud of his enemies. I regard any such claim as ridiculous rubbishas ridiculous as the claim that modern patriotic conservatives, sceptical about mass immigration, are Nazis or inheritors of Nazis. In many years of travelling, I have never seen anybody doing major work on it. April 2, 2023 But when asked how regular they couldnt say. . I suspect so. Personally, I was struck by the image of a democratically elected president escaping his country in the middle of the night, chased by hooligans holding Waffen-SS banners. The Nazis, nationalist from the start, never sought to be internationalists, nor was there ever a Nazi equivalent of the Comintern, or a Nazi equivalent of the US Communist Party - which my late brother referenced in his dispute with Amis. I think this is more important than Mr Johnsons parties. I note that Ms Popova dispenses with constitutional propriety by stating However, the Ukrainian Constitutional Court has been highly politically dependent and its credibility has been low. Stalins Communists turned out, in many ways, to have distinct similarities to the Nazis in their view of the nation state and of hierarchies, and of the proletariat. They made few plans to prepare themselves for the danger of Nazi rule and suppression, one of the reasons why they were so easily smashed when the moment came. I think this is important because if the KPD and NSDAP are simple opposites, divided by an impossible gulf of fundamental disagreement, then this would have involved mass changing of minds on an unprecedented scale. But what did for him was inflation. It is not as if either of us is trying to excuse any great evil, or make it easier for others in the future to do so. Now to Ms Popova. His middle-class professional contacts had (like many) been beguiled by the Nazis into thinking that Hitlers government would be conservative. Even the poor King must take part, forced to say during his German visit that the Russian invasion of Ukraine was unprovoked. . PH: *** The policy of suppressing independent trade unions and collective bargaining is, first of all, not a policy which can be correctly described as socially conservative. Lots of people kill Communists, and other Communists have been prominent among those people. But in a long life in which I have spent a lot of time far from the suburbs, and even further from respectability, I have reached after much painful experience - the opposite conclusion. , Ukraine One such is the joint NSDAP-KPD tram strike in Berlin in November 1932. I do so below, interleaving my responses in black with his original article. I suspect that much of this country relies on the high standards and hard work of long-dead men, who designed and built thousands of such bridges so well we thought they would last forever. My generation was terribly afflicted with Suburbophobia. This is opposed to socialism, whiich it sees as a secular and often Godless rival. It was certainly made by von Papen, as his 1934 Marburg speech demonstrated. My point is wholly different. Instead, MPs were simply instructed to sack Yanukovych. Ms Popova argues that The impeachment process is a drawn-out procedure that is reserved for cases when the president has committed treason or other crimes. Wearing bits of cloth over your mouth and nose is almost certainly pointless, unless you are a bank robber trying to hide his identity. I can hardly see how we can avoid this. Is this a 'smear' I thought it was a settled question among the educated. Submit to taxes, embrace political correctness, wear a mask and sit alone at your own spouses low-key funeral, cut back on the pomp, sideline your embarrassing relatives. It was nice to pretend that somewhere they managed these things better. But several free and generally enlightened countries - including Canada, Sweden, Switzerland, and the USA - had also permitted it in various forms, and would in some cases carry on doing so into our own era. Comrade Sedovs idea of what is conservative is necessarily a bit different from my own, as if Professor Burgis's ***. Here again we see how Utopianism, the belief in human perfectibility, is a key division in thought, perhaps the key division. To state the painfully obvious: plenty of governments universally regarded as right-wing have been harshly criticized by a great many middle-class professionals. But if we leave out international sympathisers abroad, and restrict our judgement to the Soviet State and its servants, and to the Nazi state and its servants, the secret police killers, the death camp commandants and those who gave them their ultimate orders, it can sometimes be quite hard to tell the difference. I suspect that if the railways were still nationalised, this would not have happened. Stalin *was* anti-Semitic, as was a large part of the Soviet ruling class and, had he lived, he would beyond doubt have launched a severe anti-Jewish purge based on the fictional Doctors Plot which Professor Burgis must be aware of. I had not heard of it. He writes for The Mail on Sunday and was a foreign correspondent reporting from both Moscow and Washington, D.C. Peter Hitchens has contributed to The Spectator, The American Conservative, The Guardian, First Things, Prospect, and the New Statesman. But (as I shall also discuss) it has an interesting if worrying converse. Professor Burgis : He also repeats two standard right-wing attempts to smear socialists more generally as anti-Semitic he says that Marx was an anti-Semite, ***PH: Is Marxs anti-Semitism in doubt? Categories: New Cold War Even allegedly transcendent matters like transubstantiation have been intensely political, as you well know. Professr Burgis : The very first line of Martin Niemllers famous lamentation about not speaking out against the Nazi regime until it was too late was, First, they came for the communists. Instead, an amoral, nihilistic individualism, saturated with degrading images of both men and women, prevails. 29/04/23 19:52. They imposed penal taxes on the middle class and attracted Communists to their ranks. And in the century to come will the young be unimpressed by the noisy, messy false liberation of their elders by porn, abortion and cohabitation without commitment? If, on the other hand, they had important things in common, that would not be so, and many might find the switch surprisingly easy (see the Leigh-Fermor reference below). Categories: Human Wrongs On religion, as Peters late brother, Christopher, liked topoint out, there was quite a bit of collaboration between the Nazi regime and both the Catholic Church and major Protestant denominations. This is surely politics, not science. And if any critical voices are drowned out with slander and abuse,then we are not a free country. Peter Hitchens is a columnist for the Mail on Sunday. But the word discourages and even prevents thought. , Education PH: ***Actually, it does if you approach it with an open mind. I have generally felt more light-hearted in France, for that reason. It all ended on February 22 with what was left of Ukraines Parliament endorsing the putsch. Comments (56) Also, how sexually conservative were the Nazis? Or General Pinochet? Even the anti-Russian Washington hawk Robert Kagan has clearly stated that it was provoked. And how Joe Biden's visit to Ireland finished off the 'Special Relationship'. So we are at liberty to wonder whether this was a 'tu quoque' tactic more than it was a profound feeling. The key division which emerged in political thought in the 18th century was embodied by Claude Helvetius, among the first major thinkers to write as if Man was infinitely malleable, by education or other influences. Extermination is evil whoever is extermninated, whether it is based on racial, class or any other principle. At least hes trying to make a historical case, instead of relying on the usual semantic argument that the Nazis called themselves National Socialists so they must have been socialists. On one side, here is the Red-Green fanatic Sir Keir Starmer, and his frightening and despotic claim to be 'the political wing of the British people'. As Professor Burgis and others may find this bilge hard to credit, and it is not especially easy to find, I provide a link here ****PH: The pact was certainly regarded as a betrayal etc. And the German left was exterminated. The remarkable part is that many Communistsdidkeep their nerve. It came in the form of Vasile Culea. We have been utter fools, writes PETER HITCHENS. Hitler conveyed his thanks and wished the Congress success in its momentous work on 'population policy and race cultivation.'. I am afraid I do still think that your statement was seriously inaccurate. , South Africa Will Professor Burgis be shocked to know that I am not an admirer of Margaret Thatcher and that I campaign for the destruction of the British Conservative Party? But that is another argument. Comments (6) It was clear from the start that the Hitler Youth (whose activities were timed to coincide with church services and who were sneeringly hostile to Christianity) were an anti-Christian body. The agreement lasted nearly two full years and provided the Third Reich with indispensable raw materials and fuel for its war on the Scandinavian nations, the Low Countries, France and Britain. Most have heard of the SS Lebensborn programme, which was much more concerned with the bearing and raising of children for the service of the state than with whether their mothers were married. And this was a rule respected just as much in pit villages as it was in the comfortable suburbs. PETER HITCHENS: Why I blame the arrogant, foolish West for the Ukraine But I think his success comes from the loathing of the suburbs, of respectability and of becoming our parents. Even after his politicsmoved right,Christopher Hitchenswas too intellectually honest to compare leftists to fascists. The Nazis imposed high taxes on the middle class. Those in high-risk wards the control group who continued wearing masks, also found no immediate or delayed change in the infection rate. Yet neither the incidents of torture, lynching and public humiliation of alleged thieves in the protest camp, nor the beatings of homeless and drunk people nearby, have made it into the international media. At least Professor Burgis is deploying reason and facts. If you cant obey it, then you must either accept it or choose lawlessness. Here, in the goose-stepping troops of the Third Reich and the blaring of 'Deutschland uber Alles' is the necessary end of such thinking.

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