osac crime and safety report honduras

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Both the secretariat and the commission focused on developing policies to address IDPs. There is no information to suggest that criminals specifically target U.S. citizens or foreigners. Tens of thousands of U.S. citizens visit Honduras each year for study, tourism, business, and volunteer work without incident, but the government lacks the resources to address crime and violence fully. 08 Jul. The government places specially trained police forces in areas tourists frequent (e.g. Armed robberies, burglaries, vandalization, home invasions, and extortions occur; closely guarded officials, businesspersons, and diplomats are not immune. The country does not appear to be a terrorist safe haven. The law on safe houses, which has been stalled in the National Congress since 2018, aims to recognize and fund safe houses to provide care for survivors of multiple forms of violence, ensuring. Most demonstrations were concentrated in or around city centers, public buildings, and other public areas. On July 14, alleged members of the MS-13 gang wearing antigang unit uniforms killed Said Lobo Bonilla, son of former President Porfirio Lobo, and three other persons in a targeted attack in Tegucigalpa. Penalties for the possession, use, or trafficking of illegal narcotics are strict; convicted offenders can expect lengthy jail sentences and fines. The law provides for criminal penalties for corruption by officials, but authorities did not implement the law effectively, and officials continued to engage in corrupt practices with impunity. Discrimination: Although the law accords women and men the same legal rights and status, including property rights in divorce cases, many women did not fully enjoy such rights due to barriers in access to justice and lack of information regarding legal protections. Libel/Slander Laws: Citizens, including public officials, may initiate criminal proceedings for libel and slander. Its operations to receive and process cases relied on substantial support from UNHCR. La Ceiba, Trujillo) and major hotels; other tourist installations have increased private and police security. Airlines estimate that approximately 250,000 U.S. citizens flew into Tegucigalpa, San Pedro Sula, or Roatn in 2019. Violence and Harassment: On May 26, unknown assailants shot and killed Metro TV journalist Ricardo vila in Marcovia, Choluteca Department. Overseas Security Advisory Council - Homepage - U.S. Embassy The prosecution may request an additional six-month extension, but many detainees remained in pretrial detention much longer, including for more time than the maximum period of incarceration for their alleged crime. The law provides for freedom of expression, including for members of the press and other media, with some restrictions, and the government generally respected this right. Arbitrary Deprivation of Life and Other Unlawful or Politically Motivated Killings, c. Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, and Other Related Abuses, Arrest Procedures and Treatment of Detainees, f. Arbitrary or Unlawful Interference with Privacy, Family, Home, or Correspondence, a. Review OSACs reports, The CDC offers additional information on vaccines and health guidance for, The Honduras Country Council generally meets monthly on a rotating basis in Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula and has approximately 70 members. Survivors of domestic violence are entitled to certain protective measures, such as removing the abuser from the home and prohibiting the abuser from visiting the victims work or other frequently visited places. The government noted the decree was to better organize its own public relations efforts and was not intended to monitor or control content. -threat location for terrorism directed at or affecting official U.S. government interests. Kidnappings declined by 82% since 2013, from 92 in 2013 to 14 in 2018, and 12 in 2019. Violent gang activity, such as extortion, violent street crime, rape, and narcotics and human trafficking, is widespread. U.S. organizations and citizens report corruption in the public sector and the judiciary is a significant constraint to investment in Honduras. Reports of kidnappings of U.S. citizens are not common, with zero reports for 2019. The Honduras Country Council generally meets monthly on a rotating basis in Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula and has approximately 70 members. Transiting migrants, refugees, and other vulnerable populations continued to face acute security risks in border zones. Employers frequently penalized agricultural workers for taking legally authorized days off. The OSAC information exchange mechanism also . On May 26, National Police officers allegedly entered the home of human rights defender Deninson Escalante in El Palenque, Choluteca Department, without a warrant, searched the house, and beat Escalantes parents, brother, and nephew. ; and read the State Departments webpage on, Passengers on public buses have been the victims of robbery at roadblocks and bus stops, during daytime and nighttime hours. Nine significant tropical storms/hurricanes since 1995 have affected Honduras. Enforcement of OSH standards was particularly weak in the construction, garment assembly, and agricultural sectors, as well as in the informal economy. Gangs control some of the taxi services. The U.S. Department of State has assessed Tegucigalpa as being a CRITICAL-threat location for crime directed at or affecting official U.S. government interests. Many prisoners had access to weapons and other contraband, inmates attacked other inmates with impunity, and inmates and their associates outside prison threatened prison officials and their families. As of August, CONADEH had received 35 complaints. Nonetheless, many prisoners remained in custody after completing their full sentences, and sometimes even after an acquittal, because officials failed to process their releases expeditiously. Latest News. In the security and domestic service sectors, workers were frequently forced to work more than 60 hours per week but paid only for 44 hours. Violators face penalties of one to three years in prison and possible suspension of their professional licenses, but the government did not effectively enforce the law. LGBTQI+ rights groups asserted that government agencies and private employers engaged in discriminatory hiring practices. Since 2010, 42. Informal Sector: Most workers were in the informal sector. Same-sex sexual activity is legal in Honduras. Roads have poor lighting and markings. The constitution prohibits practicing clergy from running for office or participating in political campaigns. Following anticorruption protests in 2015, President Hernandez signed an agreement with the Organization of American States to form the Mission Against Corruption and Impunity in Honduras (MACCIH). Discrimination and Societal Abuses, Systemic Racial or Ethnic Violence and Discrimination, Acts of Violence, Criminalization, and Other Abuses Based on Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity or Expression, or Sex Characteristics, Other Societal Violence and Discrimination, a. The trial on murder charges of Josu Exequiel Martnez, Siriaco Meja Santos, Francisco Lpez Lazo, and Mario Anbal Lpez Velsquez began on November 25. Persons suspected of any of 21 specific felonies must remain in custody, pending the conclusion of judicial proceedings against them. Abusers caught in the act may be detained for up to 24 hours as a preventive measure. Honduras and U.S. Relations. The government has a police investigative unit dedicated to investigating violent crimes against the LGBTI+ and other vulnerable communities, composed of Public Ministry prosecutors, members of ATIC (prosecutors investigative agency), and the Honduran National Police; however, it has limited resources and functions primarily in the major urban areas. Please note that all OSAC products are for internal U.S. private sector security purposes only. Several anonymous social media sites, possibly linked to political parties, criticized journalists (as well as activists and civil society organizations) who were critical of the government or of opposition party policies. The Honduras Medical Center (HMC) is the primary private hospital that the Embassy uses for emergency response and when hospitalization is required. Crisis in Honduras: Ongoing violence and climate shocks The law allows bail for persons charged with some felonies and gives prisoners the right of prompt access to family members. The document was compiled from various There have also been cases of police harassment of patrons in LGBTI+ nightclubs. In addition, the law limits strikes in a wide range of sectors that the government designates as essential services or that it considers would affect the rights of individuals in the larger community to security, health, education, and economic and social well-being. There was limited support for persons with mental illnesses or disabilities. Air pollution can aggravate or lead to respiratory problems during the dry season due to widespread forest fires and agricultural burning. Gangs control some of the taxi services. As of September, CONAPREV reported the countrys detention center for high-profile suspects and those in need of additional security, including police and military officials, held 29 individuals. The Secretariat of Labor and Social Security also requires that union leaders be employed under permanent contracts, limiting the ability of seasonal agricultural workers to exercise their right to freedom of association. Access to Asylum: The law provides for granting asylum or refugee status. Many of these U.S. citizens are church and humanitarian aid volunteers working throughout the country, including in gang-controlled neighborhoods. Please review OSAC's Honduras-specific webpage for proprietary analytic reports, Consular Messages, and contact information. There are an estimated 7,000-10,000 gang members in a country with an approximate population of ten million people. The law prohibits employers from requiring pregnancy tests as a prerequisite for employment. Restrictions of Freedom of Expression, Association, or Peaceful Assembly: There were no restrictions of freedom of expression, association, or peaceful assembly regarding LGBTQI+ matters or events. Review OSACs report, The limited capacity of the government to enforce international standards related to natural resource exploitation has resulted in higher levels of conflict in the extractive and electrical generation industries. The law does not authorize pretrial detention for crimes with a maximum sentence of five years or less. Some passengers opt to travel armed when using public transportation, which sometimes results in armed confrontations where innocent bystanders are injured or killed in the crossfire. Vehicles often drive at night without adequate lighting. Although Honduras has made some progress, many perceive the property registration system as unreliable and a constraint on investment, particularly in the Bay Islands. OSAC 2022-N-0025, Standard for Initial Response at Scenes by Scene Investigators. Fire Department Ambulance is fully equipped with emergency medical supplies and medical staff. There were no credible reports of disappearances by or on behalf of government authorities. The media also engaged in self-censorship to avoid losing lucrative advertising contracts with the government. The government cooperated with the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and other humanitarian organizations in providing protection and assistance to refugees, returning refugees, and asylum seekers, as well as other persons of concern. Although the law prohibits such practices, government officials received complaints and investigated alleged abuses by members of the security forces on the streets and in detention centers. Limited inspections could facilitate movements of terrorists. In 2019 (most recent data), 94 percent of births were attended by skilled health-care personnel; however, NGOs reported significant gaps in obstetric care, especially in rural areas. The law permits strikes by workers in export-processing zones and free zones for companies that provide services to industrial parks, but it requires that strikes not impede the operations of other factories in such parks. Child, Early, and Forced Marriage: The minimum legal age of marriage for both boys and girls is 18. Members of the LGBTI+ community have reported violent assaults because of gender identity and sexual orientation. Although the law generally prohibits such actions, a legal exception allows government authorities to enter a private residence to prevent a crime or in case of another emergency. Sexual Harassment: The law criminalizes sexual harassment, including in employment, and stipulates penalties of one to three years in prison and possible suspension of the abusers professional licenses. There is no information to suggest that criminals specifically target U.S. citizens or foreigners. Corruption and Lack of Transparency in Government, Section 5. The law permits fines, and the penalty is commensurate with those for other laws involving denials of civil rights, such as discrimination. The San Pedro Sula area has seen armed robberies against tourist vans, minibuses, and cars traveling from the airport to area hotels. The Embassy cannot secure the release or act as legal representation for any U.S. citizen. The armed forces, which report to the Secretariat of Defense, are responsible for external security but also exercise some domestic security responsibilities in support of the national police and other civilian authorities. The National Human Rights Commission (CONADEH) reported two arbitrary or unlawful killings by security forces as of August. OSAC has developed into an enormously successful joint venture, with U.S. companies and organizations receiving the tools they need to cope with security issues in a foreign environment. Those traveling with tour/missionary groups report fewer criminal incidents. Most women in the workforce engaged in lower-status and lower-paying informal occupations, such as domestic service, without the benefit of legal protections. International observers acknowledged some of these irregularities but reported they were not systematic and not widespread enough to affect the outcome of the presidential election. The CA-4 agreement among El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras allows for the inspection-free movement of citizens among these countries, reducing overall inspection at land crossings. Avoid using Collectivos (white sedan taxis with a sticker on the windshield denoting its established route), Roleteros (private white sedan taxis with no established routes), and Rapiditos (small buses that pick up multiple riders). Censorship or Content Restrictions for Members of the Press and Other Media, Including Online Media: Media members and NGOs stated the press self-censored due to fear of retaliation from criminal groups, drug trafficking organizations, or corrupt government officials. The Office of the Inspector General of the Armed Forces and the Humanitarian Law Directorate investigated and arrested members of the military accused of human rights abuses. Indigenous and ethnic minority communities are frequently located in rural areas, which enjoy lower levels of criminal activity. -threat location for crime directed at or affecting official U.S. government interests. On May 30, protesters blocked several main avenues in Tegucigalpa, including access to Toncontn International Airport (TGU). Honduras 2020 OSAC Crime & Safety Report Since 2010, there have been approximately 60 murders of U.S. citizens reported in Honduras. Impunity for such crimes remained high, as was the impunity rate for all types of crime. Most of these attacks involved gang members demanding extortion payments. Diarrheal illness is very common even in large cities and luxury accommodations. The law was not effectively enforced, and weak public institutional structures contributed to the inadequate enforcement. or the United States Government, except as otherwise noted (e.g., travel advisories, public statements). at the date of this reports publication assesses Honduras at Level 3, indicating travelers should reconsider travel due tocrime. The limited capacity of the government to enforce international standards related to natural resource exploitation has resulted in higher levels of conflict in the extractive and electrical generation industries. Civil society continued to raise problems with minimum wage violations, highlighting agricultural companies in the south as frequent violators. Tegucigalpa, San Pedro Sula, La Ceiba) have homicide rates higher than the national average, as do several Honduran departments (a geographic designation like U.S. States), includingAtlntida, Coln, Corts, San Pedro Sula, Tegucigalpa, andYoro. Persons from Indigenous and Afro-descendant communities continued to experience discrimination in employment, education, housing, and health services. The Public Ministry reported 11 cases of alleged illegal detention or arbitrary arrest as of September. Travelers are responsible for ensuring that they have adequate health coverage while in Honduras. Voters elected Xiomara Castro of the LIBRE Party as president for a four-year term beginning in January. Detained U.S. citizens should insist on speaking to U.S. Embassy representatives as soon as possible. In July, police arrested two men. DOS Trafficking in Persons Report - 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019. Transgender women were particularly vulnerable to employment and education discrimination; many could find employment only as sex workers, increasing their vulnerability to violence and extortion. The Secretariat of Labor may levy a fine against companies that fail to pay social security obligations, but the amount was not sufficient to deter violations. World Report 2022: Honduras | Human Rights Watch The National Interinstitutional Security Force coordinates the overlapping responsibilities of the National Police, Military Police of Public Order, National Intelligence Directorate, and Public Ministry during interagency operations. Indigenous groups included the Miskito, Tawahka, Pech, Tolupn, Lenca, Maya-Chort, and Nahua. While the risk from crime in Honduras remains a concern, most U.S. citizens visiting or residing in Honduras are unaffected by violence and visit for tourism or humanitarian aid work without incident. Bureau of Diplomatic Security Your session will expire soon and log you out. Cable signal theft and counterfeit products are the most prevalent violations of intellectual property rights in Honduras. The Internal Displacement Monitoring Center estimated there were approximately 247,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) due to violence in the country as of 2021. Powerful special interests, including criminal groups, exercised influence on the outcomes of some court proceedings. Reach the local police anywhere in Honduras by dialing 911. Honduras is a signatory to the International Labor Organizations. Traffic signs, even on major highways, are often inadequate; streets are often unmarked even in major cities. There were numerous reports of government corruption. NGOs also reported the government did not make sufficient efforts to comply with Inter-American Court of Human Rights rulings, specifically cases related to territorial rights for Garfuna communities. The murder trial of police officer Jarol Rolando Perdomo Sarmiento concluded on October 17. Review OSACs report, Kidnapping: The Basics. Wage and Hour Laws: There are 45 categories of monthly minimum wage, based on the industry and the size of a companys workforce; minimum wages were above the poverty line. President Juan Orlando Hernndez of the National Party (PN) was subsequently reelected in 2017 by a narrow margin. The U.S. Department of State strongly recommends purchasing international health insurance before traveling internationally. The government sometimes applied penalties against violators, but failure to collect fines facilitated continued labor code wage and hour violations. Wage, Hour, and OSH Enforcement: The Secretariat of Labor is responsible for enforcing wage, hour, and OSH laws, but it did so inconsistently and ineffectively. Cruise ship industry contacts report that approximately one million U.S. citizens enter the country by ship every year, primarily in Roatn, but also in La Ceiba on the northern coast. Honduras requires proof of Yellow Fever immunization if coming from another country endemic with Yellow Fever. Civil society had criticized the law for limiting transparency and allowing officials to use the classification of documents to hide corruption. The Honduran government is modernizing some of the main transportation road networks to four-lane highways, which can lead to increased travel times because of ongoing construction. However, visitors have reported being robbed while walking on isolated beaches. The U.S. Department of State's Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) keeps Diplomatic Security Service representatives connected with private-sector security professionals from U.S. organizations operating abroad for ongoing threat awareness and crisis support. The location and timing of criminal activity are unpredictable. Persons with disabilities, Indigenous and Afro-descendant persons, LGBTQI+ persons, and persons with HIV or AIDS also faced discrimination in employment and occupation (also see section 6). how to horizontally center a div in bootstrap. ; these are generally safer areas in which to reside because of their heightened security measures. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights reported that authorities at times failed to enforce these requirements effectively. The law applies equally to citizens and foreigners, regardless of gender, and prescribes a maximum eight-hour shift per day for most workers, a 44-hour workweek, and at least one 24-hour rest period for every six days of work. See the Department of States International Religious Freedom Report at https://www.state.gov/religiousfreedomreport/. OSAC encourages travelers to, to gain baseline knowledge of security conditions in Honduras. Port agencies have worked to improve taxi service to/from ports. There are no legal cases involving instances of terrorism affecting U.S. citizens or facilities brought before the Honduran judicial system, and no reports of judicial developments that would have a negative impact on U.S. counterterrorism efforts. The government failed to control pervasive gang-related violence and criminal activity within the prisons. The Public Ministry reported 17 violent deaths of LGBTQI+ persons as of September. Crime Threats Review OSACs reports, Hotels: The Inns and Outs and Considerations for Hotel Security. The public transportation sector is a regular target of extortion, and experiences higher levels of homicide than many other sectors. During July 2019 alone, the cities of San Pedro Sula and Tegucigalpa recorded 11 attacks leaving 15 people dead, mostly taxi drivers and bus drivers. Contact OSACs, https://www.facebook.com/embajadahonduras/, https://hn.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/spsca/, External links to other internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views or privacy policies contained therein, Travel Advisory: Honduras - Level 3 (Reconsider Travel), Central America Natural Disaster Emergency Planning: OSAC Guidance and Resources. The location and timing of criminal activity are unpredictable. There have also been cases of police harassment of patrons in LGBTI+ nightclubs. The San Pedro Sula area has seen armed robberies against tourist vans, minibuses, and cars traveling from the airport to area hotels. U.S. Department of State. Victims were primarily impoverished individuals in both rural and urban areas (see section 7.c.). Prisoners suffered from gross overcrowding; insufficient access to food, water, and medical supplies; violence; and alleged abuse by prison officials. Cruise ship passengers should take safety precautions, avoid unfamiliar areas, and book only with reputable tour companies during their stopover in Honduras. Hours of Operation: Monday-Thursday, 0730-1630; Friday, 0800-1500, Tel: +504-2236-9320; After Hours: +504-2236-8497, Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/embajadahonduras/, Banco Atlntida Building, 11th Floor, across the street from Central Park, San Pedro Sula, Hours of Operation: Monday-Thursday, 1200-1600, Website: https://hn.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/spsca/. There is often a spike in skimming in December and June, when the working population receive Christmas and mid-year bonuses in the form of one extra months salary. HMCs lab was reviewed by the Regional Medical Laboratory Scientist and found to be up to U.S. standards and quality assurance practices. Honduras - United States Department of State The Ministries of Security and of Defense both have human rights offices that coordinate human rights-related activities with the Secretariat of Human Rights. CONADEH received complaints involving human rights abuses and referred them to the Public Ministry for investigation. See the Department of Labors Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor at https://www.dol.gov/agencies/ilab/resources/reports/child-labor/findings/. Nicaragua used to be part of the CA-4 agreement, but in late 2017 began requiring travelers to register their travel purpose and destination online seven days in advance. The law states that a womans employment should be appropriate to her physical state and capacity. Meanwhile, 59% reported having been assaulted at least once while a passenger in a taxi (Colectivo and Rolatero) in the past 12 months, 32% twice, 6% three times, and 3% more than three times. On September 6, the Public Ministry charged former Minister of National Risk and Contingency Management Gabriel Rub and two other government officials with fraud and violation of official duties for the nearly six million lempira ($239,000) purchase in 2020 of a mobile hospital and COVID-19 isolation unit that was only a tent.

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