openstax psychology 2e apa citation

openstax psychology 2e apa citationchemical that dissolves human feces in pit toilet

I know there are more details in Ch. The authors connect the concepts to real life examples that bring the concepts to life for the reader. This text is written in an unbiased way and appears to be accurate across topics to the best of my knowledge. Very nice work here - I particularly liked the portion of the first chapter discussing career options for psychology professionals as that tends to be a portion of an intro textbook that I find myself having to supplement usually. However, I have read other textbooks on the topic that were better written and more comprehensive. A clear structure is maintained throughout. (Eds.). The only reason I am rating this category a "4" is because the book is several years old now and it is unclear when it may be updated next. Textbook content produced by OpenStax is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License . The index is thorough, easy to navigate, and well laid out. Although this text reads very smoothly from my perspective, some of my students were somewhat overwhelmed by the text and reported having trouble getting through some paragraphs. Author Lastname, Author First Initial(s). This text provides an analytical and logical approach to the scientific study of psychology. Indeed, the more experience I have teaching the more I am convinced that flashiness, bells-and-whistles, whatever you want to call them, are not really much of an influence on whether students are going to read the text, i.e., theyre either going to read it or theyre not a slightly free-range teaching attitude, if you will, but there you go. Organization, as stated before, was great, consistent and easy to follow. With the integration of up to date cultural issues and the ability to update frequently this text actually may have a much longer relevancy than most of the texts students buy which are soon outdated. This book is as comprehensive as most Introduction to Psychology textbook and addresses all areas of psychology commonly taught in this course. While a few specific subtopics were a little light on details, the book covered all of the major areas typically taught in a general psychology class evenly. There are two types of avoidant (insecure and ambivalent). The text covers all of the standard introductory psychology chapters and content. Not surprisingly, some topics that are peripheral in other general psychology texts are presented with greater length, and this may detract a bit from those that are considered more central. Here are a list of minor issues which impact the readers experience with the textbook. What do you think? This helps the learner understand how psychology connects to our everyday lives. Study guides are also available using the online textbook, which can help students further understand important concepts within the chapter, as well as help inform instructors of what material to include in assessment. Psychology is such a broad field that introductory textbook topics can feel disjointed no matter what. The Citation Builder is based on the following citation manuals: American Psychological Association 6th edition Modern Language Association 7th edition Modern Language Association 8th edition Chicago Manual of Style 16th edition Council of Science Editors Citation Management Tools In reviewing the chapters, I found only two places I would prefer more information. I have used online sites in conjunction with courses in the past, but those are always an additional cost and often resourced outdated topics until a new version update of the text, which then came with a higher price. Reviewed by Kimberly Brownridge, Psychology Professor, Marian University on 4/10/19, This textbook offers theoretical and impactful knowledge about Psychology. He also shares personal stories and insights from his own journey as a scientist and researcher. Vast amount of information gets covered in the Intro to Psych course. There is clearly an effort to temper the vocabulary so students will not be put off by too much disciplinary jargon which is much appreciated, but there is also no attempt at humor or establishing rapport with the reader so it will put them to sleep about as fast as their calculus text. I am always a little anxious of what comes up when using videos through such sites for that reason. I can appreciate the inclusion of this topic especially when tying the APAs suggested Psychology Major Guidelines and Goal Area 5: Professional Development to the textbooks content. I found the book to be typical for an introductory psychology course textbook. This textbook covers all relevant chapters for the introductory psychology classes at my institution, which allowed us to successfully and easily adopt it. I also had some thoughts about cultural references (below) which make the text look dated. This textbook covers all relevant chapters for the introductory psychology classes at my institution, which allowed us to successfully and easily adopt it. The clarity, expect in the Ch. What a great resource for students! The various numbered and named subtitles, along with the objectives of the section much like an advanced organizer, make it easy for students to follow the logical order of topics. The text is well organized in a way where students can navigate to different chapters based on the order that the instructor chooses to include them. It provides an excellent OER alternative to any standard textbook, without students having to worry about exorbitant fees, access codes, etc. Cite Sources | NC State University Libraries Open Access Textbooks I liked how there is a good flow of terms, explanations, and examples. Overall, students reported that only minor omissions in Psychology 2e compared to the other textbook. The text also includes coverage of the DSM-5 in examinations of psychological disorders. Her academic career has included positions at Quinnipiac University, Housatonic Community College, and Goodwin College. Enough info to make the point clearly, and integrated into the text instead of as a separate box, which I like. With one exception of Organizational Psychology, most chapters appeared in the exact order that other books would have listed them. I did not see any spelling or grammatical errors. Each chapter is broken up in the same way and language is consistent throughout. ), I will continue to use OpenStax, in both of my courses, because it covers enough topics well as an introductory textbook, and I appreciate the effort made to keep it a relevant and useful text, Reviewed by Beth Cooper, Senior Lecturer, University of Tennessee on 6/20/17, This book follows the standard format and content of all other intro psych books. In this textbook, the States of Consciousness chapter follows the Biopsychology chapter. I have used the text twice in a class of 270 and a class of 10. There is not too much jargon. If you are looking for depth of coverage--and honestly, most intro instructors are not--this book will be disappointing. Those types of course stories and examples can be easily updated. Very concise and to the point. In addition, this textbook has a chapter many others do no - Industrial Organizational Psychology. I did not favor the section on fundamental attribution error in the Social Psychology chapter. Concepts are explained in a way simple enough for most people to easily understand. The text is easily navigable online and in PDF format using hyperlink/bookmark navigation for each chapter and every major heading. I was completely wrong. Chapters are structured in similar ways, beginning with a relatable story or anecdote and leading logically from point to point, spending about a page on major points and half a page on subsections. (Publication Year). Some topics included: Validity of Scores on College Entrance Exams, Advertising, Cognitive Mapping and Studying. Given my praise for the modularity of this text, I would like to see a bit more inter-connectedness between chapters. The copyright date should be located there. Select the book you wish to cite. The simplicity with which this book is developed makes it an essential and effective pedagogical tool for the field of psychology. In general, the interface is extremely navigable. OpenStax. Dig Deeper title should bere located from top of page 132 to 133 The authors often wrote in a convoluted way that made it more difficult to grasp the concepts. I did feel like there was an imbalance in the types of diversity discussed. As a person who generally finds aesthetically-pleasing materials to be easier to digest, I especially appreciated consistency in the use of color, page organization, etc. Terms are easily found as they are in bold font. My students and I found no inconsistencies in terms of terminology and framework. Chapter 13: Industrial-Organizational Psychology, Chapter 14: Stress, Lifestyle, and Health. I find this text to be solid in its teaching and pedagogy. The authors incorporate up-to-date citations and examples in the textbook. The interface of this textbook, along with the comprehensiveness and content, is one of the strengths of this textbook that make it a standout compared to other introductory psychology texts. This research demonstrates the impact culture has on functional fixedness. One feature that might improve the reading experience would be the options for students to highlight and take notes as they are reading online. There is no mention of To be honest I was surprised by the comprehensiveness of this textbook. For example, in the social conformity section the author references the Martin and Bull, 2008 study on mid-wives to show that Milgram is relevant for today. Didn't really seem modular, but I don't like the modular approach so that is fine with me. Citing Textbooks and Images - LibGuides at Skyline College It covers the topics one would expect in an Introduction to Psychology course. Interface was clear of any disruption. It is impossible to cover everything, but I think this matches the material I have used in other General Psychology courses. 5 has, in at least two places, confusing diagrams of the eyeball. In all my years of teaching, this textbook was the first time that over half of my students completed the reading assignments in each chapter. These include things like functions of cerebral cortex, dreaming, opioid addiction. Microsoft Word - OpenStax Psychology2e Student Solutions Manual.docx The 16 chapters are further organized into subsections that are easy to understand. The flow from chapter to chapter is consistent. Organization is pretty good. The writing is clear and at an appropriate reading comprehension level for an undergraduate Introductory Psychology textbook. I took a couple of segments of the book and ran them through the reading statistics in Microsoft Word and they continually received a Flesch-Kincaid Grade level score of 9.5-11.0. I also appreciated the inductive approach to learning (i.e., provide an example, then define the concept) because I think it will help hook students as they read, most especially the students who need to be grounded before encountering technical details. It seemed like the sensitivity was kept as a high priority in this textbook, but maybe a little too much. Title of the textbook (Edition number ed.). The chapters were written in a way that made it easy for my students to approach the text in smaller chunks, taking breaks in between as needed. Chapter openers provide an engaging teaser about the chapter topic. The text includes many sections and provides many references to well-known figures in the field. Some of the images and charts are a little blurry in the physical textbook (our department ordered a physical textbook to evaluate differences between online and text versions). Myself and my students generally appreciated the organization of the text. Both used graphs and charts to illustrate. I also think the text is written in a way that will hold up over time. Many concepts were expanded or clarified, particularly through the judicious addition of detail and further explanation where necessary. For instance, "Gender identity refers to ones sense of being male or female" is a bit simplistic and reliant on the old-fashioned, binary model of gender. read more. The second edition contains detailed updates to address comments and suggestions from users. I have not encountered any instances of confusing wording or problems with grammatical style. Changes made in Psychology 2e are described in the preface to help instructors transition to the second edition. OpenStax is a little different from your typical e-textbook. The authors have attempted to bring in current information (approximately 20 references have been added from 2019-2020). Chapters covering Thinking and Intelligence, Personality, and Psychological Disorders are lengthier and have more than 6 subsections. The index is accessible, and key terms are defined at the end of each chapter. If you are looking for less traditional chapters, such as gender and human sexuality, you will not find those in this book, but should consider using supplemental material or incorporating these other topics throughout the chapters currently available in this book.

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