is odysseus a hero or villain

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Odysseus rashness comes into play again when the ship rolls past the Sirens and Odysseus demands that he listens to their song. These reasons alone leaves me, and should leave you, to believe that Odysseus is not heroic. Harried for years on end, after he plundered the stronghold on the proud height of Troy.(The Odyssey line 3). Odysseus represents what being a hero is actually all about. No person is perfect, and challenging the ideas of who a hero is reveals the illusion of perfection. He has no regard for anyones feelings but his own, and he believes nothing and no one can harm him, not even the gods. An epic hero struggles and is overwhelmed with difficulties. The mighty Odysseus is many, many things but he is no hero in my eyes. He leads his followers into lousy situations where many people were hurt. In the main character this realism must be found in his character, in Odyessues's case there is a great lack of actual muscular heroic action. Is Odysseus a hero or a villain? These are the hero archetype, the monster or villain archetype, and the hero's journey archetype. sword from my hip I went along his flank to stab him where the midriff, There is yet one more difference between Odysseus and the other two heroes which may help to find the reason why his tale does not end, Lizeth Marin Honors Introduction to Literature Period 3 18 April 2008 Odysseus: Hero or Villain? The villains that try to keep the hero from his quest are usually uglier, more evil, and more cunning than anyone we know in ordinary life. A hero accepts who he is as an individual, but strives to change himself for the better. Odysseus was a authentic persuasive speaker and genuinely intelligent. She never once gives up hope or falls to the temptation of other men despite the fact that dozens of them were living with her. Kalypso, Odysseus only cares about himself and his personal benefits, like a villain. Odysseus is another prominent example of a Homeric hero. Odysseus is a different type of hero to Achilles: his heroic qualities stem from his quick wit and clever tactics rather than brute strength in battle. Odysseus knows how loyal his crew is to him so, if one of them was to untie him they could have all ended up dead. Odysseus is in between. WebOdysseus is Not a Hero for the Modern Age Essay. He is not necessarily up against anything (Hydra is not Hercules' opponent but a task he has to complete). Although he earns the trust of his men while in Troy, he loses it on his perilous journey home. On Ithaca Odysseus never brags to the suitors and is able to enter his house with the Antinous and the other suitors knowing his real identity. That plan was to build a big wooden horse as a gift for the trojans, the trojans accepted it and brought it inside their village. You make my stiff heart know that I am yours. Penelope never once considered cheating on Odysseus so why couldnt Odysseus pay her the same courtesy. In addition to saving lives a hero should be humble, Odysseus does not fit that description, his hubris is as big as the moon. The book The Odyssey written by Homer reveals a story of a true hero. (19.542-43). So Athena is the real. Dexter Morgan. WebEvidence proves that Odysseus is a villain, because he tries to convince that he was kept unwillingly by Calypso. Another example that proves he is not a hero when he was acting selfish by sacrificing his crew men. Odysseus is a hero because of his selfless attempts in saving his crew members, and his intelligence and cunningness in difficult situations. Finally, Odysseus is home and after a long journey in which he shows no heroic actions and yet proves to be nothing but a villain, he once again proves throughout his actions that he is a villain. Odysseus, when it comes to his crew and family, is confident, compassionate, wise, and always knows a way to get out of any problem. A hero like this is not just found in modern society today, but in mythology as well. He believes he is always right and will do what he thinks is right, like a villain. He plays with the lives of his men and he is punished for it. He then spends the majority of the epic poem sitting in his tent while the war rages on and the Greeks begin to lose without him. Odysseus is thought of as a hero in the physical and spiritual sense because of his bravery while facing the many dangers of creatures, goddesses, and many other things for almost 20 years trying to get home to his wife and son. She came up with a ruse so she could stall having to remarry: Ruses served my turnwith honor. He tries to take shortcuts and as a result of this is men are killed and his boats destroyed. There was one obstacle where they fell Evidence proves that. Odysseus is no different from the common heroes we hear today. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2009., I will be writing a essay of the book The Odyssey written by the person Homer. Heroism is a concept that has evolved and will continue to evolve over time since it depends heavily on the values which each society covets. Academus CIC is a company registered England and Wales (Company No. Odysseus is not a hero because he was not humble or good at accepting the help that he received, and he also acted before synthesizing the consequences that he would face in the future. Because it contains so many and such striking adventures, some have called it an He may as well be on Americas most wanted list with all the trouble he was causing. A hero is someone who, in spite of weakness, doubt or not always knowing the answers, goes ahead and overcomes anyway and this shows the quality of a hero that the well-known hero, Odysseus, does not have. He proves then to be a villain by seeking his revenge for the suitors and maidservants that once betray him (696, summary). When Odysseus is on the journey to Ithaka, he neglects to let his crew know how long they will be staying on each island. Aeneas is closer to a modern hero, but he is still notably Roman in his motivations, which are removed from our own society. While he was extremely driven by one goal, getting back home to his family, he performed some not-so heroic deeds on his quest and once he arrived back in Ithaca. So those are just a few instances in the story where he shows compassion for his comrades and truly cares about them. WebOdysseus inherits many character traits that make a good hero, but the ones that truly outshine the rest are how Odysseus is very rational and has a very sharp intellect. Achilles heroism stems from his excellence in battle and not necessarily his own personal virtues. Odysseus is described as a god-like man. This reveals Odysseus is a villain because he reacts as if he was innocent and some way being betrayed by his own wife. Odysseus is not a hero because, he is foolish, lacks faithfulness and is consumed by his Hubris and selfishness. However most myths are in this way, there doesn't seem to be many relatable things in these stories but the overral moral connects to the reader making the myth more realistic. Odysseus goes through his life believing he is the best. Odysseus is sailing away from Cyclops Island and he is teasing Polyphemus about escaping. WebFrom Villain to Hero explores the reception of Odysseus in philosophy, a subject that so far has been treated only in tangential or limited ways. His motivations are not due to his own honour or to take revenge, but for the greater good of the world itself. There is many thing that can support this claim. Odysseus is able to see who is loyal and who is not and take his revenge with the suitors never knowing who, Odysseus is also disloyal to his wife who stayed faithful to him despite the circumstances. Some are very strong, some are very smart, some are very rich that they can afford to create gadgets to make them do unnatural things, like Batman and Iron Man. This is very poor leadership in the eyes of his crew members. In the epic poem, the Odyssey told by the one and only Homer, the brave, the godlike human, Odysseus is finding his way home after the big battle victory against the Trojans. He does not have any supernatural abilities unlike Achilles who is the son of a goddess and so has superhuman strength and speed. Another way in which Odysseus shows he is a villain is when he finally reunites with his wife Penelope and reacts with rage when she tests him. In "The Odyssey," written by Homer is an epic poem about a man named Odysseus and his crewmates competing against the power of the gods to return to their homeland, Ithaca. When Circe captured Odysseuss men he was advised not to save them by his best man, Eurylochus, however Against this advice, Odysseus rushes to save his men from the enchantress (Homer 1125). Another way Odysseus' quick-decision skills helps him is when he chooses to leave the island of the Lotous-eaters, because he realized his whole crew would have fell under the curse if he had stayed there. Another example of Odysseuss ignorance toward people is when Eurylochus tells him not to go onto Kirkes island because he knows the crew would be turned into swine. However, three stories of his show specific archetype proficiently and repeatedly. Odysseus goes through his life believing he is the best. Throughout his journey, he loses almost all of his men, but Odysseus finally arrives home, concluding his prolonged twenty-year voyage. He is on a quest for something of great value to him or his people. When on the beach in Phaeacia he confidently stalked as a mountain lion exultant in his power strides through wind and rain and his eyes blaze and he charges sheep or oxen or chases wild deer , and when he sees Nausicaa He launched in at once, endearing, sly and suave . The crew relies on their leader to be honest with them when it comes to situations such as these. Odysseus feels he is always the leader and no one can tell him otherwise. Penelope didnt need saving either. Odysseus is the spitting image of what an ancient Greek hero would be like but in todays society or just in general, Odysseus is not heroic. Crying is often seen as a weakness in a man, but this makes Odysseus more endearing as it reveals the labour of his love. Odysseus is a hero because he is a courageous leader, a quick thinker and a modest man. These statues usually period pieces from Italian or French masters such as Donatello or Praxiteles were always sculpting realistic visions of the Gods such as Hermes. Although they shouldn't commit them often only when it is absolutely necessary. Odysseus Homer was truly the precedent of works to follow from Greek tragedy to Virgils Aeneid, the influence of Homer on the ancient world was undeniable. When people think of a hero, they think of a tall, handsome, loyal, brave, and a type of man that could do no wrong. Odysseus defies the suitors and wins his wife and kingdom back. Odysseus, the crafty ruler of Ithaca is not a hero because of his lack of many important heroic qualities. In The Odyssey, Odysseus along with his men try to go back home to Ithaca but due to Odysseus nature, only he actually returns alive. The hero: In the plays The Odyssey, Oedipus Rex, and Antigone the heroes face torturous journeys that put their will power to the test. In The Odyssey, the hero is Odysseus, king of Ithaca. Odysseuss inability to think through his rash decisions and recognize the right choice over the honorable and selfish one makes him unfit to be a, In conclusion Odysseus is a true hero even though he was thoughtless, selfish and deceitful. Due to the many unfaithful and self-centered decisions he makes in the story, Odysseus is not a hero. Odysseus is also a master tactician whose complex plans save his crew and help him regain his crown. Odysseus is a hero because all he wants to do is go home and protect his family. In the epic poem, The Odyssey, by Homer, the main character Odysseus is a valiant king who embarks on a life-changing voyage. From Villain to Hero explores the reception of Odysseus in philosophy, a subject that so far has been treated only in tangential or limited ways. Finally, Odysseus is home and after a long journey in which he shows no heroic actions and yet proves to be nothing but a villain, he once again proves throughout his actions that he is a villain. Odysseus has these qualities and more. Then Odysseus threatened her. He not only slays all of the suitors but also the slave girls who slept with them, an act of violence that is morally abhorrent by modern standards. There is a lot of reasonings to both sides, he could be a hero because he was loyal to his homeland and men. However especially in the later books of the Aeneid which focus on war he is still seen accruing kleos by going on a killing spree, and partakes in considerable bloodshed and vengeance; notably, at the end of the Aeneid, he kills Turnus unnecessarily to seek revenge for the death of Pallas. They can be villains, scapegoats, damsels in distress, and the hero themself .

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