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During Genie's stay, Butler had the man she was dating move in with her, believing that authorities would view her pending foster application more favorably if she offered a two-parent home. katie standon [92][120][117] Around that time, when a minor earthquake struck Los Angeles, she ran frightened into the kitchen and rapidly verbalized to some of the cooks she had befriended, marking the first time she sought out comfort from another person and the first time she was so readily verbal. [291][5][162] The Riglers and Curtiss further stated that everyone involved in Genie's life, with the exception of Ruch, worked together as best they could to rehabilitate her and never fought with each other, and independently denied allegations of factionalism. [5][184][183], Shortly after Genie moved in, Marilyn taught her to direct her frustrations outward by generally "having a fit". Authorities then moved her into the first of what would become a series of institutions and foster homes for disabled adults, and the people running it cut her off from almost everyone she knew and subjected her to extreme physical and emotional abuse. [57] In February 1973 Curtiss recorded the first time she shared something with her, and while she continued to take things from other people her reactions when other people saw her doing so clearly indicated that she knew she was not supposed to. [4][12][17] A story by journalist Rory Carroll in The Guardian, published in July 2016, reported that she still lived in state care and that her brother died in 2011, and said that despite repeated efforts Curtiss had been unable to renew contact with her. [9][92] Because her existing medical records also contained no clear indications of mental disabilities researchers determined that, due to her extreme isolation and lack of exposure to language during childhood, she had not acquired a first language. [42][43] As a result, she learned to make as little sound as possible and to otherwise give no outward expressions. In her dissertation on Genie, Susan Curtiss alluded to knowledge of additional details regarding Genie's childhood, which she did not discuss. In his letter, published in the Times in mid-June 1993, he responded to what he said were major factual errors in Angier's review and gave his first public account of his involvement in Genie's case. This caused her to be late to walk, which researchers believed led her father to start speculating that she was mentally retarded. [248][10][208], In interviews and in several of their publications, the scientists acknowledged the influence that Jean Marc Gaspard Itard's work with Victor of Aveyron had on their research and testing. Posted on Mar 19th, 2023 in car accident on highway 169 todaycar accident on highway 169 today katie standon today 2020 Her husband continued to beat her and threatened to kill her if she attempted to contact her parents, close friends who lived nearby, or the police. Father is dead. Genie's father mostly grew up in orphanages in the American Pacific Northwest. After that, she paid attention to people even when they were not speaking directly to or about her. [92][208][209] In everyday conversations she typically spoke only in short utterances and inconsistently used what grammar she knew, although her use of grammar remained significantly better in imitation, and her conversational competence markedly improved during her stay but remained very low, which the scientists found unsurprising and suggested was evidence that the ability to engage in conversation was a separate skill from knowing language. Curtiss and Fromkin ultimately concluded that because Genie had not learned a first language before the critical period had ended, she was unable to fully acquire a language. [92][193][194] Her reactions to most stimuli became more rapid, but even by the end of her stay she sometimes took several minutes before giving a response to somebody. "[12][62][59], After Genie's father committed suicide, authorities and hospital staff exclusively focused on her and her mother; years later her brother said their mother soon began dedicating all of her love and attention to Genie, after which he left the Los Angeles area. Soon after turning 18, she returned to live with her mother, who decided after a few months that she could not adequately care for her. Her husband eventually relented, and later that day she left with Genie when he was out of the house to go to her parents' house in Monterey Park; Genie's brother, by then 18, had already run away from home and was living with friends. [9][93], Within a month after Genie's admission to the hospital, Jay Shurley, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the University of Oklahoma and a specialist in extreme social isolation, took an interest in her case. [9] The following month psychologists Jack Block and Jeanne Block evaluated her, and found her scores ranged from below a 2-to-3-year-old level to, on a few components, a normal 12-to-13-year-old level. Rigler acknowledged the proposed arrangement would clearly put him in a dual relationship with her, but the hospital and authorities decided that, in the absence of other adequate options, they would consent to make the Riglers her temporary foster parents. [68] A series of X-rays found that she had moderate coxa valga in both hips and an undersized rib cage, and her bone age was that of an 11-year-old. Her circumstances are prominently recorded in the annals of linguistics and abnormal child psychology. On one such test, she had no difficulty giving the correct meaning of sentences containing familiar homophones, demonstrating that her receptive comprehension was significantly better than her expressive language. Because he believed Genie was severely retarded he thought she needed him to protect her even further, and therefore decided to hide her existence as much as possible. [5][166] The extent, if any, to which the hospital influenced the decision is unclear. 150-95, katie standon today 2020. After being locked in a closet for 12 years, Katie is unable to speak or function properly in the outside world. With the attention Katie now receives, researchers and social workers from all over offer to help her -- but not all of them have entirely pure intentions, as some only seek to garner fame from her spotlight. They also continued to observe her in everyday conversations to gauge what pragmatics of language she acquired. [9][91][85] After observing her for some time they concluded that she was not selectively mute, and tests found no physiological or psychological explanation for her lack of language. [8][9][10], Authorities initially arranged for Genie's admission to the Children's Hospital Los Angeles, where a team of physicians and psychologists managed her care for several months. For these they primarily used tachistoscopic tests, and during 1974 and 1975 they also gave her a series of evoked response tests. [25][26] Three years later they had another son, who doctors described as healthy despite also having Rh incompatibility. [10][236][237], Linguists also administered several brain exams specifically intended to measure Genie's language comprehension. The real Katie Standon is an amazing person who has accomplished a lot in her life. Its Time to Finish the Job, Biden Tells Union Workers as He Starts [111], Around the same time doctors noted that Genie took pleasure in intentionally dropping or destroying small objects, and enjoyed watching someone else do the same to something she had been playing with. [242] In addition, throughout Genie's stay with the Riglers, they tested a variety of her brain functions and her performance on different tasks. The pediatrician said that, although her illness prevented a definitive diagnosis, there was a possibility that she was mentally retarded and that the brain dysfunction kernicterus might be present, further amplifying her father's conclusion that she was severely retarded. Many linguistics books have used Genie's case study as an example to illustrate principles of language acquisition, frequently citing it as support of Chomsky's hypothesis of language being innate to humans and of a modified version of Lenneberg's critical period hypothesis, and her work with Genie provided the impetus for several additional case studies. [5][74][172][173] They remained her primary caretakers throughout this time, but with the consent of her mother and psychologists, authorities designated John Miner as her uncompensated legal guardian in 1972. [5][152][160] Butler particularly seemed to dislike Kent and Curtiss, preventing both from visiting during the latter part of Genie's stay, and also had several disagreements with Rigler, although he later said their disputes were never as personal or as heated as she portrayed them. The scientists wrote that, while her overall demeanor and interactions with others had significantly improved, many aspects of her behavior remained characteristic of an unsocialized person. During this period, he almost always strapped her to a child's toilet or bound her in a crib with her arms and legs immobilized, forbade anyone from interacting with her, provided her with almost no stimulation of any kind, and left her severely malnourished. Her mother later recalled that she was not a cuddly baby, did not babble much, and resisted solid food. [5][98], In his first meeting with Genie, James Kent initially observed no reactions from her but eventually drew a small amount of nonverbal and verbal responsiveness with a small puppet. [221][220], Sometime during early to mid-1972, the Riglers overheard Genie saying, "Father hit big stick. At the time she learned to say, "May I have [example]," as a ritual phrase she was also learning how to use money, and Curtiss wrote that this phrase gave her the ability to ask for payment and fueled her desire to make money, causing her to take a more active role in performing activities which would lead to a reward. [90], Linguists later discerned that, in January 1971, Genie's receptive vocabulary only consisted of her own name, the names of a few other familiar people, and about 1520 individual words for names of objects, and her active vocabulary consisted of two phrases, "stop it" and "no more", both of which she treated as individual words. [265] According to author Russ Rymer, the suit was settled in 1984. [9][92][131] The two ABC News stories on Genie compared her case to the Fritzl case, which had recently come to public attention, especially pointing out similarities between her father and Josef Fritzl and noting the respective mental states of her and the three grandchildren Fritzl had kept captive upon entering into society. [4][5][6] The extent of her isolation prevented her from being exposed to any significant amount of speech, and as a result she did not acquire language during her childhood. [229] Sometime during mid-1972, Marilyn observed that a magazine picture of a wolf sent her into a terror, after which the Riglers asked her mother if she knew a possible cause for this reaction; she then informed them that her husband had acted like a dog to intimidate Genie, making the underlying reason for her fear apparent to the scientists for the first time. By December, she had good eyehand coordination and was much better at focusing her eyes. [92][155] Butler continued to observe and document Genie's hoarding, in particular noting that she collected and kept dozens of containers of liquid in her room. WebScreen Printing and Embroidery for clothing and accessories, as well as Technical Screenprinting, Overlays, and Labels for industrial and commercial applications Such an extreme level of asymmetry on these tests had previously only been documented in patients with either split-brain or who had undergone a hemispherectomy as an adult. Heres the latest. [9][92][206], Throughout linguists' testing, the size of Genie's vocabulary and the speed with which she expanded it continued to outstrip all anticipations. She measured significantly higher on tests which did not require language, such as the Leiter Scale, than on tests with any kind of language component, such as the verbal section of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children and the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test. [29][27] A medical appointment at three months showed that she was gaining weight normally but found a congenital hip dislocation, which required her to wear a highly restrictive Frejka splint from the age of .mw-parser-output .frac{white-space:nowrap}.mw-parser-output .frac .num,.mw-parser-output .frac .den{font-size:80%;line-height:0;vertical-align:super}.mw-parser-output .frac .den{vertical-align:sub}.mw-parser-output .sr-only{border:0;clip:rect(0,0,0,0);height:1px;margin:-1px;overflow:hidden;padding:0;position:absolute;width:1px}4+12 to 11 months.

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